FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Merida 2021 eOne Sixty Carbon 8000 EP8.
This is my third eOne Sixty so I have a baseline for comparison. It’s not just a motor upgrade but completely new power curve ergonomics. The motor is quiet and torque response smooth and proportionate to pedal load. Less gear and power assist changes are needed as the torque sensor responds so quickly. Transition points are much smoother and you don’t get that sudden change in power when you shift assist levels or reach 25kph. I can take hills at lower assist levels and my regular 45kms ride uses noticeably less battery power. Very impressed with this bike already.
This is my third eOne Sixty so I have a baseline for comparison. It’s not just a motor upgrade but completely new power curve ergonomics. The motor is quiet and torque response smooth and proportionate to pedal load. Less gear and power assist changes are needed as the torque sensor responds so quickly. Transition points are much smoother and you don’t get that sudden change in power when you shift assist levels or reach 25kph. I can take hills at lower assist levels and my regular 45kms ride uses noticeably less battery power. Very impressed with this bike already.