The limit is due to the bike. You cannot have ECO greater than TRAIL and TRAIL greater than TURBO. So you have to think the configuration with this "limitation"@PauloBLEvo
Few suggestions, appreciate some of them maybe not possible due to motor limitations but here goes anyway. Great app, highly recommend!
1. I'd like it if the mode setting didn't interact with each other, eg I'd like eco range to be 40-80%, trail to be 10-100. This is because I don't change between eco and trail other than when I change terrain. I'd like eco to be a road gear and trail my off-road gear.
What you mean with assistance limit? Remove the assistance if you go over 25km/h? I think you are the first that want to add a speed limitation.2. Further to above it would be great to be able to set an assistance limit to eco so that it emulates the legal restriction (my bike is derestricted)
These are specified in the user manual3. It would be great if some of the global parameters could be made mode specific, e.g the assistance increase and dynamic leg power settings.
I add in the wish list4. I am prone to pedalling too fast, when I have the phone visible I can see but mostly I ride with it in my pocket. It would be handy of I could be warned with a beep or something if I exceed a specified cadence.
Could you share a screen shot?5. The display. I'd love the option to be able to see the smart widgets for rider power etc and the Map on the screen together. There is enough room on my display but the config options don't support it.