New Member
Missing a gap pad is just a terrible design but what does that have anything to do with a cold motor? Or are you saying the motor housing being cold is caused potentially by a missing gap pad? That i agree with, thats why im hoping to get some pics to troubleshoot.sure, air is mostly a insulator, and on the TSDz2 motor, they found that there was a poor 'thermal path' for the heat to travel to the outside, as the hot bits, did not connect to the metal case well, in this case, the parts of the motor was over heating, as it could not dissapte the heat well, in this case of the TSDz2, it would thermal regulate its self.
After heatsinking pads was added. that came in contact with the case, the issue was fixed, not saying this is happening, just it might still be a possablity till we count out.