@PaoloBLEvo just for clarity is the idea of smart power to continue to still use three modes or just to leave it in one like automatic gearbox?
Could you share a screenshot of your Smart Power setup?@PaoloBLEvo , tested Smart Power again yesterday. Still great performance. One Issue I recognized was that when Smart Power is increasing the assistance this is done very quickly and by a big move, e.g. from 9% straight to 15%. Decreasing is done in steps. Can I make this more smoothly? And where can I activate the Smart Boost function? I can read about this in the help section of Smart Power.
Second question: Can I combine Smart Power with Smart HR? When I'm riding uphill trails, Rider power is usually above the threshold. HR above 140 or 150. When having a small piece with less watt input needed Smart Power is decreasing assistance. HR is still above 140 or 150. As I want to have that piece of ride to use for recovery, can I use Smart HR with 140 or 150?
In order to have a down decresing smoothly you can select "Auto very soft".
Seems that the android version is much more advanced.
Have to look for a cheap android phone just for blevo it seems![]()
This is the reason why it is better to "invest" on a low cost Android..I just bought Sony Experia z3 compact for BLevo for 60euros. And it has IP68.
Main reason is that i managed to drop my iPhone8 yesterday from Quadlock. Luckily phone didn't got any damage.
The Auto soft and Auto fast are hidden in the "reactivity" selection...Paolo, I am having problems finding this menu page on the iOS app version which allows you to set the Auto Fast setting and Auto Soft setting. On the Android version I finally found it using the android menu button, but having trouble finding it on iOS. My wife and I love the functionality of the app but getting around the settings still a little challenging. Have you done an English manual update since the one you released in June? I know you stay busy with the code, we appreciate it! Thanks
Paolo, two more questions and I will wait for the iOS manual update.
I prefer the older display on the iOS BLevo app before the update (maybe I'm just used to it), please tell me where the display page is on the iOS app so I can change from the new display to the default one, the one I had used before the update.
Also, a new dialog box pops up at the start urging me to set the GPS on Always, instead of while the App is active. Not sure why I would want my GPS running on my phone always when I'm not using the app, or riding, most of the day. Seems this would adversely effect my phone's battery.
Thanks again!
Why you like previous display?
The GPS is required to be set to Always, otherwise the app will not record the complete GPS route if you lock the screen.
The GPS is active only if the bike monitor is active. If not, the GPS is not used so the battery is safe.
I have the same problem , like around 10-15% shorter distance in BLEvo compared with Garmin or Apple Watch.Phone is always on the bar, with Quadlock. Km is calculated with gps. Gps does this always with BLevo, dropping of constantly.
Phone is iPhone8. There's no this problem with Mission Control.
View attachment 4258
Please try the latest release (2.7.1)and let me know..I have the same problem , like around 10-15% shorter distance in BLEvo compared with Garmin or Apple Watch.
I have the same problem , like around 10-15% shorter distance in BLEvo compared with Garmin or Apple Watch.
Still dropping off gps. Tested this morning. Didn’t compare with Strava but gps was dropping off several times on my way to work.Please try the latest release (2.7.1)and let me know..
Why you like previous display?
The GPS is required to be set to Always, otherwise the app will not record the complete GPS route if you lock the screen.
The GPS is active only if the bike monitor is active. If not, the GPS is not used so the battery is safe.
I will admit that I may have not given the new display enough time riding, but in my opinion, the original display showed me more fields that I was exploring while learning to use the BLEvo app without the initial and future manual updates. Is it possible that the iOS version does not allow the display customization like the Android version does? Just looking at possibly customizing the data fields.like I can on the Android version, but unable to find the display option on iOS. Still love the app and functionality, will put more time in today on the new display. Thanks!
Thanks for the report...@PaoloBLEvo - I hoping it's of help but as below, the screen is not formatted correctly on iPhone X - not sure if it's related/relevant but I'm running iOS 12 Beta 10
Also, a nice to have would be Ascent in Feet (on the display) when using Miles (noting the data output is in Feet - which is good)
View attachment 4424
Mornings PaoloThanks for the report...
I will check and update as soon as possible..
I will add the burned calories.. for now the Apple Watch cannot be used for heart monitor.. may be in the future.I bought this, bike too new to me and just did my first ride, with mission control and noticed I can’t figure out how many calories I burned. I already had BLEvo, but am using iPhone 7 for display. Also have Apple Watch, is the heart rate monitor going to work via the watch? Also if I already have a ride saved can I export to BLEvo and see calculated statistics.
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