Reign E+ 2022


Dec 13, 2019
Hope u get well dude, an interesting fact about the cut off speed I realized and now remembered I also need to edit in my review somewhere back in this thread. I was seeing different cutoff speeds with my bike in different modes. Usually it was a bit lower than 25kmh.

Don't know what others were/are using for measuring speed, but I used my thrusty Garmin Fenix 6 watch that I had connected with the bike.

I always thought the speed I see on the watch was GPS speed, well the truth was far from reality. The show speed was the speed based on the connected bikes wheel circumference settings in the cadence/speed sensor. Will explain further...
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The first time I became suspicious was when mid ride I glanced at the watch saying "wheel size calibrated" or something like that. I was like, ok great, didn't bother with it to much.

Well the next ride was a fast one, pushing hard, where I thought the bike had gone crazy, it was assisting up to 27kmh when it cutoff.

Then I started to deep dive into my Garmin and the bike sensors and also did some testing. To my surprise the cadence/speed sensor of the bike has a setting for Manual or Auto wheel circumference calibration in Garmin, that was set to Auto. As this is an mtb it is possible that the Auto calibration on rough terrain isn't very accurate. That's exactly what happened, The saved settings were wrong an so was the displayed speed. During my first test attempts with different max out wheel circumference settings I even thought I have free tuning, as the speed shown was close to 38kmh...but comparing it to GPS speed that was around 25ish I realized the point of everything. 🙆🤷‍♂️🙃It crazy how the mind works when it's fixed on an idea.

I have then set the sensor calibration to Manual and manually entered the correct circumference and since then the cutoff speed was always the same. It is possible that this can/did happen with other cycling computers or third party devices connected to the bike,...etc...

Maybe someone will also have a revelation like me...🙃
Are you saying manually changing the circumference gave you a faster speed before cutoff or it just thinks it’s doing a certain speed when cutoff? But it’s really only doing 25klm anyways?


Active member
Jan 10, 2022
Are you saying manually changing the circumference gave you a faster speed before cutoff or it just thinks it’s doing a certain speed when cutoff? But it’s really only doing 25klm anyways?
I think you got the point.

The bike always has the same cutoff speed, but If you manually enter the circumference of the wheel in the Garmin watch, u will see the speed based on your entry, think of it as calibration, Bosch motors have this in the bike phone app. This is due to different rear tire sizes giving different circumference.

So In my case I measured my back wheel by hand and entered that number and the shown speed was pretty close to 25kmh.

There is one app on the Garmin IQ store that I use, Ebike Diagnostics, with that app you can check the wheel circumference that is actually saved/locked(not possible to change) in your motor firmware and that number determines the Real motor cutoff speed.
Screenshot_20230708_192033_Connect IQ.jpg


Active member
Jan 10, 2022
[email protected]

Apparently who we have to email when there is issues
Do you think they will deal with riders outside of the UK? Probably not, I think I have seen on Fb someone reporting that he was turned down as he was not from the same country.

BTW...bellow is the email for the Giant Ride App developer support....I already sent a long email with cons and suggestions.

[email protected]

No answer yet.


Active member
Aug 21, 2022
Simi Valley
Well I have finally experienced the dreaded Giant charging issue. I loaded my bike up to go ride the other day and when I got to the trail I discovered my bike was only at 35% charged. Super bummed but made the best of it and did a small ride. Then I got home and plugged it in. 24 hours later and it was only charged to 46%. I had to unplug the charger from both the bike and the wall because when I unplugged the charger from the bike it was still registering that it was connected and charging by showing the slow blinking green light.

Charger another full 24 hours and it is finally up to about 75%. Super frustrating. At this rate I can only do a good ride once a week at best.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2022
Sorry to hear all the charging issues, going to try to skip this update.

I have the bike pretty sorted right now, new cockpit, new tyres, shock back from warranty. Still waiting on my 800Wh battery though, it's been months now. Still blown away at how well it rides tight trails despite the weight and length of the bike:



Well-known member
Nov 16, 2022

Quick post now that my build is pretty much complete!

180mm Zeb, Kryptotals 2.6 front and back, DT swiss ex1700, 45mm stem, 38mm rise Title bars, 180mm oneup dropper, GX 11s drivetrain with an X01 cassette, 150mm miranda cranks. Just waiting (not so patiently) for my 800Wh battery for this to be close to my dream bike.

Can highly recommend the milkit Hassle'off toolkit, has everything you need and fits neatly underneath the bottle mount. Just received my YT fidlock bottle, it's a 600ml bottle that fits in the same space as the 450ml from fidlock, but be warned the bottle doesn't come with the magnet kit on the bottle (some cheek if you ask me).

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May 8, 2022
France Grenoble area
View attachment 120107 View attachment 120109

Quick post now that my build is pretty much complete!

180mm Zeb, Kryptotals 2.6 front and back, DT swiss ex1700, 45mm stem, 38mm rise Title bars, 180mm oneup dropper, GX 11s drivetrain with an X01 cassette, 150mm miranda cranks. Just waiting (not so patiently) for my 800Wh battery for this to be close to my dream bike.

Can highly recommend the milkit Hassle'off toolkit, has everything you need and fits neatly underneath the bottle mount. Just received my YT fidlock bottle, it's a 600ml bottle that fits in the same space as the 450ml from fidlock, but be warned the bottle doesn't come with the magnet kit on the bottle (some cheek if you ask me).

View attachment 120106
lovely build


New Member
Jul 14, 2023
Hi everyone.

I have a 2022 Reign e+1 which I bought in April of 2023. I'm having numerous issues with the electronics ranging from overheating in power levels 3,4 and 5, random power downs mid ride, the bike mysteriously will not turn on from time to time and my odometer on the app isn't anywhere near accurate.

All of my overheating problems have happened during mild temperatures.

My bike shop has been supportive but they have found no solutions to the problems. I've been told that Giant is working on a solution but it seems to be dragging on forever.

These seem to be known issues so has anyone found a solution? I love this bike and how it rides but I paid a lot of money for something that hasn't worked properly out of the gate. Wondering if I should demand a new one??


Active member
Jul 7, 2021
if i were you, i would demand either a new, perfectly functioning bike or a refund of the purchase price, if necessary with legal support. Been trough this with the 2020 Reign e+ before, but still like the charasteristics of these bikes and hence and hence on my fith Giant E-MTB 🤭


Active member
Apr 5, 2022
New Zealand
Hi everyone.

I have a 2022 Reign e+1 which I bought in April of 2023. I'm having numerous issues with the electronics ranging from overheating in power levels 3,4 and 5, random power downs mid ride, the bike mysteriously will not turn on from time to time and my odometer on the app isn't anywhere near accurate.

All of my overheating problems have happened during mild temperatures.

My bike shop has been supportive but they have found no solutions to the problems. I've been told that Giant is working on a solution but it seems to be dragging on forever.

These seem to be known issues so has anyone found a solution? I love this bike and how it rides but I paid a lot of money for something that hasn't worked properly out of the gate. Wondering if I should demand a new one??
I would demand a refund or replacement. That's just ridiculous.


Nov 14, 2022
had an interesting thing happen. had done about 6 miles of typical riding nothing crazy, had just climbed back to the top of a hill. no problems until then, all of a sudden i heard a faint grinding noise as I pedaled. stopped and checked it out for while going back and forth and pedaling. definitely heard the noise. i also noticed that the power indicator had one orange led on top and 3 white on bottom. didn't even know it does that. that did go away as i played with the power level including turning it on and off.

i turned the motor off and rolled down about 900ft. pretty soon after that i turned the motor back on and it seemed to be back to normal. but i'm little spooked, and can't really find any info on it.


New Member
May 13, 2023
Overheating security, normal since last updates.
Usually happens while climbing in high level modes. Motor steps down to lower levels.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2021
Well, my E+2 just started having the charging problem… Running the diagnostics comes all green ok, yet I have to plug-unplug a few times to get to 100% charge. Running flawless for over 2,000 km… Anyone found a fix to this? Thanks.


Jul 9, 2021
Terrassa ( SPAIN)
Well, I already have another problem in my REING 2022. Yesterday when I got home after traveling 36 km, the odometer showed me exactly the kilometers traveled yesterday.... 36 km.
The main odometer has reset to zero and mysteriously now my ebike officially has 36 kilometers, last week it was about 4100.
I have not updated to the latest update and the selected support parameters have not changed.
It has just been reset to 0 without touching anything at all.
Don't even take out the battery in time.
anyone else with this problem?

Mr Dog

Sep 26, 2021
Does anyone know if there is a way to roll back to an earlier version of the software? I will be selling my reign as soon as I get it out of storage in a couple of weeks due to an injury that will keep me off the bike for the rest of the year. There was a point in time where the software side of this bike was spot on. I would say around July last year. Subsequent updates only seem to have brought issues. Would love to get it back to that cut. Unfortunately I have no record of the number.


Active member
Jul 7, 2021
After double checking with Giant, LBS claims there is no way for them to roll back to another SW Version. Via App it is also not possibl.


May 22, 2022
For charging on the bike, I have noticed if I can turn on the bike while charging it charges super slow, 20% in 2+ hours.

I unplugged charger from bike and wall waited 30 secs and then plugged back in, could not turn on bike while charging and charged 30% more in under an hour.

See if that works for you guys.


Active member
Jul 7, 2021
It doesn't work for my two bikes. Sometimes they do not charge at all even when the green light is flashing on the charger.


Jan 26, 2023
I have the same problem with my 22 reign 2 , the battery stop charging at 56% the last two times . I take the battery out of the bike and charging straight to the charger and is going at 100% without any problem.


Active member
Aug 21, 2022
Simi Valley
I have found that with the charging issue I have to plug my bike in and let it charge for a few hours. Then unplug it entirely from the bike and the wall. Wait thirty seconds and then plug everything back in and charge for a few hours. I have to repeat this until it’s fully charged. I’m going to eh plugging my charger into a Christmas light timer and see if that works for the charging issue.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2022
All these charging issues got worse from the last software update right? Do you guys purposefully update the bike, or is just you regularly use the app which auto-updates your software?

Suffered my first overheating issue last weekend, was relatively pleasantly surprised that the bike only went down the level 3 at the end of an impossible climb in direct sunlight during a 30 degree day, bike stopped the overheating protection once I got onto a paved road (still uphill). Very glad I had read a comment here last week explaining what the warning light code meant, so I didn't worry too much when it happened.


Active member
Jan 10, 2022
Hey guys, as already pointed out by @trailaddict, please do report the charging or overheating issues to your Giant LBS or to Giant directly, a contact email is a few posts back in the thread.

Talking about it here of course helps raise awareness, but no more than that, doubt that Giant has someone reading forums, and even if they do they won't react to it.

The more reports Giant gets trough official channels the more pressure will be on them to send out an update that hopefully should fix the issues. I talked to my Giant LBS they told me that there is a lot of reports after the last update dated 20230906, they advised not to do any new updates until September when an update should arrive that should override everything updated so far.

Regarding the questions why to update the bike, some updates bring additional functionality, some of us(me also) were expecting that the last update would fix the power readings on third-party(I.e. Garmin) devices, but unfortunately it fuc...d up the charging etc...

If you don't want to update your bike, but want to use the phone app, there is a solution, before connecting the app and bike just turn off Data/WiFi on the phone and decline the app prompt for internet connection. That's how you don't need to update and can use the app.

Also clearing the fact I read I while back about updating, the app does not automatically by it self update your bike, you need to confirm if your self.

It is also not necessary the update is for the whole system, it can be for separate parts(motor, battery, controller, smart gateway module-the brains, app,...), unfortunately Giant only(as seen by me) provides a changelog/update notes when there is an app update, but not when there are parts updates.

The lack of update notes in my opinion is a huge NO-GO as basically they are changing the state of our property and not providing information what are the changes. If the user would have update notes he could decide if he wants or doesn't want the update. Every serious company that does OTA updates provides changelogs to their customers. When/if you guys do a report please include this request also, let's force Giant to do it.


Active member
Jan 10, 2022
Hey guys, so I have been reading three forums where people report charging issues after the last smart gateway module update. Some reported they did the update and have no issues, then again others the opposite and also some of you had these problems before this update.

So all this made me thinking, because until this last update I had no problems whatsoever with the updates. Now don't take this for granted, it's just a theory that can be wrong.

I thought/think the culprit of the issues could possibly be a mistake in the update procedure, because the way(procedure) I did the last update was slightly different than all previous(that worked fine).

The problem is that the Giant App's instructions during the update are a bit unclear at the end. When the updating is finished it gives you a prompt where it says something like this(can't remember the exact sentence): "For finishing the update turn off and restart your bike". Also with this prompt you get a FINISH button you can press. To me it is a bit unclear what to do first, press the Finish button or the bike Off/On step.

So, the procedure I used with all previous updates(ok) was:
1. Pressed FINISH button, exit the App.
2. Turned bike Off and On.
3. Reconnected bike with App.

The procedure I used(don't know why, think I was in a hurry) with the last update( is not ok) was:
1. Turned bike Off and On.
2. Pressed FINISH button, exit the App.
3. Reconnected bike with App.

I wonder if this way somehow the update doesn't finish loading properly?

How did you guys that also have charging issues do the update, and how did those that did the update and don't have issues?
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
Well my Reign E+ is cracked, but looks like only the rocker link is affected.

Local suspension shop last month told me my rear shock was getting marked on just one side of the stanchion, which can be typical to trunnion mount so didn't make a case of it.

Bike started making a weird cracking sound in the last 2 rides, but wasn't able to pinpoint it...even greased my dropper again.

I rode a trail with large drops today and the cracking sound was getting louder, came out that the rocker is cracked on the left side at 2 places and since I didn't catch it right away the diamater of the hole is now off, ouch!

I truly hope that Giant is not going to take forever to replace it right in the middle of summer.



Oct 4, 2022
Any advises for small bags to store tool, maxalami and replacement tube, which fit nicely on the reign e+ frame?
Welcome to share pictures...


Apr 2, 2022
Hello, today I managed to fully charge the bike battery on the first try. First I turned on the power to the bike. After that, i put the charging cable to the plug. Could be a coincidence, I'll try the same again.

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