Who's had COVID?

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Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
If the vaccines were restricted and costly …I wonder what the thoughts would be? I wonder what conspiracies would develop? I wonder if the need would change?
I wish I had a time machine …I would have ordered my Reverb dropper much sooner.


Jun 4, 2020
Western Australia
If the vaccines were restricted and costly …I wonder what the thoughts would be? I wonder what conspiracies would develop? I wonder if the need would change?
I wish I had a time machine …I would have ordered my Reverb dropper much sooner.
Biologic Antibody treatments are about 100 times the cost of a vaccine dose. And yes I have heard some doubters calling for their use instead of the vaccines. I thing you are onto something!


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
Biologic Antibody treatments are about 100 times the cost of a vaccine dose. I think you are onto something!
I don’t know why but if I can’t have something …I wonder why? And I may want it even more. I’m no physiological examiner or a marketing guru, but supply and demand seems in play here.

A few years ago, on my first few rides with my eMTB, I was called a cheater. One of my responses was ; “You Can’t Have One”. Now today, you really can’t have one. As I pass others the thing I hear the most now is; “I wish I had one of those”. I know it’s not the same but now I need the iwatch 7 and a third dose . 😱


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Then again if CNN told you that you could get your boyfriend pregnant, it sounds like most of you would believe them.

In this day and age you could get your boyfriend pregnant. Physically, they maybe female - but they could identify as male.

Apparently @BAMBAMODA's so hot that some websites say you can get pregnant just from his pheromones - Male, Female or Fish.



Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
In this day and age you could get your boyfriend pregnant. Physically, they maybe female - but they could identify as male.

Apparently @BAMBAMODA's so hot that some websites say you can get pregnant just from his pheromones - Male, Female or Fish.
Is this the new Covid variant? …and can I get this vaccine yesterday.🤯


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Is this the new Covid variant? …and can I get this vaccine yesterday.🤯
Sadly there is no vaccine for it - we're all at risk ..

The Official advice is to :

Wear a mask, any type, a facemask, a balaclava, a gorilla mask from an old fancy dress party - anything which will reduce the chance of him identifying you so there's less chance of a repeat exposure or being identified on Instagram later.

Always wash your hands if you've been in contact with him, especially if you've touched his hands or anything his hands might have touched. It's not that you don't know where they've been, it's that you do know where they've been and it's not good.

Try to stay at least 2 meters away from him. This is easier said than done as he's like a sex starved limpet and will try to latch onto anything. Ideally try and put something solid, like a concrete pylon, between you and him. Hopefully he'll just dry hump that until he falls asleep and you can make your escape.

Ideally, self isolate at all times. He could be anywhere.

Anyone who thinks they might of had Bambam69 should visit a drive through car wash and select the most expensive programme, ideally one with the wheel scrubber too so you can have a good go at all those difficult to reach places.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 24, 2018
Wamberal, NSW Australia
So let me get this straight…. Some people don’t want to take a vaccine because they don’t want a drug with side effects in their body. But when they get COVID they put either a drug with side effects in their body or another drug, not designed for humans, in their body?

Then there’s the group that think the testing was rushed and incomplete who’s answer is to take untested and other substances with no tested relationship to COVID?

And, do those that argue that vaccines might actually be harmful if they take them completely avoid alcohol, recreational drugs, vaping etc? Several people die each year from bike accidents? Should we not ride?

I’m highly allergic to Asprin (and Ibuprofen and all NSAIDS actually). That doesn’t mean I dismiss them as effective for the vast majority.


Major Stare

Active member
May 5, 2021
9 days ago during a family meal my youngest said he couldn't taste his food. Instant positive test result and he's been in his room since. He's ok now, just no smell/taste.
7 days ago my wife felt poorly and had a positive test, so in the bedroom since. At the moment she has no smell/taste and absolutely no energy.
Myself and our eldest are so far fine.

The biggest side effects are mental. My wife is struggling mentally being in the same room 24/7 and unable to work towards an event she is attending in 2 weeks. She is very low mentally, really struggling and I can't help, not even a hug.
I'm having to work from home, doing meals for all of us, taking them to the rooms and back, school runs for the eldest, sleeping in the lounge on a camping bed.

Tomorrow, I'm going to get out on the eMTB for a couple of hours. I need to get out of the house, stretch the legs, have a mental break.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2019
My wife had been vax'd with Moderna - she caught COVID after a woman's philanthropy group event. I contracted COVID from her even though I had the Pfizer vax in April with follow jab as prescribed. After lunch last week this is what onset looked like via my Garmin watch.
View attachment 73845
My resting HR is 52, and at 4 PM I'm doing over 100 BPM sitting in a chair. I felt genuine impending doom. I tested positive by two different COVID testing methods.

After a night of hellish pain, I contacted a doctor who prescribed ivermectin. I took two doses, one Friday mid-morning and the last on Sunday. I had no COVID symptoms on Sunday, but took the last dose anyway. My wife's doctor, who is not the same as mine also prescribed ivermectin, and had similar results. The dose cost us $25 each. I took a COVID test on Tuesday "to see" and am negative.

The role of ivermectin is not understood in treating COVID, however, this is a good article written by doctors posted to the NIH. Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19

I have many doctors in my social circle. The role of this drug in treating COVID is a decisive topic within the medical community. One group, who includes a leading ICU specialist and an ID doctor practicing in Africa call patients like my wife & I, "the 48 hour turn-around". They see this outcome routinely, although it is not always the case. Other doctors dismiss ivermectin as a parasite treatment, and will not prescribe it.

I am a science guy and I could give AF about politics. My friends have died from this virus. We consider ourselves lucky to have been cared for by progressive doctors. There are too many variables to understand why we had this outcome, and a bewildering number of questions.

Today, my wife and I can't taste or smell a thing. We're going for a long gravel ride tomorrow and grateful for our good fortune.
My son’s wife had Covid and felt terrible on the day the symptoms arrived and the first of two positive test came in. She went to bed early after a hot bath and a hot toddy. She had a bad night (chest and achy bones). She woke up feeling much better and hasn’t looked back. Her GP advised that there was no effective medication available (this was recent). We’re all thrilled she improved so fast.
Shall I tell you why she thinks her Covid symptoms cleared up so quickly?
What would we all make of her explanation compared to the temporal relationship you describe in your story?
The problem with the article you cite is that its now out of date, being superseded by others that have reviewed it alongside the other good papers. Whilst not cited, another poster has already referenced them and they are easy enough to find. It seems likely that as soon as there’s evidence a new drug will be helpful, it will become available (vaccines, dexamethazone and the financial consequences of not not doing that and so forth help address those who might disagree).
The marvelous thing about reporting anecdote, with a good or bad outcome, is that it offers others the opportunity to share and gain insight into the poster’s pleasure or disappointment - a virtual kindred thing which is partly why I spend a lot of time in this forum.
The difficulty with reporting anecdote, especially if successful, is that some can be swayed that it is some kind of evidence.
It isn’t. It’s factual reporting of what’s happened to somebody (two of you). It tells us what happened to you.
It doesn’t tell us anything about the contribution your journey had to the outcome. It tells us your feelings about that, which is why it’s interesting and, in this case, heartening 😊
I’m certain those who’ve read your post will share my sense of relief for you. I hope they’re pleased to hear about my son’s wife too.
It’s great to hear all good outcomes with this virus.
I wish you both well 😊
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Sep 8, 2021
What would we all make of her explanation compared to the temporal relationship you describe in your story?
The problem with the article you cite is that its now out of date, being superseded by others that have reviewed it alongside the other good papers. Whilst not cited, another poster has already referenced them and they are easy enough to find. It seems likely that as soon as there’s evidence a new drug will be helpful, it will become available (vaccines, dexamethazone and the financial consequences of not not doing that and so forth help address those who might disagree).

Her age? Her general health, including BMI, cardio health. Diabetic? Exercise and dietary habits? Blood type? Vaccinated? Prior health history? Susceptible to colds and the flu? I.e., normal autoimmune capacity? Taking prescription drugs or any other drugs, including recreational? Blood pressure?

The article I cited was posted to the National Institute of Health in April, 2021. There was an attempt(s) to refute it, but the authors addressed the challenge and the conclusion was the unchanged. That conclusion has not been refuted.

There were 6 people in the class, 5 contracted COVID, 4 vaccinated. The spouses of the 4, all vaccinated, contracted COVID. The only two who had ivermectin, out of eight recovered in less than three days. The remaining 5 all have lingering symptoms.

Does medical science know when ivermectin works? Not as far as I can tell. Does medical science dismiss that ivermectin works? The jury is out. Neither does medical science deny that ivermectin is a treatment. Today, there is not a consensus regarding this drug, beyond no known downside to taking it. And there are many people who argued for ivermectin, Zinc, Vit D, E, etc who are now dead.

Early in the COVID-19 debate there was a denial about its existence. I think that matter is settled. I have had doctors (MD) tell me the probability of dying from COVID is so low you shouldn't be concerned. They cite their statistics and make their own conclusions, never took the vaccination and contracted COVID, with no lingering issues. I note these MD's are not on the front line of COVID treatment. On the other hand, statistics clearly show the death rate is lower for vaccinated victims.

In any debate, hearing both sides of the issue is worthwhile. Right? The anti-vax crowd, in general, argues treatment is better than the vax. The vax crowd ignores treatment because the vax works. I've always found the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Anecdotally, my wife and I are very happy and grateful to have COVID antibodies, while we acknowledge those less fortunate. I appreciate your good wishes and wish the same for you and the good health of you & family.:):):)


E*POWAH Master
Jul 14, 2019
Dunedin NZ
Behind The Bastards podcast has done a very good two part episode on Ivermectin. Robert lists all of his sources on the site too. Unfortunately I'm unable to provide the link as I get a message about "unsupported country".


Active member
Feb 1, 2020
Yup .. I'll take some sh1t I saw on facebook promoted by a bunch of clueless self promoting want the world to fail for the next round of bad news cave dwellers. But won't take a vaccine which has been developed to help - though I'll gladly take all the other vaccines prescribed in history so I don't loose a leg, life, child, my willy....

And you really should be self isolating in the house if you have Covid whilst making cool armour and indoor suspension videos ! (y)

Remember, despite what the total knobs say, wifi and 5g don't actually spread covid and most STD's aren't transmitted through drinking from a dirty glass - it's what you do afterwards.
Well. My wife now has lifelong serious medical problems from the vaccine,,,,,, so there is something to consider. First had experience


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
Well. My wife now has lifelong serious medical problems from the vaccine,,,,,, so there is something to consider. First had experience
This is difficult. There are no words. I’m not sure if she feels regret, acceptance or betrayal. I do think it’s important to share this information so that some of us, or our GP’s, can assess whether a vaccine is worth the risk.

I took the Pfizer vaccine after I, ‘probably’,had Covid-19. Myocarditis was not a side affect I was aware of at the time. I had some reaction to the first vaccine shot. No reaction to the second shot and I’ll probably get a 3rd dose when I’m eligible.

About 20 years ago I was faced with a decision. An experimental drug called Temozolimide. The risks and side effects were explained to me and my choices were not great. My choices sucked. The side effects sucked. For over a year I had to look forward to my next round. In retrospect I’m glad I took the drug. I was lucky while others were not. I don’t know why I was lucky.

So, I had to trust someone. I was dealt a sh*ty hand that I had too play. After all I’ve been through, this Covid thing seems minor…but it’s not. The end result can be an end result. The effects of taking or not taking a vaccine can be life changing and a decision I hope we never need too regret. I really hope she recovers and I don’t mean to diminish her symptoms by my diatribe. Both your lives have changed.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2019
Her age? Her general health, including BMI, cardio health. Diabetic? Exercise and dietary habits? Blood type? Vaccinated? Prior health history? Susceptible to colds and the flu? I.e., normal autoimmune capacity? Taking prescription drugs or any other drugs, including recreational? Blood pressure?

The article I cited was posted to the National Institute of Health in April, 2021. There was an attempt(s) to refute it, but the authors addressed the challenge and the conclusion was the unchanged. That conclusion has not been refuted.

There were 6 people in the class, 5 contracted COVID, 4 vaccinated. The spouses of the 4, all vaccinated, contracted COVID. The only two who had ivermectin, out of eight recovered in less than three days. The remaining 5 all have lingering symptoms.

Does medical science know when ivermectin works? Not as far as I can tell. Does medical science dismiss that ivermectin works? The jury is out. Neither does medical science deny that ivermectin is a treatment. Today, there is not a consensus regarding this drug, beyond no known downside to taking it. And there are many people who argued for ivermectin, Zinc, Vit D, E, etc who are now dead.

Early in the COVID-19 debate there was a denial about its existence. I think that matter is settled. I have had doctors (MD) tell me the probability of dying from COVID is so low you shouldn't be concerned. They cite their statistics and make their own conclusions, never took the vaccination and contracted COVID, with no lingering issues. I note these MD's are not on the front line of COVID treatment. On the other hand, statistics clearly show the death rate is lower for vaccinated victims.

In any debate, hearing both sides of the issue is worthwhile. Right? The anti-vax crowd, in general, argues treatment is better than the vax. The vax crowd ignores treatment because the vax works. I've always found the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Anecdotally, my wife and I are very happy and grateful to have COVID antibodies, while we acknowledge those less fortunate. I appreciate your good wishes and wish the same for you and the good health of you & family.:):):)
Thanks for your kind words.
Your first post was clearly articulated and it sounded like you have a past history of a professional interest.
Of course you’re correct about non-judgemental discourse, open mindedness and an acceptance of facts.
Your second response today is a little confused in parts.
My question asking what my daughter-in-law ascribed her improvement to was - fairly obviously - rhetorical.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2019
This is difficult. There are no words. I’m not sure if she feels regret, acceptance or betrayal. I do think it’s important to share this information so that some of us, or our GP’s, can assess whether a vaccine is worth the risk.

I took the Pfizer vaccine after I, ‘probably’,had Covid-19. Myocarditis was not a side affect I was aware of at the time. I had some reaction to the first vaccine shot. No reaction to the second shot and I’ll probably get a 3rd dose when I’m eligible.

About 20 years ago I was faced with a decision. An experimental drug called Temozolimide. The risks and side effects were explained to me and my choices were not great. My choices sucked. The side effects sucked. For over a year I had to look forward to my next round. In retrospect I’m glad I took the drug. I was lucky while others were not. I don’t know why I was lucky.

So, I had to trust someone. I was dealt a sh*ty hand that I had too play. After all I’ve been through, this Covid thing seems minor…but it’s not. The end result can be an end result. The effects of taking or not taking a vaccine can be life changing and a decision I hope we never need too regret. I really hope she recovers and I don’t mean to diminish her symptoms by my diatribe. Both your lives have changed.
Thank you. Several are sharing some heartrending experiences and we learn from your words.
I have three friends - not relatives - each with a different cause of immunodeficiency. They and their families have had a number of difficult decisions to negotiate with regard to for example the risks of Covid, the potential yet unproven medications discussed so widely, balancing socialisation with isolation and vaccination itself.
Their choices were their own and each chose different routes and trusted to different sources of advice.
Our family has been lucky and we’ve recognised that.


Sep 8, 2021
My question asking what my daughter-in-law ascribed her improvement to was - fairly obviously - rhetorical.

I thought about this response, and my intent was to show the variables in this issue are beyond conprehension. At the same time, the human race has developed analytic capacities to address this very issue, at least a decade ago at a global scale. As a crowd of biking enthusiasts, it is not possible to draw any factual conclusion about your daugher-in-law and my wife.

If we anonymously collected dna from everyone who has contracted COVID along with the factors I cited on a global scale I believe we'd be in a better place. And, this same data from the spouses who were immersed in COVID and never contracted the virus.

The rhetorical question is the heart of the COVID debate.

(I forgot to add the third issue - vax or not, how to treat: the third is how to prevent) How do we prevent COVID? Mask or no? I don't know the answer but something happened to the flu season in 2020.

Cheers to you my friend - with complete sincerity as was my previous response!


Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
This sums things up perfectly I feel! 😂

Im doing fine now, Swine Flu was worse but C19 stays with you longer; I just need to flush the remaining shit out of my system as I feel fatigued more than anything. Important news is I took the kids out on a bike ride, was fun!

I noticed following messages after my post was supportive of any kind of remedies such as ivermectin, others also aren’t so desperate to give up their own immune system in favour of a potential ☠shot administered by total misfits! Some examples of how Ivermectin have turned things around for folk also….

Some still are brainwashed and think a human version that won a Nobel prize for use in humans doesn’t exist……the slightly lost to the media types. Whether it truly works well against covid is hard to know.

It’s been 2 years, they know by now exactly what would mitigate covid but nobody wonders why it’s taking this long to administer whatever that is, fishy….ah but the jabs wouldn’t be needed hmmmm

As we know in the UK there is no pre hospital treatments available so options are self treat or literally FA! But then who has Ivermectin ready in their drawer, I luckily had some connections. My condition improved afterwards, my smell returned and life became nicer…

I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but then if I’d have had a jab I also wouldn’t be able to recommend that either unless I find my crystal ball again!

I do recommend doing what you can to have a robust immune system, it’s capable of beating covid and many other diseases.

I know @Mikerb mentioned stuff is being rolled out, interesting he mentioned stuff that Joe Rogan had taken and laughed Covid off within days (to much disappointment no doubt to some very weird people since he’s not vaxd) but right now there’s nothing until your fecked and in a hospital ward!

Also not sure about him saying AstraZeneca was a good jab, the government pretty much refused to give this to younger demographics after the horror stories or deaths it was causing, also jabbing kids is about the dumbest thing we can do.

On the whole we’re told this virus is mainly ageist or goes for the vulnerable; if so then wtf go down this road? Oh but the NEWS says it’s a good idea……:unsure:. Or then again is it really ageist or just more media bs spin?

Rusty seems to just quote out of the media 101 lemmings handbook whilst dismissing every point raised against a jab and then has a mild tantrum when a debate isn’t going his way, heaven forbid ever being wrong; literally nobody either way knows for sure. I’m pretty sure he also didn’t answer questions when asked such as what’s better be it natural earned antibodies vs a jab….yet flames others for the same thing 😃

How can it not be experimental when officially It was labelled so and has been out mere months, normal FDA approval takes years! Comical.

People don’t want to end up in hospital with holes in their lungs, there’s nothing heroic about having a jab, at best it reduces hospital visits but it’s idiotic to claim it reduces spread when we’re at record infections despite higher % of vaxd people, the stats would suggest the jabs are making people more infectious if anything…..ps the word ‘stats’ is code name for fudged media plucked out of thin air garbage btw….find other sources ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️

Im not convinced vaccines mitigate a single thing, just an added risk on top imo, it would be lovely don’t get me wrong but there not working in the way we were told, infections would be at an all time low not the other way round.

Perhaps the jabs are causing mutations and strains creating bigger problems for us? That would be ironic

And as for social programming, just look now at which demographic is now most infectious: the kids….oh and the parents of the kids due their boosters, gimme a break! Every single focused rollout has conveniently seen that targeted demographic been ‘the high risk’ ones, every time and then people just see that and agree, lemmings.

Its all probably an aim to social score us all Fear = compliance, it’s already here with passports and social events, soon their will be profiles with scores and we will slip on down like a game of snakes and ladders where each jab will gain you some amazing credits at the cost of your health! example If you want to know the sort of society authorities are trying to create for you and your children to live in then just look at China

Or we can go really crazy and think it’s a huge depopulation tool, Prince Philip did say he’d like to come back as a deadly virus to solve the problem 😃! Prince Philip quote about reincarnating as a deadly virus to solve 'overpopulation' resurfaces

I first saw that quote in this ‘One to One’ film, quite surreal watching it again in current times!

Or it’s the best thing since sliced bread…..but ofc it isn’t, horror stories and injuries…..

As for anti-vax, doh, pretty sure we’ve all had multiple ’vaccines’ for various diseases, you know the ones you take as a kid that are safe and never need to have 50 doses of the same thing again; those ones are cool….(as long as ofc we have no adverse effect ahem)

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Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
This sums things up perfectly I feel! 😂

Im doing fine now, Swine Flu was worse but C19 stays with you longer; I just need to flush the remaining shit out of my system as I feel fatigued more than anything. Important news is I took the kids out on a bike ride, was fun!

I noticed following messages after my post was supportive of any kind of remedies such as ivermectin, others also aren’t so desperate to give up their own immune system in favour of a potential ☠shot administered by total misfits! Some examples of how Ivermectin have turned things around for folk also….

Some still are brainwashed and think a human version that won a Nobel prize for use in humans doesn’t exist……the slightly lost to the media types. Whether it truly works well against covid is hard to know.

It’s been 2 years, they know by now exactly what would mitigate covid but nobody wonders why it’s taking this long to administer whatever that is, fishy….ah but the jabs wouldn’t be needed hmmmm

As we know in the UK there is no pre hospital treatments available so options are self treat or literally FA! But then who has Ivermectin ready in their drawer, I luckily had some connections. My condition improved afterwards, my smell returned and life became nicer…

I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but then if I’d have had a jab I also wouldn’t be able to recommend that either unless I find my crystal ball again!

I do recommend doing what you can to have a robust immune system, it’s capable of beating covid and many other diseases.

I know @Mikerb mentioned stuff is being rolled out, interesting he mentioned stuff that Joe Rogan had taken and laughed Covid off within days (to much disappointment no doubt to some very weird people since he’s not vaxd) but right now there’s nothing until your fecked and in a hospital ward!

Also not sure about him saying AstraZeneca was a good jab, the government pretty much refused to give this to younger demographics after the horror stories or deaths it was causing, also jabbing kids is about the dumbest thing we can do.

On the whole we’re told this virus is mainly ageist or goes for the vulnerable; if so then wtf go down this road? Oh but the NEWS says it’s a good idea……:unsure:. Or then again is it really ageist or just more media bs spin?

Rusty seems to just quote out of the media 101 lemmings handbook whilst dismissing every point raised against a jab and then has a mild tantrum when a debate isn’t going his way, heaven forbid ever being wrong; literally nobody either way knows for sure. I’m pretty sure he also didn’t answer questions when asked such as what’s better be it natural earned antibodies vs a jab….yet flames others for the same thing 😃

How can it not be experimental when officially It was labelled so and has been out mere months, normal FDA approval takes years! Comical.

People don’t want to end up in hospital with holes in their lungs, there’s nothing heroic about having a jab, at best it reduces hospital visits but it’s idiotic to claim it reduces spread when we’re at record infections despite higher % of vaxd people, the stats would suggest the jabs are making people more infectious if anything…..ps the word ‘stats’ is code name for fudged media plucked out of thin air garbage btw….find other sources ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️

Im not convinced vaccines mitigate a single thing, just an added risk on top imo, it would be lovely don’t get me wrong but there not working in the way we were told, infections would be at an all time low not the other way round.

Perhaps the jabs are causing mutations and strains creating bigger problems for us? That would be ironic

And as for social programming, just look now at which demographic is now most infectious: the kids….oh and the parents of the kids due their boosters, gimme a break! Every single focused rollout has conveniently seen that targeted demographic been ‘the high risk’ ones, every time and then people just see that and agree, lemmings.

Its all probably an aim to social score us all Fear = compliance, it’s already here with passports and social events, soon their will be profiles with scores and we will slip on down like a game of snakes and ladders where each jab will gain you some amazing credits at the cost of your health! example If you want to know the sort of society authorities are trying to create for you and your children to live in then just look at China

Or we can go really crazy and think it’s a huge depopulation tool, Prince Philip did say he’d like to come back as a deadly virus to solve the problem 😃! Prince Philip quote about reincarnating as a deadly virus to solve 'overpopulation' resurfaces

I first saw that quote in this ‘One to One’ film, quite surreal watching it again in current times!

Or it’s the best thing since sliced bread…..but ofc it isn’t, horror stories and injuries…..

As for anti-vax, doh, pretty sure we’ve all had multiple ’vaccines’ for various diseases, you know the ones you take as a kid that are safe and never need to have 50 doses of the same thing again; those ones are cool….(as long as ofc we have no adverse effect ahem)

So … you’re saying there’s a chance?


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I said the I felt happier about the AZ vaccine purely because the methodology for its development is well established and used for several other vaccines most of us have already had as kids. The MRNA vaccines are the ones developed using a very different and new approach.

I know full well that vaccines ( not just the Covid vaccine) do not guarantee protection against infection but then neither does the existance of natural or infection resultant antibodies. All merely give the body a stonger form of defence to fight an infection. They also deliver over time the opportunity to reduce the opportunity for infection by a given virus such that it cannot thrive , which is why so many of the vaccines administered to us as kids continue to be given to each subsequent generation.

If you are convinced the vaccines are some form of multi national conspiracy I suggest you research the origins of Environmentalism ........considered by most to be a bout saving whales etc!!............not even close.

Politics does of course take advantage of any circumstance but the majority of Governments are only responding as best they can in my opinion to both protect their populations whilst also maintaining a functioning financial structure and social cohesion. Can you even imagine the outcome had Governments taken the view that rapid development and rollout of a vaccine was not required?


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2019
As a crowd of biking enthusiasts, it is not possible to draw any factual conclusion about your daugher-in-law and my wife.
We should be careful not to draw any factual information from her experience.
I feel I‘ve learnt a great deal from the stoicism of those who’ve suffered.
Concerning my rhetorical question about my daughter-in-law’s conclusions from her experience, she drew none whatsoever.
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
This sums things up perfectly I feel! 😂

Im doing fine now, Swine Flu was worse but C19 stays with you longer; I just need to flush the remaining shit out of my system as I feel fatigued more than anything. Important news is I took the kids out on a bike ride, was fun!

I noticed following messages after my post was supportive of any kind of remedies such as ivermectin, others also aren’t so desperate to give up their own immune system in favour of a potential ☠shot administered by total misfits! Some examples of how Ivermectin have turned things around for folk also….

Some still are brainwashed and think a human version that won a Nobel prize for use in humans doesn’t exist……the slightly lost to the media types. Whether it truly works well against covid is hard to know.

It’s been 2 years, they know by now exactly what would mitigate covid but nobody wonders why it’s taking this long to administer whatever that is, fishy….ah but the jabs wouldn’t be needed hmmmm

As we know in the UK there is no pre hospital treatments available so options are self treat or literally FA! But then who has Ivermectin ready in their drawer, I luckily had some connections. My condition improved afterwards, my smell returned and life became nicer…

I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but then if I’d have had a jab I also wouldn’t be able to recommend that either unless I find my crystal ball again!

I do recommend doing what you can to have a robust immune system, it’s capable of beating covid and many other diseases.

I know @Mikerb mentioned stuff is being rolled out, interesting he mentioned stuff that Joe Rogan had taken and laughed Covid off within days (to much disappointment no doubt to some very weird people since he’s not vaxd) but right now there’s nothing until your fecked and in a hospital ward!

Also not sure about him saying AstraZeneca was a good jab, the government pretty much refused to give this to younger demographics after the horror stories or deaths it was causing, also jabbing kids is about the dumbest thing we can do.

On the whole we’re told this virus is mainly ageist or goes for the vulnerable; if so then wtf go down this road? Oh but the NEWS says it’s a good idea……:unsure:. Or then again is it really ageist or just more media bs spin?

Rusty seems to just quote out of the media 101 lemmings handbook whilst dismissing every point raised against a jab and then has a mild tantrum when a debate isn’t going his way, heaven forbid ever being wrong; literally nobody either way knows for sure. I’m pretty sure he also didn’t answer questions when asked such as what’s better be it natural earned antibodies vs a jab….yet flames others for the same thing 😃

How can it not be experimental when officially It was labelled so and has been out mere months, normal FDA approval takes years! Comical.

People don’t want to end up in hospital with holes in their lungs, there’s nothing heroic about having a jab, at best it reduces hospital visits but it’s idiotic to claim it reduces spread when we’re at record infections despite higher % of vaxd people, the stats would suggest the jabs are making people more infectious if anything…..ps the word ‘stats’ is code name for fudged media plucked out of thin air garbage btw….find other sources ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️

Im not convinced vaccines mitigate a single thing, just an added risk on top imo, it would be lovely don’t get me wrong but there not working in the way we were told, infections would be at an all time low not the other way round.

Perhaps the jabs are causing mutations and strains creating bigger problems for us? That would be ironic

And as for social programming, just look now at which demographic is now most infectious: the kids….oh and the parents of the kids due their boosters, gimme a break! Every single focused rollout has conveniently seen that targeted demographic been ‘the high risk’ ones, every time and then people just see that and agree, lemmings.

Its all probably an aim to social score us all Fear = compliance, it’s already here with passports and social events, soon their will be profiles with scores and we will slip on down like a game of snakes and ladders where each jab will gain you some amazing credits at the cost of your health! example If you want to know the sort of society authorities are trying to create for you and your children to live in then just look at China

Or we can go really crazy and think it’s a huge depopulation tool, Prince Philip did say he’d like to come back as a deadly virus to solve the problem 😃! Prince Philip quote about reincarnating as a deadly virus to solve 'overpopulation' resurfaces

I first saw that quote in this ‘One to One’ film, quite surreal watching it again in current times!

Or it’s the best thing since sliced bread…..but ofc it isn’t, horror stories and injuries…..

As for anti-vax, doh, pretty sure we’ve all had multiple ’vaccines’ for various diseases, you know the ones you take as a kid that are safe and never need to have 50 doses of the same thing again; those ones are cool….(as long as ofc we have no adverse effect ahem)

This is a work of art. Also great fanfic. All the hits for the fans, in fact now I think about it, the only one you haven't shoehorned in is Icke & the lizard people. 😂 😂


Sep 15, 2020
leeds england
This is a work of art. Also great fanfic. All the hits for the fans, in fact now I think about it, the only one you haven't shoehorned in is Icke & the lizard people. 😂 😂

You still havent answered my question after three goes or something 🤣…is this the part I now say I’m done with this guy or this guy has no use to me 😝

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