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Answered Shimano E8000 hardwired lights


Active member
Feb 14, 2019
Hi, I have made a light for my bike and printed a discreet bracket, it works really well, is aestheticly pleasing and for the £3.67 it cost is impressive.
One consideration is that it's a usb 5v light, that is easy to overcome by putting a decent diode in line the voltage will drop enough to get away with.
The other consideration is the current that it draws from the e8000 6v driver. The only info in the manual is 1000mah, not a lot on the internet either.
This is not really a lot and am thinking it may have been cut and paste from the e6000 specs? It could also be either the most current it will release, or the most current the components can take?

The light I have has three modes of brightness both lower modes that are bright enough tbh are within spec of 1000mah but the third pass through setting is 2500mah, I'm wary of this and have not hard wired yet as I was going to change the cree led for one with lower draw.

I found some specs for this light for the e8000: Lupline SL S (StVZO) E8000
This system says it's not suitable for the e6000 as it does not supply enough power???!!
It also states it's 16w... that's 2600mah!
So now I'm thinking I'm safe with what I have but wish to ask what others have setup and the specs (wattage/current) they run.





Active member
Feb 14, 2019
This is excellent! I had a very similar idea about a mount, but just never got around to making it. Would you be willing to upload the file for the mount? Happy to pay a fee if necessary!
I'd be happy to give it a go. Have a look on thingiverse you can post files there.
The material shrinks a little and is prone to warping depending on how the file is designed to lay on the bed and pretuding parts etc... If it needs supports it will not be pretty
it took me 3 prototypes to get it spot on, as some is guess work.
I've leant my bike to my dad for a few weeks, when he's done with it I'll finish this project.


Active member
Oct 8, 2018
Seattle USA
I recently went through all of this with a Light and Motion ebike light. There is only 1amp available from the light leads in the 8000 motor. I wasn't even able to get my 1800 lumen light to turn on. Sadly shimano has missed the boat on this one as a EMTB system should be able to power a light you could trail ride with.


New Member
Dec 13, 2018
I recently went through all of this with a Light and Motion ebike light. There is only 1amp available from the light leads in the 8000 motor. I wasn't even able to get my 1800 lumen light to turn on. Sadly shimano has missed the boat on this one as a EMTB system should be able to power a light you could trail ride with.

This might be a dumb question - did you have the light function enabled through the app?


Active member
Oct 8, 2018
Seattle USA
Oh yes. The light was getting power and the power button would blink but there was not enough current to actually drive the light. At 6v it took 2.6 amps to get 1800 lumens. I believe the Bosch system has a 12v light circuit so it has half current demands to achieve the same wattage.


New Member
Dec 13, 2018
Oh yes. The light was getting power and the power button would blink but there was not enough current to actually drive the light. At 6v it took 2.6 amps to get 1800 lumens. I believe the Bosch system has a 12v light circuit so it has half current demands to achieve the same wattage.
I thought so, just thought I would check as I know a number of people on the forum have had dramas as they hadn’t activated the light through the app.

It’s ridiculous that Shimano has set up the lights for 6V and 1amp. It’s also weird that lights such as the Lupine lights don’t seem to fit these figures?


Dec 19, 2018
Thanks for the thought, I checked it out in the manual and it only mentions it being connected by two tabs on the motor.

View attachment 11960
I'm not certain about the EP8 motor, but the E8000 has an issue of reserving excessive levels of battery capacity if you activate the motor light option. If the light is activated, it will reserve a significant amount of battery capacity to ensure you don't end up without lights when your battery gets low. This results in reduced battery range even without a light connected or turned on. In my case, it appeared to reserve more than 10% of the batterie's remaining capacity and cuts power to the motor when it is reached. Initially I couldn't figure out why my battery was getting less range. Eventually I stumbled on this reserving battery function for an activated light. Apparently a Shimano dealer can change the amount of reserved but I read that they come standard with the minimum reserve so I couldn't improve it. As such, I deactivated my light option and am back to my normal battery range. I now use a separately powered light.

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