E*POWAH Master
Thanks! Interesting it looks like the Android version of Blevo is much more feature-rich with more customisation. I notice a lot of folk using a BV6000 so perhaps i need to invest in one of these to get the very best out of Blevo?
Thanks very much for the tips, really appreciate it. I'll give the Smart HR settings a go on my iOS version and see how i get on.
I do like the idea of maximising the battery. Im about 95kg and i've been doing approx 1500-1800ft elevation on each ride 15-16 mile ride and the battery is coming down to about 50% with Wh anywhere between 240-300 Wh.
May i ask if you can explain Smart Power in lamens terms for me please? I have looked through the manual and again through this thread but can't get a clear explanation on that!
I don't understand what you mean with the word "lamens" but I assume for "dummies"?
When I started to use BLEvo I used my iPhone 6, bought a special waterproof case and waterproof powerbank. I bought the powerbank as I used BLEvo as a cockpit with screen always on.
Then @PaoloBLEvo advised me to buy the BV6000 (IP68 (wash it just with a gardenhose when I return after a ride), huge battery and barometer). It was around $150 but if you find this too much money you could consider the BV6000S too. Later I bought the O Synce remote and GUB Plus 8 phone holder. I use the O Synce control to change smart power wattage, change screen from bike monitor to map view, zoom in and out on the map, etc. without having to remove my hands from the handle bar. I would highly recommend to buy the remote when using BLEvo.
I use the BV6000 just as a bike display (not as a phone). With the GUB holder you can rotate the phone on the handlebars. I have it now in landscape position. With BLEvo Android version (which is a more detailed BLEvo version than the ios one) you can download detailed openandroidmaps once to the device. From that moment you download gpx tracks via wifi if you don't like to insert a simcard. A simcard is not required to use BLEvo during the ride.
Like @Indigo also pointed out, I would recommend to you just to test how you like smart HR, smart leg power and the combination of both together. Just leave the assistance % settings at the levels I have shared with you and you will the difference for sure. You can then later fine tune all settings and %'s according to your own preferences.
By the way I weigh around 98kg so I think, if required, you can extend you rides much further but that will require more human leg power and most likely a reduced average speed. Of course even more efficient would be to ride the bike in "off"
Last but not least, as @Indigo already said, most likely you have firmware version 2.019. This is an old version and therefore smart power might not always work as expected. I would say just try it. If you have issues (could be with walk assist or shuttle mode too) than upgrading your bike could resolve these issues. However you will not be able to increase speed anymore above 28,8km/h. (in case you ask your LBS to set the WC to 2000) If 28,8km/h is not enough for you than you might need to consider the Levociraptor, LSS, Planet3 or Badass box. I just have my WC set to 2000 which offers me a max speed of 28,8km/h which already makes a big difference in ride feeling compared to the original setting of 2300.
I hope this helps...
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