Something I've learned for my mototrials riding on steep hills: If the bike can power itself unless there is enough weight on the rear wheel to create traction it's just gonna spin.
Doesn’t seem that challenging to shift gear in walk mode to me. It’s only a few clicks when you start or stop walking. You don’t have to pedal to shift before using walk mode.
I’m a huge coil spring fan. I intentionally got a bike with a lyrik vs a ebike 36 so I could do an acs3 kit. I figured I’d ride with the air spring for a while to delay the additional cost. I must say I’m impressed with how good air forks have become.
I’m only 200 miles into emtb ownership and...
Battery clamp is still nice and tight and terminals look new. The sealing is found its job. It was the battery connector at the motor that was the culprit.
I had a *-*- - (first and third led) battery error today when I was getting ready to leave for a ride. The manual says it is a battery communications error. I Pulled the battery and it powered up fine. Plug it in a out a few times and it booted up normal. Of coarse it did the same thing once I...
Oh yes. The light was getting power and the power button would blink but there was not enough current to actually drive the light. At 6v it took 2.6 amps to get 1800 lumens. I believe the Bosch system has a 12v light circuit so it has half current demands to achieve the same wattage.
I recently went through all of this with a Light and Motion ebike light. There is only 1amp available from the light leads in the 8000 motor. I wasn't even able to get my 1800 lumen light to turn on. Sadly shimano has missed the boat on this one as a EMTB system should be able to power a light...
My son has an Oset trials bike that I have converted to Lipo batteries. I took 3 H1 automotive bulbs and wired them in series to be a “dummy” load for that 36v 360wh pack. Works great about 5–10 minutes per .1 volt of charge. Cost me nothing as I had the bulbs kicking around the garage loose. A...
Been riding Time ATACs for at least 2 decades. Still use the first pair I bought. They last forever don’t clog up and once the cleats are a worn-in unclip fast, easy and predictably. I have the Z-Controls on my emtb best of both worlds.
I completely agree with the idea of getting land managers on emtbs to see how evil they aren’t. This issue I see is for those of us in areas that there are not completely open riding how do you not shoot yourself in the foot for future stealth riding once you are known to the land managers?
Have you removed the treaded on top cap from the self extractor? Photos would be very helpful. I doubt the bolt broke at the head. It's likely on the threaded below the shoulder. If so removing the top cap of the bolt will get the broken bits out and a regular crank puller like the one pictured...
Have you ever blown up a tube outside of a tire? They stretch quite a bit. I have a boat load of 26” tubes that I’ll make work as 27.5+ spares for now.
Being in the US and having few legal places to ride my Meta Power I'm familar with these issues. I have yet to encounter any negative comments while I'm out politely poaching the trails near me. I avoid the trail snobs and choose my rides carefully.
My take is 2 fold.
1 E-Bikes are like gay...
When I recently did my rims I tried to go edge to edge with the 25mm gorilla tape. I found the extra tight fit with the tape caused the tire to pop off the bead when there was no pressure. If I only covered the nipple holes the tire had a nice firm seat on the bead with no pressure more like an...
Like buying the legs of an Olympic athlete. Yes I’m “cheating” and I don’t care because I’m smiling.
This came to me on a ride this week. EMTB are like gay marriage. If you don’t like them don’t get one and leave me the frick alone to do as I see fit.