Who's had COVID?

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Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
smell went
I bet he Mrs was happy you didn't smell anymore.

A friend who's double vaxed and VERY fit has just been through three weeks of hell .

Don't ! It's anti parasitical .. Fine if you live in Japan and eat lots of raw fish and don't want worms all the time .. or you're a horse. I don't think you're either.

Just give yourself a kick in the Dick with your coil suspension. The kick is far less then far more painful than kicking yourself in the nuts with a poxy air shock :)


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
How you feeling now matey, hope you and family are getting through things okay!

Im on day 8, not vaxd, don’t believe that makes a difference either way, plenty are very ill whatever decisions their making, I just hope everyone gets through it okay as it’s the most cowardly virus ive stumbled across so far!

Day 1 was just feeling man flu, I wanted to go night riding but had to say no!

Day 2 in bed until 3pm, zonked! Still even slept at night even though I was an absolute sweaty mess!

Day 3-4 tons of aches and pains, it hunts the weak areas like slipped discs or injuriesand sets them ablaze as though they just happened!

Day 5 smell went, thats when I realised it was covid!!

Day 6 chronic back pain again

Day 7-8 back pain and general unwel feeling, best way I can describe is feeling like you have high blood pressure a lot

Ive started taking ivermectin and a battery of vitimins etc, I have some doxycycline should the lungs go south but getting any help of uk gps about this stuff is a most impossible, he just laughed at me earlier on the phone giving it ‘Carl, you have Covid, I’m amazed your even discussing other things like back surgery/injections xyz’…..he didn’t discount the drugs I have though

one of the kids has it, she’s totally solid zero symptoms ores remarkable, other one hasn’t caught it again, remarkable! My other half seems like she hasn’t got it either

all I want to do is get out on the bike :), I can’t see a recovery from this thing in hurry or that the process is only temporary days!

someone please go give covid a big kick in the dick for me!
I respect your choice not to get vaxxed but continuing to believe it makes no difference is to ignore one of the only statistics a bout Covid that is pretty much clear. The rate of infection is still high but the number of people requiring hospitilisation is drastically reduced. I hope your infection does not worsen to the extent you need hospital support.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Yup .. I'll take some sh1t I saw on facebook promoted by a bunch of clueless self promoting want the world to fail for the next round of bad news cave dwellers. But won't take a vaccine which has been developed to help - though I'll gladly take all the other vaccines prescribed in history so I don't loose a leg, life, child, my willy....

And you really should be self isolating in the house if you have Covid whilst making cool armour and indoor suspension videos ! (y)

Remember, despite what the total knobs say, wifi and 5g don't actually spread covid and most STD's aren't transmitted through drinking from a dirty glass - it's what you do afterwards.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2019
Taking ivermectin but not the vaccine is indicative of nothing good. Will we ever be free of this bloody virus while people continue to fall for misinformation so readily?
The premier scientific journal Nature (which has everything to loose by publishing anything other than the highest quality science) has recently published a letter about the fraudulent science that has fuelled the Ivermectin hysteria that has sadly consumed some parts of the world (South Am for example) where doses meant for 500kg horses with worms have lead to financially costly false hope at best and severe, sometimes lethal, side effects at worst The lesson of ivermectin: meta-analyses based on summary data alone are inherently unreliable - Nature Medicine
And the BBC have done better than its usual unconfident appeasing self by publishing a short piece that puts this in more accessible language Ivermectin: How false science created a Covid 'miracle' drug
Lastly, I sincerely hope that anybody unwell with anything, including Covid, feels better as soon as possible - nobody deserves to suffer and nobody deserves to be unwell.
And nobody deserves to be led up the garden path….


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
And nobody deserves to be led up the garden path….
Horses like to be led up the garden path. Especially to the lawn. They also appreciate Ivermectin.

Anyway, everyone knows that burning your pubic hair off with a cigarette lighter works way better and also makes far better youtube content.


Oct 1, 2019
Ivermectin is used as a human medicine but as yet not approved for helping Covid , there are trials going on atm so Carl what doses are you taking ?
You'll most probably get over this naturally anyway so posting you’re taking a non tested drug is not really being responsible !
I’m double jabbed and caught it last month , felt achy that lasted a couple of days then lost smell/tastes for 3 weeks . Everything smelt like burnt sticky coffee and was quite emotional when I sniffed a fart ( my own ) !


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Aug 14, 2019
How you feeling now matey, hope you and family are getting through things okay!

Im on day 8, not vaxd, don’t believe that makes a difference either way, plenty are very ill whatever decisions their making, I just hope everyone gets through it okay as it’s the most cowardly virus ive stumbled across so far!

Day 1 was just feeling man flu, I wanted to go night riding but had to say no!

Day 2 in bed until 3pm, zonked! Still even slept at night even though I was an absolute sweaty mess!

Day 3-4 tons of aches and pains, it hunts the weak areas like slipped discs or injuries and sets them ablaze as though they just happened!

Day 5 smell went, thats when I realised it was covid!!

Day 6 chronic back pain again

Day 7-8 back pain and general unwel feeling, best way I can describe is feeling like you have high blood pressure a lot

Ive started taking ivermectin and a battery of vitimins etc, I have some doxycycline should the lungs go south but getting any help of uk gps about this stuff is a most impossible, he just laughed at me earlier on the phone giving it ‘Carl, you have Covid, I’m amazed your even discussing other things like back surgery/injections xyz’…..he didn’t discount the drugs I have though

one of the kids has it, she’s totally solid zero symptoms ores remarkable, other one hasn’t caught it again, remarkable! My other half seems like she hasn’t got it either

all I want to do is get out on the bike :), I can’t see a recovery from this thing in hurry or that the process is only temporary days!

someone please go give covid a big kick in the dick for me!

glad to say I'm pretty much over it. Your experience sounds similar to mine. After the fever, aching and headache in the first week, I was just left feeling fatigued and a bit breathless in week two. Week three now, back in work , been swimming a few times, and did a short ride a few days ago. my taste is slowly coming back , but still can hardly smell anything. Lungs not at full capacity, but otherwise all good. Every day makes a difference.

There is light at the end of the tunnel! The first week is worst. My kids shrugged it off after about 3 days.
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Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
I bet he Mrs was happy you didn't smell anymore.

A friend who's double vaxed and VERY fit has just been through three weeks of hell .

Don't ! It's anti parasitical .. Fine if you live in Japan and eat lots of raw fish and don't want worms all the time .. or you're a horse. I don't think you're either.

Just give yourself a kick in the Dick with your coil suspension. The kick is far less then far more painful than kicking yourself in the nuts with a poxy air shock :)

wait….I’m not a horse 🐴……?? Neigh chance I’m believe this!

I still smell sadly…..I think at least hard to tel at the moment 😃
Taking ivermectin but not the vaccine is indicative of nothing good. Will we ever be free of this bloody virus while people continue to fall for misinformation so readily?

It’s not off the daily tinfoil times but off a friends example, on day 13 she was dying she felt until she desperately started on Ivermectin and within days she was doing totally fine again, true story and not an isolated one, you won’t learn if it’s actually any use because if media’s your only goto then it will be swept under the rug somewhere.

So given the nhs has nothing whatsoever to offer me, I’ve gone for this option, the human dose one too, it’s 5 tablets over 5 days. I’m not going to die or develop…..wait a horse cock, I was about to say that but maybe not too bad, that said it’s cheap penis reduction surgery potentially! 😃
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Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
Ivermectin is used as a human medicine but as yet not approved for helping Covid , there are trials going on atm so Carl what doses are you taking ?
You'll most probably get over this naturally anyway so posting you’re taking a non tested drug is not really being responsible !
I’m double jabbed and caught it last month , felt achy that lasted a couple of days then lost smell/tastes for 3 weeks . Everything smelt like burnt sticky coffee and was quite emotional when I sniffed a fart ( my own ) !

So your saying if I smell one of your farts it will fix my smell? 😃 glad your over it

see your think the jabs would prevent the smell/taste stuff from happening at least, what’s the actual benefit?

my dad caught it early, unfit and fat just a sore back for him and the smell thing but otherwise fine, same as my mum, I know all I know are good luck stories without anything to scare me much so I’ll count my blessing for now.

12mg is the dose, thanks, I do agree I probably don’t need it, trouble is from what I read is it’s pointless taking after your lungs get impacted so it needs to happen before then


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
t’s not off the daily tinfoil times but off a friends example, on day 13 she was dying until she desperately started on Ivermectin and within days she was doing totally fine again, true story and not an isolated one, you won’t learn if it’s actually any use because if media’s your only goto then it will be swept under the rug somewhere.

So given the nhs has nothing whatsoever to offer me, I’ve gone for this option, the human dose one too, it’s 5 tablets over 5 days. I’m not going to die or develop…..wait a horse cock, I was about to say that but maybe not too bad, that said it’s cheap penis reduction surgery potentially! 😃
When you say the NHS can't help you, do you mean you're unable to take the vaccine for some reason or just unwilling because Bill Gates/5G/The great reset/some other wibble?

I'm glad your friend recovered but a couple of points - correlation isn't causation & the plural of data isn't anecdote. You cannot reasonably deduce the effectiveness of a treatment based on one or a handful of cases. This is the reason vaccine trials for example, involve thousands of volunteers.

And glib ill defined hand waving about 'the media' is not the body slam you think it is either but since we're discussing the media, here's an excellent investigation into how taking Ivermectin is both a waste of money & a risk in the face of a viral pandemic. Get well soon.



Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
When you say the NHS can't help you, do you mean you're unable to take the vaccine for some reason or just unwilling because Bill Gates/5G/The great reset/some other wibble?

I'm glad your friend recovered but a couple of points - correlation isn't causation & the plural of data isn't anecdote. You cannot reasonably deduce the effectiveness of a treatment based on one or a handful of cases. This is the reason vaccine trials for example, involve thousands of volunteers.

And glib ill defined hand waving about 'the media' is not the body slam you think it is either but since we're discussing the media, here's an excellent investigation into how taking Ivermectin is both a waste of money & a risk in the face of a viral pandemic. Get well soon.

I don’t want to really get into the anti x and pro y debate, it’s been done to death but since theirs a little ridiculing I’ll stick a penny’s worth back in there….

vs what other countries offer is what I mean re NHS, they seem much more on top of things, UK it’s very much once your in hospital you then get access to some stuff my GP told me earlier! I was asking what smarties I could pop to prevent long covid, my bikes too expensive to not ride 😃, sadly nothing on offer.

I mean 2 years and there’s no treatment, don’t pretend the jab is one either, people end up with long covid regardless unless you’ve missed this?

seems the only ones ridiculing anything are those wanting to justify their own decision, yet won’t accept they don’t know the long term implications of such a decision but are quick to champion it, yet would never do the unthinkable and let the kids have it? No one can preach which way is the right one, we simply don’t have crystal balls so let’s stop acting like we do.

Hell we only need to look back a few years at the swine flue which got recalled due to it causing narcolepsy, that too was a miracle experimental vaccine.

it’s curious too given one vaccine was already aborted due to its high risk, yet it’s good to jump into the next one like nothing bad happened? 🤨

The inception phase was designed around 1% vulnerable only so it’s interesting how we all think a blood clotting capillary damaging injection is a useful thing for the fit and healthy who can fight it off and end up with natural immunity. I favour that over multiple capillary damaging jabs, personal choice.

leaders have been caught out for corruption, they created bogus contracts like the test and trace app for 38 billion which no one uses and we’re pretty much going down the whole social engineering points system route and happily abiding too, just smells bad, even I can smell this :)

Now inject me with something that stops the disease, prevents spread, stops death, I’ll sign up but doesn’t exist yet sadly, some sadly are also more at risk with a jab than they are covid itself

Ever since I hit that tree, the world has gone to shit, maybe I need go back there and hit it again or something, appease the mtb gods etc :)


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
We are almost certain of when and whom infected me with Covid 19.
A Xmas dinner in 2019 while I was seated across from a guest, who I barely knew. Shortly into the dinner I realized this person was sick. A cold or flu I thought at the time.
Almost 2 weeks later, early January, my symptoms began. 2 week’s later my wife’s symptoms began. I did the serious Covid dance for 3 months. Chills, smells, lung infection and who knows what else.…I didn’t care at the time. Her symptoms were not as serious as mine thank goodness.
There is a test available which would tell us if we developed antibodies but it’s costly. The vaccine, when it was released, was free. My Wife, who is a Nurse for 33years, took the vaccine a few weeks be me.
She lives the Covid numbers every day. New numbers of infected and how many deaths. She is pivotal in Public Health by helping with new Covid policies for our area (British Columbia). Her nurses and staff are stressed. Her hours continue to be long. Her passion is evident. I can only do my part and listen, and take the vaccine.


Active member
Nov 23, 2020
USA Seattle WA
Wait, the covid still exists? 2 years ago they said it will take just 2 weeks to go back to normal. I don't know if I had it, after 2 weeks it started I went back to normal.

Interesting fact - the first official case of covid in the USA was registered here in Seattle. An Amazon employee who worked in Amazon building right next to my work office had it. The whole Amazon building was quarantined after this case.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2020
Adelaide, Australia
I know everyone OS is pointing and laughing as Australia at the moment due to what appears to be our excessively long lockdowns

But where I live in South Australia these are these current stats

For a population of 1.8 million it's pretty bloody good with very few restrictions other than travel to other states and overseas

This big debate currently how we open up and accept that cases and deaths will rise sharply

Hoping to get to min 80% hopefully 90% double dosed before we do



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
I know everyone OS is pointing and laughing as Australia at the moment due to what appears to be our excessively long lockdowns

But where I live in South Australia these are these current stats

For a population of 1.8 million it's pretty bloody good with very few restrictions other than travel to other states and overseas

This big debate currently how we open up and accept that cases and deaths will rise sharply

Hoping to get to min 80% hopefully 90% double dosed before we do

View attachment 73813

Sadly, the "not a race" has a strange course , with us early adopters who jumped at the chance of vaccines in March now wondering about the logic - waiting for the final 25% to pull their collective fingers out of their orifices , whilst the same early adopters research how long their vaccine is effective for ...waiting for ATAGA to make a call on boosters rather than "3rd doses" for the immunocompromised :(

Written from a victorian computer :(


Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
There is no debate really. The UK has given north of 94 million vaccines doses without seeing bodies pile up, you're taking horse de-worming pills. I wish you a speedy recovery all the same.

Is it better to beat covid with or without a vaccine?

Can you criticise anyone taking anything other than a vaccine, it could literally be the most toxic thing on planet earth! (Checked the ingredients?)

ps my smells come back 2 days since the other thing, maybe coincidence.



Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
Can you criticise anyone taking anything other than a vaccine, it could literally be the most toxic thing on planet earth! (Checked the ingredients?)
Actually yes, I have. The ingredients are easy to find on the web. Singletrackworld have a forum member actually involved in vaccine development so if you really wAnT tO dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh you could start by reading what he has to say rather than some tinfoil hat wearing retard on Arsebook.
Of course, as he was awarded an OBE for his work on a COVID vaccine he’s probably a government shill and not to be trusted. 🙄

I can’t decide if I’m impressed or disappointed that pro-vaxxers haven’t beenreferred to as sheeple yet. 😂


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
I'm happy for your recovery but whether you accept it or not, you have taken a major gamble with your life and you've done so on the basis of misinformation, quality documentary evidence of which was given to you by me last night.

You've clearly decided that the whole thing is a con based on 'your own research' which as Dom implies above actually equates to believing any old shit punted by grifters on Google, so there seems little to be gained from continuing this.


Active member
Feb 21, 2020
Peak District
Vaccination has been proven to reduce the infection rate of Covid, so by being vaccinated you are not only protecting yourself but you are protecting others. Particularly those who have a genuine reason for not being vaccinated.

While it is entirely anyone's right to refuse vaccination, with rights come responsibility and consequences and the consequence of refusing to be vaccinated for no good reason is that people will think you are a selfish c**t.


Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
Actually yes, I have. The ingredients are easy to find on the web. Singletrackworld have a forum member actually involved in vaccine development so if you really wAnT tO dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh you could start by reading what he has to say rather than some tinfoil hat wearing retard on Arsebook.
Of course, as he was awarded an OBE for his work on a COVID vaccine he’s probably a government shill and not to be trusted. 🙄

I can’t decide if I’m impressed or disappointed that pro-vaxxers haven’t beenreferred to as sheeple yet. 😂

There’s not a shred of info you can get regarding the risks/dangers of
I'm happy for your recovery but whether you accept it or not, you have taken a major gamble with your life and you've done so on the basis of misinformation, quality documentary evidence of which was given to you by me last night.

You've clearly decided that the whole thing is a con based on 'your own research' which as Dom implies above actually equates to believing any old shit punted by grifters on Google, so there seems little to be gained from continuing this.

Not at all, it was designed for 1% vulnerable, nothings changed, has it? I guess you’ll soon be getting your flu jabs too won’t you…..the Pfizer 2 a day tablets will be coming soon too, more goodies!

In terms of gambles, you took an experimental vaccine vs mine which won a Nobel prize in 2015 in humans (people reading the sun paper probably never knew that) ; let’s hope yours wins too in the future!

The irony in your statement…..if I catch it again in future I’ll do it without Ivermectin just to see how it goes, sadly it’s not going to feck off is it……

The con is thinking it stops the spread and ignoring the same old pro vax media. According to a friend working in hospitals people are acting like their wearing bullet proof shields when their spreading it around still. We should all still be doing the 2m rule as sounds like this new strain is a lot more transmissible but all rules have gone out of the window.

in terms of research you need to dig abit deeper than Google or fb there’s plenty out there but it’s very hard to find as it’s all censored, but tbh I switched off all media etc a long time ago, got boring rapidly.

Doesn‘t matter to me who chose what, everyone when they catch it will still need to up their Vit D, C and Zinc intake to help beat it, why is it the governments offer no advice on what we can do to improve our immune systems when we need!

I honestly do hope the reports are wrong and it does stop everyone here (and elsewhere) from catching it but I think we all know someone by now with it dont we? And there’s another Irony, this time last year with hardly any jabbed people I didn’t know anyone with the virus yet now I know a few, the schools had no cases either, now there full yet were more jabbed up….

Anyhow, that’s my 2 pennies worth, I’ll retire now, thanks for the good recovery messages, I’m not out of the woods yet but I’ll be the first a photo of me back on my bike! 😎. Keep healthy everyone (and stock up on those vits!)

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