TQ hpr50 firmware updates


New Member
Aug 29, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
Update: Update successful...

I'm not exactly sure why it worked (eventually) but what seemed to do the trick was to have the dongle plugged into the computer and connected to the bicycle before the dealer service tool is started up.

I had tried again this AM by starting the service tool, plugging the dongle in, and then plugging into the bike - same result - in fact, on the main dashboard, all of the squares that show the firmware of each component were showing blank (or n/a - can't recall and I didn't get a screen grab).

I shut the software down and hopped into the dealer portal to see if there was an update to the DST - but the installer just asked me if I wanted to uninstall. So - I just re-launched the DST and voila! All the dashboard info was populated, and the "Software Update available" button was active. The update went smoothly from there.


New Member
Feb 16, 2024
Has anyone who has installed the new firmware noticed any changes that relates to the "improved power supply at lower battery levels" bulletpoint from the release notes?

Just wondering what this actually is, was thinking they might have reduced the point when the battery goes into low power mode from 10% to 5% or something?

I've updated the bike but haven't had a chance to ride it yet.
It looks a bit changed in power performance in battery level below than 30%


May 15, 2023
I have the dongle on order. How does an individual gain access to the Dealer Service Tool, or is there another option for downloading firmware updates?


Aug 3, 2020
I have the dongle on order. How does an individual gain access to the Dealer Service Tool, or is there another option for downloading firmware updates?
You need to register as a dealer on the tq website


New Member
Aug 29, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
Hello, my question is to update the range extender, it has to be connected to the bike and the dongle to the range extender input
You just connect the dongle to the range extender battery directly.

Basta conectar o dongle diretamente à bateria do extensor de alcance.

- Will


Oct 24, 2023
Olá, fiz a última atualização de firmware, deu tudo certo, mas no aplicativo, quando ligo a moto, só vejo informações da bateria, não consigo fazer ajustes no motor e outras funções, alguém já teve esse problema, obrigado


Oct 24, 2023
Olá, fiz a última atualização de firmware, deu tudo certo, mas no aplicativo, quando ligo a moto, só vejo informações da bateria, não consigo fazer configurações no motor e outras funções, alguém já teve esse problema, obrigado
Consegui resolver o problema desemparelhando o Bluetooth e emparelhando novamente desde o início


New Member
Feb 6, 2024
After the latest update I needed to uninstall the tq app and unpair the bike from Bluetooth.
Only after this and a fresh install did the bike connect to the app.
I do see now all the battery info, like charge cycles.
Charging time also seems to improve significantly


New Member
May 27, 2024
New zealand
Does this look right ? Thought these were 580 batteries. Have I got 11% deg already ?


Aug 3, 2020
Does this look right ? Thought these were 580 batteries. Have I got 11% deg already ? View attachment 152635
It's the remaining capacity that shows how much of your initial 580wh you have left. Check the specs as published by tq in the battery manual for the stated rated capacity, it say the 580 wh battery should have 11.12ah,but your screenshot shows 10.9ah,which means your battery appears to be down by about 2%.

The remaining power capability (550w in your screenshot) is the peak power the battery can supply (in watts), and is not to be confused with Capacity which is measured in watt hours (wh) or amp hours (ah)


Active member
Nov 29, 2023
Here mine for comparison, that said I did not do any full cycle yet - so far I stayed by luck above 50% - current screenshot relate to a 67% charged battery.



Aug 3, 2020
Thanks. Means I'm at 10% after 1 year and 4000km
The docs state to expect 3% after 200charge/discharge cycles.

One ofmy batteries has lost just over 5% in about 50 cycles. The other is showing 6.3ah.

My range extender is showing an even bigger loss of capacity.
I'm not sure why tq are showing those stats in the app, it's surely going to lead to a load of people claiming their batteries failed prematurely?
Specs for the 360wh battery below.



New Member
Jan 4, 2025
Surrey, UK
Hi & Happy New Year everyone,

I own a Trek Fuel eXE with the TQ HPR50 motor & have recently taken the bike into my nearest Trek dealer to have the firmware updated.
The dealer is unable (& does not know how) to update the TQ HPR range extender - they have updated the motor, display & battery but are not able to update the range extender firmware.
They have tried updating the bike with the range extender connected but apparently need to disconnect it to process the update & have also tried plugging just the range extender into the diagnostic/update cable without any success.

I have the latest TQ App & it does not seem to recognise the range extender - when in use on the bike the switch between range extender & battery now causes the motor assist to be totally turned off, rather than previously when there was just a short pause in assist with the current assist mode being retained.

The dealer has left it with me to solve the problem (rather than taking it up with TQ themselves) - does anyone have experience of this issue & know how I could update the range extender firmware?
I assumed it would be just a case of plugging in the range extender directly & updating, so not sure if the dealer is doing something incorrectly, as they do not seem to be very knowlegable on the firmware side of things!

Attached screenshot of the TQ app showing the new/current firmware on my bike.

Thanks for your help.

TQ App.jpg


Aug 3, 2020
Hi & Happy New Year everyone,

I own a Trek Fuel eXE with the TQ HPR50 motor & have recently taken the bike into my nearest Trek dealer to have the firmware updated.
The dealer is unable (& does not know how) to update the TQ HPR range extender - they have updated the motor, display & battery but are not able to update the range extender firmware.
They have tried updating the bike with the range extender connected but apparently need to disconnect it to process the update & have also tried plugging just the range extender into the diagnostic/update cable without any success.

I have the latest TQ App & it does not seem to recognise the range extender - when in use on the bike the switch between range extender & battery now causes the motor assist to be totally turned off, rather than previously when there was just a short pause in assist with the current assist mode being retained.

The dealer has left it with me to solve the problem (rather than taking it up with TQ themselves) - does anyone have experience of this issue & know how I could update the range extender firmware?
I assumed it would be just a case of plugging in the range extender directly & updating, so not sure if the dealer is doing something incorrectly, as they do not seem to be very knowlegable on the firmware side of things!

Attached screenshot of the TQ app showing the new/current firmware on my bike.

Thanks for your help.

View attachment 152671
I've updated the firmware of the range extender , you just leave the range extender connected to the bike (as normal via the charge port) and plug the tq service dongle into the range extender.

The tq software then detects all the components (screen, motor, main battery and range extender) and updates them one at a time, it takes a few minutes and is v easy.

I'd try a different dealer, your current one sound as useless as mine.
Last edited:


Active member
Nov 29, 2023
What is sure is that if the version are not somehow aligned the extender cannot be found as per doc.

Honestly, I know this might be a hard pill but I bought the dongle and got the account/software on my own, you are really better of doing it at home with time and test & tries vs a shop.

Canyon Shawn

Active member
Feb 4, 2023
Lake Sherwood, California
Hi & Happy New Year everyone,

I own a Trek Fuel eXE with the TQ HPR50 motor & have recently taken the bike into my nearest Trek dealer to have the firmware updated.
The dealer is unable (& does not know how) to update the TQ HPR range extender - they have updated the motor, display & battery but are not able to update the range extender firmware.
They have tried updating the bike with the range extender connected but apparently need to disconnect it to process the update & have also tried plugging just the range extender into the diagnostic/update cable without any success.

I have the latest TQ App & it does not seem to recognise the range extender - when in use on the bike the switch between range extender & battery now causes the motor assist to be totally turned off, rather than previously when there was just a short pause in assist with the current assist mode being retained.

The dealer has left it with me to solve the problem (rather than taking it up with TQ themselves) - does anyone have experience of this issue & know how I could update the range extender firmware?
I assumed it would be just a case of plugging in the range extender directly & updating, so not sure if the dealer is doing something incorrectly, as they do not seem to be very knowlegable on the firmware side of things!

Attached screenshot of the TQ app showing the new/current firmware on my bike.

Thanks for your help.

View attachment 152671

Leave your bike with the dealer and tell them to get off their ass, contact Trek/TQ and to call you when it’s updated. It’s really disappointing and unacceptable that they leave it for you to figure out.


New Member
Jan 4, 2025
Surrey, UK
Thanks for the responses - it's sounds like it should be as easy as I thought then & something that I could easily sort myself if I had the dongle.
I would have pushed the dealer harder & maybe left the bike, but need/want to keep riding & they were not giving me a lot of confidence that it would get sorted - which I know shouldn't be the case!
Thanks again.

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