Who's had COVID?

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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
There was a question? I must have missed after you posted a video of Rik Mayall to prop up your depopulation claim 🤪 🤪 🤪

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're recovering but you are objectively so far down the rabbit hole of beyond reason hogwash that supposing a rational reason and evidence based conversation can be had with you is hilarious but crack on lad, it's all good.


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018


Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
There was a question? I must have missed after you posted a video of Rik Mayall to prop up your depopulation claim 🤪 🤪 🤪

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're recovering but you are objectively so far down the rabbit hole of beyond reason hogwash that supposing a rational reason and evidence based conversation can be had with you is hilarious but crack on lad, it's all good.

I’m glad sarcasm isn’t wasted on you 😛

Btw It doesn’t matter to me what you do, I hope you stay lucky ofc but people like your good self are being subjected to a lot of scaremongering and then attacking other people which really isn’t of a benefit to you or others. Your so far down that hole you can’t even digest what others here have told you about the devastating impacts of the vaccine; like deaths etc….?

I could post stuff here that would scare the life out of you but what’s the point? There’s a whole other side to this your not seeing….

End of the day, your a guy with a bike, that’s cool, what’s not cool is being a guy with a bike thinking his way is the only way and the ‘opposition’ are somehow your enemy….it’s abit autocratic really…..we have bikes too 🙂

If you still really think vaccines are cool great, get more of that shit injected into your system but don’t expect everyone to follow your lead with the sheer volume of reasons not to; some ( a lot ) can make their own minds up.

I won’t post the grim heartbreaking stuff I’ve seen but here’s one that at least relates to the mtb world, such a shame as he was a great YouTuber with big plans, fingers crossed he fully recovers……from vaccine!



Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
15 side effects? Pah! Amateur! Have you checked the list of known side effects for aspirin?

You’re comparing Asprin side effects to the Jabs? What a LEGEND! 🤣

I’d not take Asprin or NSAIDs unless I really had too either but comparing x vs y is nonsense…there are zero long term studies. I hope that’s not a rational anyone actually used in justifying a jab Jesus wept….

VigiAccess (the WHO global database of reported potential side effects of medicinal products.)

enter covid-19 vaccine and have a look at the 2.3 million reported injuries by this site. If there is only 10% actually reported (from what I gather) then that would mean 23 million injuries but let’s dismiss this as pure bollocks 🙂

there’s over 100 side effects maybe 200 (too many to count), 12k deaths by this one database alone (under general)

Bit different to 15 side effects mentioned I think, and that list is ever growing too!🧐.

There’s also the yellow card reports by the uk government which also raises an eye brow…..

I’m not anti vax btw, for it’s original purpose of protecting that 1% that might not recover it’s a cracking idea


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Macro statistics is always difficult to grasp. Using the figures a bove 2.3m injuries out of a vaxxed population of 6920 million is 0.03 %. Assuming only a percentage of those injuries were permanent/untreatable/serious , that needs to be compared to the likely death toll amongst that 6920 million if they were not vaxxed. Nothing in life is risk free unfortunately, but then if it were.........it would not be life really!

The big objective here apart from the shorter term one of saving lifes, is to eradicate the virus. The virus only thrives by finding new hosts. If the vaccines can reduce the ability of the virus to thrive we can all look forward to either no virus or one that is reduced in potency to something like the common cold virus.

I respect people's liberty to make their own decisions but at the same time those that do not get vaccinated should in my view do all they can to prevent becoming infected. That way they contribute to the greater goal of virus eradication.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
If you still really think vaccines are cool great, get more of that shit injected into your system
Uh huh. An enlightened mind speaks.

I won’t post the grim heartbreaking stuff I’ve seen but here’s one

You fall time & time again into the trap of offering anecdote as data. It isn't. It never will be & it's a massive indicator of the failure of your view.

I had Covid, I took Ivortheengine, I'm better, therefore Covid is fake.

Turbocharged Narnia level hooey. Our colleague here offers an uncomfortable (for you anyway) truth, yet I just know that in the unlikely event you engage with this, that you will, like all anti vax shills, slide right on to some or other easily disabused counter argument, such as data, efficacy, won't somebody think of the children? etc. etc. blah blah.

Just googled current vaccination stats. 6.92 billion given. For those not good at maths, that is 6920 million doses given. Seems pretty safe so far.

people like your good self are being subjected to a lot of scaremongering
In psychology, this is called projection. The key to escaping is self awareness...

In life, you get to choose your friends. This is one of yours.

Still, at least her son isn't taken in.

So's this knob & He'll play you for cash.



Active member
Feb 5, 2021
I had it Dec 2020 and it took me down for 3 weeks. My oxygen levels were terrible in the months to follow. Definitely take note of you o2 levels when you start exercising again. I had "smurf feet" after my first attempt at riding. My oxygen levels were so poor that my feet turned blue. To date, 10 months afterwards my heart rate still seems to be elevated by about 15-20 bpm over my pre-covid average. Since covid I've lost 25 pounds and am in better shape the prior but my bpm just won't settle down on rides. Praying you heal up fully, and are not limited in life afterwards.

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