Kenevo Gen1 Official 2018/2019 Kenevo thread


Jan 1, 2019
This is the one I just picked up. All steel!



Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Quick test for stones and crap getting caught and to make sure the bolts are tight (check after ride). Guards seem to work well, no flapping, no stone jams - did have one leaf get caught.. but otherwise, wouldn't know they were there.

36t was nice. I thought it had fixed my power "CLUNK" , but still had that once. Didn't notice the motor "Zzzzziiiipppppppppp" sound when pedaling above assistance, so as @Christian suspected, that could have been something to do with the chain guide. Much better spread through the gears, for me anyway... was still pedalling at over 50kph and it didn't feel like hamster wheeling.

So far .. so good ! :) I'm even getting used to the look .. quite like the rear :)



Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
This is the one I just picked up. All steel!

How can you live in a country which is larger than mars, has a population of about 16 and yet you can drive to shop and buy a 36t steel praxis chainring, because they have them in stock ! If I went to a shop here they'd try and convince me to buy the 24 tooth plastic one they had on the shelf or tell me it would take three weeks to get one delivered .. madness.


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
How can you live in a country which is larger than mars, has a population of about 16 and yet you can drive to shop and buy a 36t steel praxis chainring, because they have them in stock ! If I went to a shop here they'd try and convince me to buy the 24 tooth plastic one they had on the shelf or tell me it would take three weeks to get one delivered .. madness.

Exactly what I was thinking. Must've been a bloody long drive - across Melbourne? They have everything in Melbourne.

I tried to find one - late night PayPal locked & loaded no reading glasses possibly after a beer accidentally ordered a titanium 36T. Big mistake didn't see the 1 before the €..55. Feel like I can't destroy it on my bike ffs. Any chance they may have another steel one in stock?

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Jan 1, 2019
How can you live in a country which is larger than mars, has a population of about 16 and yet you can drive to shop and buy a 36t steel praxis chainring, because they have them in stock ! If I went to a shop here they'd try and convince me to buy the 24 tooth plastic one they had on the shelf or tell me it would take three weeks to get one delivered .. madness.
Lol the Kenevo can go everywhere fast I keep telling you. My Specialized shop have had them for at least a year that I know of.
We have it all in this island!


Jan 1, 2019
Exactly what I was thinking. Must've been a bloody long drive - across Melbourne? They have everything in Melbourne.

I tried to find one - late night PayPal locked & loaded no reading glasses possibly after a beer accidentally ordered a titanium 36T. Big mistake didn't see the 1 before the €..55. Feel like I can't destroy it on my bike ffs. Any chance they may have another steel one in stock?
Bike now in King St Melbourne mate. Pretty sure they have at least another three of them.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Managed to squeeze in a longer ride yesterday afternoon. The 36t sort of helps with the clunky shifts. I think the worst shifts are on the higher (smaller tooth cogs) gears, so you end up using them less with the 36.

Only problem was where I'd cut the rear mudhugger too curved to follow the rear triangle and the chain rubs it in 1st gear ..

My "over assistance" ZZziiiipppp when pedalling is still there .. thought spending more time listening, it's more a Yyyyyarrrrrrppp



Jan 1, 2019
I just need 3 or 4 more km/h and I’d be happy. I tried talking my Specialized dealer into it but he gave me the blah blah illegal blah blah speech.
Then I pointed out all the Asian delivery ebikes flying past at over 40km/h and he still said no.
How do I get the American program? Is it in the battery? I’ll buy what I have too!


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France

I just need 3 or 4 more km/h and I’d be happy. I tried talking my Specialized dealer into it but he gave me the blah blah illegal blah blah speech.
Then I pointed out all the Asian delivery ebikes flying past at over 40km/h and he still said no.
How do I get the American program? Is it in the battery? I’ll buy what I have too!

Those guys must be getting paid per delivery if they're passing you on your Kenevo on the Downhills :)

You'd have loved to come with me yesterday .. I just moaned on the battery life thread about it ..

Took the afternoon off and went out for a fantastic play (air in tyres helped, hadn't noticed they'd dropped). Did 15k and 600m climb, bike felt amazing, I think the new guards were acting as wings :) .. bumped into two guys on normal carbon bikes so rode with them .. Blevo said I only had 8km's left in "trail 45/45" , eco was set to 20/20. So did another 23k/800m with them using eco on difficult climbs and power off everywhere else .. with my crappy battery I rain out 5km's from home at the lowest point on the ride. I was actually so fecked when I got home I couldn't even drink a beer ! Just glugged orange juice and walked the dog to stop seizing up. Legs are a little sore today ... There were several times I really wanted to swap bikes with them.. but it was still worth the pain to have the Kenevo on the downhills. :)


Jan 1, 2019
I know this pain you are referring too and as you said on the downhills it’s just sublime!

I reckon you got a damaged cell or two, on those settings I’d get an easy 45km+.
At least you can still ride it though. Most of my rides are around 30km/800m with left overs. Pretty full on though, we always get back to the car panting like dogs.


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
I just need 3 or 4 more km/h and I’d be happy. I tried talking my Specialized dealer into it but he gave me the blah blah illegal blah blah speech.
Then I pointed out all the Asian delivery ebikes flying past at over 40km/h and he still said no.
How do I get the American program? Is it in the battery? I’ll buy what I have too!

Yes the extra 3 or 4 km/h does make a difference but don’t get me started.

You got me started…illegal lol in the scheme of all illegal things I’d say 3 or 4 extra km/h of speed on an electric bike used off-road…not to mention if you’re riding on private land or in many jurisdictions an extra 20 km/h upwards is not illegal anyway.

There is an easy way to do it, BLEvo. Specialized have clearly stated that speed changes over the limit will void your warranty…but what is the limit if used on private land? They also stated you can set a lower diameter but not below 2000mm. So that possibly could be interpreted that the warranty will not be impacted if you simply reduce that setting to 2000mm, resulting in the extra 3 or 4 km/h.

Actually I just checked BLEvo & I can't set it below 2200mm & remember now that can only be done by a dealer so not sure how that can be done without impacting the warranty.

A moot point for me because that’s how it was delivered. In any case I don’t ride the Kenevo on public roads.
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Jan 1, 2019
You guys crack me up. I just want the extra km/h to clear bigger jumps. The restrictor always seems to kick it just as I’m about to hit a jump and throws me off balance.
I will find a way.
In the mean time @wpen get onto that electric rohloff shifter!
I’m borderline ready to go do an electronics course.
Surely it can’t be that hard!


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
There you go .. that's me being dumb ... you did say you'd found a "more expensive" solution to the gear clunk problem !! Does the idler have enough play to accommodate your 36t or do you need an extra couple of links ?

I think you just need to install blevo and change your wheel circumference to 2000mm. I've analysed your photo and proportionally, with your longer forks, your wheels work out at 2000mm :)

It's ok, because where you live on magic island, if your motor goes pop you can just go to your "quick change spesh motor shop" where they have 100 in stock and a 20 minute change time and only charge $20 or a box of beer.


Jan 1, 2019
Hahaha I was trying to keep it a secret as it’s not yet finished.
The 36T doesn’t fit as my bottom bracket is slightly higher than stock. I’m getting some bushes made up for the rear shock to drop that back down and then install the sprocket.
I have a few more mods to go then I can take some pretty photos.
I almost bought the Nicolai but I love the Kenevo so much I decided to spend the money on it instead.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Hahaha I was trying to keep it a secret as it’s not yet finished.
The 36T doesn’t fit as my bottom bracket is slightly higher than stock. I’m getting some bushes made up for the rear shock to drop that back down and then install the sprocket.

OK .. well I won't tell anyone here if you don't ...

I think someone else had that problem and ground the teeth down slightly ... guess it was a size S or a different brand ring with pointy teeth ?! That's the advantage of the aluminium one, it's easier to grind down with a nail file ... :)

I can't believe you'd fudge it with some bushes ? Can't you pop down to your local "Carbon Custom Kenevo Parts Shop" and get them to throw together a one off rear triangle in an hour or so (whilst you drink free beer) If you were in a hurry or they were low on beer, they'd only need to make the bottom part.....


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
Hahaha I was trying to keep it a secret as it’s not yet finished.
The 36T doesn’t fit as my bottom bracket is slightly higher than stock. I’m getting some bushes made up for the rear shock to drop that back down and then install the sprocket.
I have a few more mods to go then I can take some pretty photos.
I almost bought the Nicolai but I love the Kenevo so much I decided to spend the money on it instead.

Totally awesome!!! Can’t wait to see what else is in the works.

Did I hear somebody say free beer??


Jan 1, 2019
OK .. well I won't tell anyone here if you don't ...

I think someone else had that problem and ground the teeth down slightly ... guess it was a size S or a different brand ring with pointy teeth ?! That's the advantage of the aluminium one, it's easier to grind down with a nail file ... :)

I can't believe you'd fudge it with some bushes ? Can't you pop down to your local "Carbon Custom Kenevo Parts Shop" and get them to throw together a one off rear triangle in an hour or so (whilst you drink free beer) If you were in a hurry or they were low on beer, they'd only need to make the bottom part.....
Funny you say that I actually got a price for a complete rear end as I was going to make a longer one a while back. My work’s sister company are metal fabricators so that’s not a problem.
It’s all good though, the bushes will give me what I need and then I can run the 36T.
Just gotta redo the cables to make them a little more symmetrical and few other bits and then I’m good to go.
Just in time for all the alpine parks that are opening soon.
I can not wait!


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Just had another quick battery test as haven't heard anything from ridercare or lordgun for a few days (I'm being impatient because in my head I know it's not right, but keep questioning it and don't want to discover it is right and I'm a knob).

10km's 318m 20% battery in eco 20/20 trail 45/45 .. So a theoretical range of 50k 1500m. But then the other day it dropped 10% for 7wh used.

anyway, enough of my pointless battery blabber .. the import bit was that I've now done about 50k with the aly 36t and changes are considerably smoother. Every one today was nice.

So a mix of maybe using the larger cogs more, more spring tension on the derailleur (you'd think this would make it more clunky ? - same length chain as the 32t) Aly chainring as opposed to Steel ? Or overnight I've become that much better at changing gears !

Obviously for all you posh fancy Rohloff users with all your free beer .. it won't make any difference to you.


Jan 1, 2019
Hahaha I still think your the problem somehow.
You haven’t got a stuck brake pad or anything?
Also I’m concerned for the horse. How does he see with that bag over his head?
Or is he being held captive?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
It's always a possibility !!!! Now that I know Blevo calculates the wh/km by battery used, not by current measured to the motor, I should really do a Blevo & 1.3 motors thread to see what others are showing as they're usage amounts .. that might help prove if it's a battery problem or a user moron error.

I don't think I have a stuck brake pad ? how do you tell. I know the Kenevo comes with Auto Brake so you stop pedalling and it stops dead - that's right though isn't it ?

It's a love bag ! They're left over from dating .. you know, 1 bagger, 2 bagger, 3 bagger ? 1 bag for their head if they're ugly, 1 bag for each of you if they're really ugly so your covered in case of accidental de-bagging. and a three bagger, one for each of you and one to be sick in afterwards ...

It's a fly mask, I'm sure you even have them down there, probably in the "Fly Mask Shop" Keeps the fly's out of their eye's/ears, so reduces stress and frustration. Can you imagine having fly's round your head all freekin day and having no arms to swat the b4stards away ! They get really really pi55ed if you haven't noticed it's a fly day, or you're late putting one on in the morning. @Kiwi in Wales suggested it was my new S&M partner, I think someone needs to take him shopping .. :)
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Aug 10, 2018
Helsinki, Finland
Those guys must be getting paid per delivery if they're passing you on your Kenevo on the Downhills :)

You'd have loved to come with me yesterday .. I just moaned on the battery life thread about it ..

Took the afternoon off and went out for a fantastic play (air in tyres helped, hadn't noticed they'd dropped). Did 15k and 600m climb, bike felt amazing, I think the new guards were acting as wings :) .. bumped into two guys on normal carbon bikes so rode with them .. Blevo said I only had 8km's left in "trail 45/45" , eco was set to 20/20. So did another 23k/800m with them using eco on difficult climbs and power off everywhere else .. with my crappy battery I rain out 5km's from home at the lowest point on the ride. I was actually so fecked when I got home I couldn't even drink a beer ! Just glugged orange juice and walked the dog to stop seizing up. Legs are a little sore today ... There were several times I really wanted to swap bikes with them.. but it was still worth the pain to have the Kenevo on the downhills. :)
Worried, no beers!

Kiwi in Wales

Short cranks rule!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Founding Member
Jan 24, 2018
Carmarthen, Wales
It's always a possibility !!!! Now that I know Blevo calculates the wh/km by battery used, not by current measured to the motor, I should really do a Blevo & 1.3 motors thread to see what others are showing as they're usage amounts .. that might help prove if it's a battery problem or a user moron error.

I don't think I have a stuck brake pad ? how do you tell. I know the Kenevo comes with Auto Brake so you stop pedalling and it stops dead - that's right though isn't it ?

It's a love bag ! They're left over from dating .. you know, 1 bagger, 2 bagger, 3 bagger ? 1 bag for their head if they're ugly, 1 bag for each of you if they're really ugly so your covered in case of accidental de-bagging. and a three bagger, one for each of you and one to be sick in afterwards ...

It's a fly mask, I'm sure you even have them down there, probably in the "Fly Mask Shop" Keeps the fly's out of their eye's/ears, so reduces stress and frustration. Can you imagine having fly's round your head all freekin day and having no arms to swat the b4stards away ! They get really really pi55ed if you haven't noticed it's a fly day, or you're late putting one on in the morning. @Kiwi in Wales suggested it was my new S&M partner, I think someone needs to take him shopping .. :)


Jan 1, 2019
I have never ever seen a horse head bag. They do say that 70% of farmers molest animals so I just figured you couldn’t look into it’s eyes while you gave it some love.

Poor thing just wants to look at the bike.
It reminds me of how we all feel about the new 2020 Kenevo!


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
They do say that 70% of farmers molest animals

In Australia 70% of farmers admit to abusing their animals ...

The other 30% say it's consensual ...

He didn't just want to look at it, he thought it was his new toy ! Had it halfway over the fence with the brake hose and gear cable ... fortunately the only damage is teeth marks .. :)


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
We were taught at school that it was 70% of New Zealand farmers

See, that's the problem with education systems where they just tell you what they want you to hear ! Everyone knows that with all the extra sheep/hill farming in NZ that it's far harder to catch a "friend" .. Hence only 60% of New Zealand farmers admit to abusing animals. The other 40% are virgins.

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