Covid 19 worries !


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
From what I can see, all the newspapers are quoting the same "Welt am Sonntag" article. This does, indeed, state very clearly that Trump wants the vaccine for exclusive US use. ("Nach WELT AM SONNTAG-Informationen will sich die US-Regierung die Rechte daran exklusiv sichern ")

The article explains the complications involved in that CureVac is working in partnership with the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, which belongs to the state and therefore the rights to use any research information could be withheld from CureVac.

However, CureVac is a private company, which will require "special measures" to stop any sale.

Politically difficult for the German government because stopping sales to Trump will generate yet another tantrum. Hence the bidding war, where the German government is regarding this as a business tactic which should stop any toys being thrown out of the pram.

One feels that the German government approaching a US firm for exclusive use of a vaccine which uses US research paid for by the US taxpayer would generate a somewhat different approach from the White House. :unsure:
If you take the actions by Trump in context the US has very high drug prices largely because so many of the nedicines are produced abroad. He has a broader policy beyond covid treatments and vaccines to create a US production which the US Govt can price regulate and reduce dependance on overseas suppliers. The UK NHS has similar problems of paying huge prices for drugs. Thats why pharmaceutical is such a huge and profitable sector. As a businessman Trump understands how the sector works far better than any politician ....or journalist. Always best to ignore the liberal press like DW which is little better than the BBC. They only seek division and everything is reported through the prism of their political bias.


E*POWAH Master
Jul 8, 2019
Surrey Hills.
Last day in Las Clusaz France on a snowboard trip only ski rental shops, supermarkets and cheese/sausage places open. We rode till the lifts closed yesterday and partied till 2am at an End of The World party - very weird atmosphere today. A few people out on road bikes today and 1 EMTB.

you got the last runs of the season, skiing is closed in France now and this weekends arrivals are being sent home.

Chaos as 30,000 British tourists told to leave French ski resorts


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
If you take the actions by Trump in context the US has very high drug prices largely because so many of the nedicines are produced abroad. He has a broader policy beyond covid treatments and vaccines to create a US production which the US Govt can price regulate and reduce dependance on overseas suppliers. The UK NHS has similar problems of paying huge prices for drugs. Thats why pharmaceutical is such a huge and profitable sector. As a businessman Trump understands how the sector works far better than any politician ....or journalist. Always best to ignore the liberal press like DW which is little better than the BBC. They only seek division and everything is reported through the prism of their political bias.

So, as a businessman, Trump would be perfectly happy if Germany bought sole rights to a pharma product developed in the US using US taxpayers' money as long as they paid a market rate? That's basically the case here - when you read the original report. Germany is attempting to defend a state investment by paying a second time to avoid a confrontation. (Perhaps they should have just pulled the rug on the permits - a bit like hitting the sanctions button over Twatter, it would have concentrated minds a little better.)

Your statement about the drug prices is only partially true: Trump's case* against European healthcare (and the NHS in particular) is that their huge purchasing power demands huge discounts which the American consumer has to subidise by paying higher prices. That's a fault of the market not working properly: the US market is fragmented and poorly regulated so it is wide open to exploitative pricing. Just Google "Daraprim price gouging" if you need a little background.

The NHS pays considerably less than US health care for the same pharma products. It's one of the reasons that it's such a prime target in the forthcoming trade talks. Good luck with that one.

I will agree with you that Deutsche Welle is like the BBC. It is a government organisation set up to promote the German language. It tries to be very fair and balanced in its news reporting so usually manages to upset both sides of a debate. (Which probably means that, on balance, it's err... balanced... mostly).

*Note: I could have given you a more readable and user friendly link to Channel 4 or The Guardian, but you'd probably have dismissed that as pinko liberal propaganda. So, here you have it right from the horse's mouth.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
All of which merely points to Trump trying to avoid more of the same. At the end of the day I dont give a toss what Trump does but will defend anyone democratically voted for as leader to act on behalf of that majority that put him/her there.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 19, 2018
I just hope that UK are not taking it too easy, look at Italy - Today alone more than 370 people dead and even they started late they have been in lockdown for more than 10 days now and all numbers still skyrocket :( in the end it comes down to how much respiratory equipment available versus intensive care need. In Denmark we have about 1200 sets and right now 30 people in intensive care but it will get worse.
I came home from a business trip Friday and have symptoms now but not serious, I won’t even call my doctor before it gets much worse.

Be safe all of you!!!



E*POWAH Master
Jul 8, 2019
Surrey Hills.
All of which merely points to Trump trying to avoid more of the same. At the end of the day I dont give a toss what Trump does but will defend anyone democratically voted for as leader to act on behalf of that majority that put him/her there.

The issue is not that the President of the US wants access to the drug for the population.

It's that a businessman wants a world exclusive on it.

As for democracy, Hilary got more votes, Trump won because it's a flawed voting system. Same here, the system translated a 44% Tory vote into a 60% Parliamentary majority. Democracy my ****.


E*POWAH Master
Jul 8, 2019
Surrey Hills.
I just hope that UK are not taking it too easy, look at Italy - Today alone more than 370 people dead and even they started late they have been in lockdown for more than 10 days now and all numbers still skyrocket :( in the end it comes down to how much respiratory equipment available versus intensive care need. In Denmark we have about 1200 sets and right now 30 people in intensive care but it will get worse.
I came home from a business trip Friday and have symptoms now but not serious, I won’t even call my doctor before it gets much worse.

Be safe all of you!!!


I think we are taking it too easy. I'm betting there are a big multiple more cases in incubation than positive tests here. We'll know in a couple of weeks, hope I'm wrong.

Be well Karsten.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
The issue is not that the President of the US wants access to the drug for the population.

It's that a businessman wants a world exclusive on it.

As for democracy, Hilary got more votes, Trump won because it's a flawed voting system. Same here, the system translated a 44% Tory vote into a 60% Parliamentary majority. Democracy my ****.

Hey @miPbiP , this is the internet. It's perfectly acceptable to change the subject under discussion so that victory can be claimed. I wasn't even going to reply because I hadn't yet been called a "Fascist" or "Libtard", nor had Adolf Hitler been invoked. :ROFLMAO:

However, given that there are such vehement supporters of democracy in here, I look forward to seeing some unlikely champions for the Iranian parliament... :unsure:


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
That's a wonderful way to keep up community spirit: at 8pm this evening the whole town went out onto their terraces and balconies and applauded the health care workers. (It's also a good way to check that people are still mobile!).


E*POWAH Master
Jul 8, 2019
Surrey Hills.
Dear God. UK govt strategy is to do **** all, we take our chances. 80% national infection rate (> 52mm people), 8mm hospitalisations, 320,000 deaths (optimistic end of the spectrum), maybe up to over half a million.

UK coronavirus crisis 'to last until spring 2021 and could see 7.9m hospitalised'

presumably also the UK permanently quarantined from the rest of the developed world. pretty much what they want actually.


Jul 20, 2019
And on a lighter note..... To make matters worse my orbea fs wild was due sometime next week but it is now back to the beginning of April and been told that it could be even much longer because of all the cancelled flights and ships not being aloud to dock......... F##k you covid 19 ?. I need it to self isolate ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
And on a lighter note..... To make matters worse my orbea fs wild was due sometime next week but it is now back to the beginning of April and been told that it could be even much longer because of all the cancelled flights and ships not being aloud to dock......... F##k you covid 19 ?. I need it to self isolate ?
@iainc has one for sale ....

Selling an as new ebike ... - EMTB Forums


🐸 Kermit Elite 🐸
Feb 6, 2019
Olching, Germany
Just back from a Week skiing in France. Probably not the most ideal time to do that..
I was surprised yesterday I drove over 5 border crossings, Only on one crossing was there one short controll asking if I had anything to declare in my car. The reat of the borders were completely uncontolled. Borders were between France / Switzerland / Austria / Germany.


Founding Member
Feb 3, 2018
All I know is, there seems to be as much confusion and misconception over the Covid 19, as there is over ebikes ?‍♂️


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2019
As for democracy, Hilary got more votes, Trump won because it's a flawed voting system. Same here, the system translated a 44% Tory vote into a 60% Parliamentary majority. Democracy my ****.

The U.S. is actually a republic that functions with a constitution using democratic principles. It is not a democracy as many may think....


E*POWAH Master
Jul 8, 2019
Surrey Hills.
The Spanish Minister for Transport said that we'll probably be quarantined for more than the initial 15 days :cry::cry:

BBC iPlayer - Our World - Wuhan: Life under Lockdown

Watch what the Chinese had to do just to contain one city (and it's still ongoing). Amazing. Huge resources applied to one sealed off city.

It's not possible to do that nationwide in a large less authoritarian state. They know it.

I suspect the purpose of the lockdown is to buy time for planning and preparation, they don't expect eradication in a couple of weeks.

The lockdown is basically a reset of expectation. There's a before, and a new reality, the after.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
The U.S. is actually a republic that functions with a constitution using democratic principles. It is not a democracy as many may think....

And "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" claims it is a democracy but has a hereditary head of state, an unelected upper chamber containing a mixture of religious leaders, hereditary members there by birthright and the remainder "selected" by (mostly) the ruling party of the day. The lower chamber is elected using a flawed system whereby a minority vote received can and does result in a massive majority representation in the chamber.

Oh, and both the USA and the UK are currently governed by overweight New Yorkers with bad hair. :ROFLMAO:

Funny old world. :cautious:


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
No voting system is perfect...witness some of the polls on here..hehe.
They are designed to try to ensure representation across a community consisting of small but heavilly populated urban areas and vast but thinly populated rural areas. Thats why we have constituencies and the US has the electoral college. Brexit demonstrated that even if you use a referendum voting system some are not satisfied with the result. The other alteratives are autocracy or proportional representation both of which have serious downsides. The issue is not the system usedbut the willingness of those that lose to accept the result. If they do not you have the worst option of all...anarchy!


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
The whole point of the "first past the post" system that we have in the UK is that it provides (mostly) a decisive outcome at national level. That way the country can make progress towards something. Whether you like the destination or not, at least we are moving. We can always adjust course later. Compared to the stasis that we had with the interminable Brexit debates, where the country was at standstill while we all argued, I very much prefer to make progress.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
If you detect a sense of humour failure from my corner, we've been informed that we are confined to our homes for the next couple of weeks.

"Spain imposed a partial lockdown on its 47 million inhabitants on Saturday, as part of a 15-day state of emergency. People are barred from leaving home except for buying essential supplies and medicines, or for work."

I think we need to commission you to do some long distance Focus reviews ? ......


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
No voting system is perfect...witness some of the polls on here..hehe.
They are designed to try to ensure representation across a community consisting of small but heavilly populated urban areas and vast but thinly populated rural areas. Thats why we have constituencies and the US has the electoral college. Brexit demonstrated that even if you use a referendum voting system some are not satisfied with the result. The other alteratives are autocracy or proportional representation both of which have serious downsides. The issue is not the system usedbut the willingness of those that lose to accept the result. If they do not you have the worst option of all...anarchy!

If you ever end up in quarantine with nothing to do, I can recommend you read The Federalist Papers, especially Paper Number 10. You'll see that even in 1787, Madison had correctly predicted the critical flaw in our form of democracy - even giving it a name: Factions. He was able to dismiss the worries sufficiently to proceed because he could not, sadly, predict social media and twitter.

As you will see, domination by faction is not democracy.

The domination of one faction by another to impose a diametrically opposed view was exactly his fear. That, of course, is the fatal flaw in a first past the post system which has no room for compromise.
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