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  1. E

    Shimano Battery Life Poll

    The tablet version of etube does it read out too:
  2. E

    Could Shimano Suck Any More At Software?

    Some people clam that with the new 4.9 firmware walk assist became better but I doubt this. Anyone can confirm? And does it really detect and log the use of Stunlocker?
  3. E

    Shimano Battery Life Poll

    Storing it constantly at 100% is the second unhealthiest state after leaving it sit at 0% meaning it is the second fastest way to cell degradation. Did your battery health drop rapidly from 100% to 90 or gradually? Mine is approaching 40 cycles I think and degraded to 98%. I store it between...
  4. E

    STEPS E8000 Motor Service

    Did someone try to get hold of off a new seal from shimano?
  5. E

    STEPS E8000 Motor Service

    What about the seal between the motor casing that gets damaged by opening it?
  6. E

    EP8 - reduce the noise rattling noises from the motor

    It's a freehub inside the motor that has slight play and the chain moving creates the noise. Eliminating it is not easy if not impossible without changing the overall design. It is less noticeable with the old motor so it probably also has something to do with the motor being smaller.
  7. E

    Shimano Battery Life Poll

    Maybe it has to do with the fact that the internal batteries get warmer inside the frame? From what I know they have the same cell type and batteries don't like heat. No, because it's hard to say if that's degradation or just the fact that it's hard to measure a system with a human variable...
  8. E

    Shimano Battery Life Poll

    If it would be real degradation then wouldn't the owners notice a rapidly declining range?
  9. E

    Alps trip and covid !?

    This weekend is the last time to vote against a new hunting law that essentially could lead to a ban for singletrails in the best mtb destinations in switzerland:
  10. E

    Shimano Battery Life Poll

    1) # of charging cycles 31 2) remaining capacity 98% 3) I use E6000 charger exclusively 4) Battery BT-E8010 504wh 6) 17 months old / ~2000 km note: the second percent degradation happened more rapidly than the first. Due to travelling with a campervan I had to store the battery a few days fully...
  11. E

    ep8 motor, who's going to be first to retrofit?

    If you know that bosch has the most sales in germany followed by Shimano and Brose comes third you can read something in it.
  12. E

    ep8 motor, who's going to be first to retrofit?

    I German mag did a Survey and Shimano had the least users with problems. So while it's not providing sales numbers real world data doesn't indicate that bosch is more reliable than Shimano.
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    ep8 motor, who's going to be first to retrofit?

    I think even if it's possible its probably not really financially interesting to swap out a motor if you can get a complete build for around 5k with a new battery and new everything. Also: Why is the moderation of this forum this weird? Threads/posts are removed constantly and then reappear...
  14. E

    31 of august. new Shimano motor today?

    The launch is not that interesting if it's just a press release. What we need is a long term test over a few thousand miles in tough conditions and also if it makes a clunking sound if descending.
  15. E

    E8000 "bottom bracket" bearing play after 1400km

    It's the same with the freehub clunking. Every bike has it from the factory. People only tend to notice it after a while and think something is wrong.
  16. E

    EP8 pic

    People in germany with connections to dealers say that you can order from 1. September and some apparently did place pre orders but I doubt that there will be much stock right away.
  17. E

    EP8 pic

    Well that's up to the bike manufacturers. The problem with bigger batteries is that they are heavier and most of the time don't really give you more range than the smaller ones. A bosch 625 has the more usable Wh than a 700 bmz battery. See...
  18. E

    Shimano E8000 - 3000 miles!

    Well they took that into account with bosch being most widely used in germany and in the ample group while Shimano came second. So it shows the tendency reflected in real life that Brose is prone to failure.
  19. E

    E8000 "bottom bracket" bearing play after 1400km

    I wouldn't put much emphasis as how the "factory" did things. The factory ofthen is a warehouse were people without much knowledge about bikes assemble them and only if something goes wrong an actual professional takes a look at it.
  20. E

    Shimano E8000 - 3000 miles!

    A german mag did a survey and the answers show that shimano might be one of the more reliable motors after all: Top line reads: "With which motor manufacturer did you have problems?"