Turn the battery on and immedietly after hit connect on the E-Tube app. That's the only way I can get connected. Also you could use STunlocker which is actually better for changing assist levels. It's only £1.49
Is it though? The batteries have a cut off point. Why would that point be at a level that is detrimental to the health of the battery? Yes leaving a battery either empty of full for extended periods is bad practice but I don't belive that using it until it cuts off is...
That's pants. I wonder how the health calculation works though as I said before my battery showing as healthier seems to last longer than the one showing almost 100% health.
Agh okay fair enough. So basically they're not keen on warranty replacements until around the 85% mark. Does anyone know how long a warranty we get on the batteries?
Brilliant thanks for the detailed response. How did they check the battery health? Laptop and DI2 interface? Do they get any more data from the battery like individual cell readouts or readouts from a set of cells similar to DIY type battery management systems? It's likely that one or more...
Chewing up the 2 smallest fogs
The way you change gear or maintain the bike isn't why you're chewing up the 2 smallest cogs. Being in them so much in boost/turbo mode will be. A larger front chainring can help with this. I had and still have to some extent the same problem as you. Now I just...
1) # of charging cycles See below
2) remaining capacity See below
3) which charger you use (fast (E6000) or slow (E6002) charger) Fast
4) Battery BT-E8010 504wh
5) 1065 miles
6) Original battery is 10 months old/ 2nd battery is 3 months old
7) Always stored inside the house
Confused by my...