TQ HPR50 Error Codes (searchable)


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
A List of TQ HPR50 Error Code

Error CodeCauseCorrective Measures
ERR 401 DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 403 DRV COMMPeripheral communication errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 405 DISP COMMWalk assist communication errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 407 DRV SWDrive Unit electronic errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 408 DRV HWDrive Unit overcurrent errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 40B DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 40C DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 40D DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 40E DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 40F DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 415 DRV SWConfiguration errorContact your TQ dealer.
ERR 416 BATT COMMGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 418 DISP COMMDisplay initalization errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 41D DRV HWDrive Unit memory errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 41D DRV SWDrive Unit memory errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 42B DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 42E DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 440 DRV HWDrive Unit electronic errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 445 DRV HWDrive Unit overcurrent errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 451 DRV HOTDrive Unit over temperature errorPermissible operating temperature exceeded or fall below. Switch off the drive unit to allow it to cool down if necessary. Start the system again. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 452 DRV HOTDrive Unit over temperature errorPermissible operating temperature exceeded or fall below. Switch off the drive unit to allow it to cool down if necessary. Start the system again. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 453 DRV SWDrive Unit initalization errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still ERR 457 BATT CONN Drive Unit voltage error occurs.
ERR 457 BATT CONNDrive Unit voltage errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still ERR 457 BATT CONN Drive Unit voltage error occurs.
ERR 458 BATT CONNDrive Unit overvoltage errorReplace the Charger and use only original Charger. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 45D BATT GENGeneral Battery errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 465 BATT COMMBattery communication error timeoutRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 469 BATT GENCritical Battery errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 475 BATT COMMBattery initalization errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 479 DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 47A DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 47B DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 47D DRV HWDrive Unit overcurrent errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 47F DRV HOTDrive Unit overtemperature errorPermissible operating temperature exceeded or fall below. Switch off the drive unit to allow it to cool down if necessary. Start the system again. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 480 DRV SENSDrive Unit assist errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 481 BATT COMMBattery communication errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 482 DRV SWDrive Unit configuration errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 483 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 484 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 485 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 486 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 487 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 488 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 489 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 48A DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 48B DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 48C DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 48D DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 48E DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 48F DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 490 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 491 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 492 DRV SWSoftware runtime errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 493 DRV HWDrive Unit voltage errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 494 DRV HWSupply voltage problemRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 495 DRV HWDrive Unit voltage errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 496 DRV HWDrive Unit phase breakageRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 497 DRV HWDrive Unit calibration errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 4C8 DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 498 DRV COMMPeripheral communication errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 499 DRV COMMPeripheral communication errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 49A DRV COMMPeripheral communication errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 49B DRV SENSCadence-sensor errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs
ERR 49C DRV SENSTorquesensor errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 49D DRV SENSTorquesensor errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 49E DRV SENSTorquesensor errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 49F DRV SENSTorquesensor errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A0 DRV COMMCAN-Bus communication errorCheck the charging port for dirt. Restart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A1 DRV COMMCAN-Bus communication errorCheck the charging port for dirt. Restart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A2 DRV COMMMicrocontroller electronics errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A3 DRV SWCadence-sensor errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A4 DRV HWCadence-sensor errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A5 DRV SWTorque sensor errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A6 BATT COMMBattery communication errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A7 DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4A8 SPD SENSS Speedsensor errorCheck the distance between magnet and Speedsensor or check for tampering.
ERR 4A9 DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4AA DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
WRN 4AB DRV SENSCadence-sensor errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4AD DRV SWDrive Unit control errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4AE DRV SWCadence-sensor errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4AF DRV SWCadence-sensor errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4B0 DRV HWDrive Unit mechanical errorCheck if anything is stuck or wedged in the chainring. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4C8 DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4C9 DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4CA DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 4CB DRV SWGeneral software errorRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
WRN 601 SPD SENSSpeedsensor problemCheck the distance between magnet and Speedsensor. Restart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
WRN 602 DRV HOTDrive Unit overtemperaturePermissible operating temperature exceeded. Switch off the drive unit to allow it to cool down. Start the system again. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
WRN 603 DRV COMMCAN-Bus communication problemCheck the charging port for dirt. Restart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 5401 DRV CONNCommunication error between Drive Unit and DisplayRestart the system. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.
ERR 5402 DISP BTNRemote button pressed when switching onDon’t press the Remote button during start-up. Check whether buttons are stuck due to dirt and clean them if necessary.
ERR 5403 DISP BTNRemote button pressed when switching onDon’t press the Remote button during start-up. Check whether buttons are stuck due to dirt and clean them if necessary.
WRN 5404 DISP BTNWalk assist user errorActivate walk assist by pressing the UP button (Walk) on the Remote until Walk appears on the Display. Release the button directly and press it again to use the walk assist. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.


  • Error_Codes.pdf
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Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
And the not listed one which is in play at the moment :



Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
4414 Error Cure :



Canyon Shawn

Active member
Feb 4, 2023
Lake Sherwood, California
I got ERR 049E DRV SENS today. I rode it almost 20 miles today, turned off, because I was riding with a friend with an analog bike. I got home, washed it with the screen taped off and got that error about an hour after I dried it off. And, I didn’t use any high pressure water stream. Got any ideas what’s wrong?


Active member
Mar 8, 2023
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I got ERR 049E DRV SENS today. I rode it almost 20 miles today, turned off, because I was riding with a friend with an analog bike. I got home, washed it with the screen taped off and got that error about an hour after I dried it off. And, I didn’t use any high pressure water stream. Got any ideas what’s wrong?
ERR 49E DRV SENSTorquesensor errorRestart the system and avoid unintended use. Contact your TQ dealer if the error still occurs.


Aug 30, 2022
Yeah, I found that, thanks. I took the battery out. It was only slightly moist. I let everything dry, put it back in and still have the error. Does anyone know what that error mean?S?
I purchased my EXe in Oct 2022. I had electrical system problems after some (very gentle) washes of the bike (including having the display unit and charging port taped over) ... so since then I only wash the tyres / wheels with a gentle hosing, but the rest of the bike I just wipe with a slightly damp cloth. Never had an issue since. <touch wood>


Active member
Mar 8, 2023
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Yeah, I found that, thanks. I took the battery out. It was only slightly moist. I let everything dry, put it back in and still have the error. Does anyone know what that error mean?S?
It means something is wrong with the signal from the torque sensor, just take it to a dealer and let them run diagnostics or whatever, you might need a new motor.
Don't tell them it happened after you washed your bike, just say you got caught out in the rain and then the next time you tried to use your bike it had that error :p
I dont know how waterproof those motors are maybe some water got inside on the crank somehow.

The torque sensor is probably directly wrapped around the crank inside the motor just on the other side of the bearings.


Aug 3, 2020
It means something is wrong with the signal from the torque sensor, just take it to a dealer and let them run diagnostics or whatever, you might need a new motor.
Don't tell them it happened after you washed your bike, just say you got caught out in the rain and then the next time you tried to use your bike it had that error :p
I dont know how waterproof those motors are maybe some water got inside on the crank somehow.

The torque sensor is probably directly wrapped around the crank inside the motor just on the other side of the bearings.
According to the specs from tq the motor is rated to ip67 which is pretty good, and should mean you don't get any moisture related issues. But a few people are seeing issues so maybe it doesn't really meet ip67 standards? Or maybe there is a QC issue with some motors, or maybe these errors are not moisture related at all
Last edited:

Canyon Shawn

Active member
Feb 4, 2023
Lake Sherwood, California
Thanks guys for the help. It won’t reset. So, it’ll go back to the shop. Good thing is, my girlfriend runs the shop. Her guy that works with the EXe diagnostics will be back on Tuesday. It’s supposed to rain here anyways.


Aug 8, 2023
Thanks guys for the help. It won’t reset. So, it’ll go back to the shop. Good thing is, my girlfriend runs the shop. Her guy that works with the EXe diagnostics will be back on Tuesday. It’s supposed to rain here anyways.
I'm interested to know what the result is. Can you inform us, please?

Canyon Shawn

Active member
Feb 4, 2023
Lake Sherwood, California
I'm interested to know what the result is. Can you inform us, please?
I got it to reset. And, it’s been fine. I took it to the shop a couple weeks ago for an update. Our guy saw that it had a couple of error codes, he contacted Trek and yesterday it got a new motor. I rode it home and I swear the new motor has more power in the high mode. High mode is the only mode I used on the way home. And when I got home I realized that the motor setting had reverted back to the default settings. Before the motor swap, I had High mode at full power, all three sliders over to the right. This weekend I’ll take it for a long ride and see how it goes.


Active member
Mar 5, 2023
I have a Scott Lumen eRide 910 and got error REM BTN ERR 5403 when trying to go into the setup mode as described in the (TREK?) manual chapter 5;
For the V01 display on a Scott Lumen the procedure to go into setup mode is different.
You need to switch on the motor (not off as with the Trek display) and then press and hold the display button and the remote down button for more than 5 seconds to enter setup.

The error code shown tells you that you pressed a remote button while trying to start the motor.

See the correct manual for your display here https://www.tq-ebike.com/fileadmin/.../HPR50_DisplayV01_Remote_BHEN_Rev0107_Web.pdf

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