It is available from every well-stocked car accessories store
To insulate the engine cover and bash-guard did make a difference on my M600 with steel gears.
Geräuschdämpfung M 600
I wanted to install the motor in my LCES 1075 frame last Sunday, but found that it would not fit without modifications to the frame. The mounting points are identical, but the case is thicker than the M600 in one place. And while I'm at it, I mount the speed sensor on the brake disc and route...
Got 48V firmware this morning and installed it with no problems 🥵
You can order it with or without thumb gas and with or without brake sensors. didn't want both, then the wiring harness doesn't have any unnecessary plugs
I order from here:
Nicole from Mayebikes ask BAFANG on monday to send me the 48V firmware.
I had selected 48v when ordering and was only asked for wheel-size and thumb throttle. But I think the power output stays the same because the 48v motor has lower amperage.
Hallo Dave,
unfortunately I habe no more pictures from the Batterie building.
I always soldered 3 cells together in parallel and then connected to the next block in series. I put the blocks together and connected them laterally with the help of the soldering tag