Kenevo Gen1 Official 2018/2019 Kenevo thread


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
I say that pretty much every time I ride my kenevo.

Yes me too & discovering more reasons why every day..

I went on my longest single session ride a couple of days ago. Around 30 km of which around 15 km traversed rough and rocky access trails through coastal rainforest. Under the thick canopy, it was eerily silent except for the hum of nature. I had to stop to appreciate it.

At that moment I thought how the Kenevo would be the only way to reach this spot. I continued on & within a few seconds was proven totally wrong by a guy with huge muscles, shirtless in overalls riding an old rusty push bike. I was in Deliverance territory. Really impressive how he could’ve made it there, riding that bike, in that terrain, in a nature reserve that far from anywhere. My salute was returned.

The Kenevo plowed down banks through creeks, snapping submerged branches and up the other side with ease. Steep climbs & fast downs, loose rock everywhere no to mention it had just rained so was slippery & muddy in many areas. Nothing major just a few slides to correct - counterintuitively the extra weight & beefiness really welcome.

What really struck me was the combination of torque & traction - real rugged trail enduro capability - the ability to get to otherwise unreachable places and the durability to make it back home again.


Jan 1, 2019
I rode Buller epic trail with a semi pro XC rider on a hard tail. Legs like a Bison, I had to hit trail mode just to keep up. Really impressed by how fast a strong pedal pusher can go.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I continued on & within a few seconds was proven totally wrong by a guy with huge muscles, shirtless in overalls riding an old rusty push bike. I was in Deliverance territory.

Love it, possibly the most surreal moment you couldn't have even imagined !

Just had a quick ride, had my first off - glad to get that out of the way :) Bad line (optimistic)/too fast over a downed tree .. still, it would have been cool if I'd got away with it ...

It's taking some getting used to. Finally starting to use trail mode more rather than just eco and boost. Constantly find myself (being lazy) in higher gears due to the extra torque and magically ability to make ground objects vanish, which is fine until you mess up and need a low gear. But then because I'm going faster everywhere, I'm also more likely to be in a higher gear. (but mainly lazy).

It's just covers terrain so fast, every type, going up or down, flat.. it just goes and goes and goes, it doesn't complain, there's no surprises, if you mess up (because you're a muppet) it saves your ass.

Just checking my times.. I can't quite believe how much faster it covers ground than the E8000 hardtail. It's NOT POSSIBLE ! Keep in mind I've ridden these a lot on the E8000 with the one aim of going as fast as possible and honestly thought they'd be pretty hard to beat.

Zig Zag : steepish descent, man made, twisty, lots of thick/deep mud sections. E8000 1:28 . Kenevo 1:07 !!!! how ?!?
Sanglier : Descent and rise, rocky, roots, very tight brook crossing, nasty electric fence if you mess up. E8000 2:58 . Kenevo 2.03
Equi mini circuit: Tricky circular segment, up/down/all over. Really really nasty brook crossing, tight very technical climb, downed trees - it's a horse track and only just passable on a capable horse with a good rider. E8000 8.05 , Kenevo 4.46 - with a fall !

And one which surprises me ..

Easy rider : the lazy way back up, none technical mix of fire roads climb. E8000 3.46 Kenevo 3.15 . The main surprise is that after the first couple of rides I thought the E8000 hardtail generally had the Kenevo on none technical climbs. It would seem not ! Not sure if the motor is loosening up ? (before if breaks :) ) Or I'm learning the best cadence for the motor.

Ok.. I've bored everyone enough :) .. it's just .... SHOCKINGLY GOOD !
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New Member
Jan 22, 2019
Just a little tlc after a recent few upgrades!!
motor out, get rid of the built up mud do to recent morzine trip bloody thunderstorms! also it developed a terrible creak hopefully resolved now grrr


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Can you even remember what it looks like?
Did you miss the post where he said he'd bought two new sheep "Levo" & "Kenevo" ...

I think I can now answer with certainty, it's either loosened up (my Kenevo, not Dax's), has automatically ramped up it's power over the first 100km's (if it has a running in mode?), or , I've just got used to it ...

The Keveno, with the suspension Open (I'm too lazy too lock it), climbs faster than the E8000 hardtail - on ANY terrain.

Tiny little toy Kenevo :
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 25, 2018
Can you even remember what it looks like? ;)

I rode it today! Only about 20 yards because the mate whod borrowed it noped out on a section. Turns out in a lot more confident on the kenevo than the Patrol ?


Jan 1, 2019
Did you miss the post where he said he'd bought two new sheep "Levo" & "Kenevo" ...

I think I can now answer with certainty, it's either loosened up (my Kenevo, not Dax's), has automatically ramped up it's power over the first 100km's (if it has a running in mode?), or , I've just got used to it ...

The Keveno, with the suspension Open (I'm too lazy too lock it), climbs faster than the E8000 hardtail - on ANY terrain.

Tiny little toy Kenevo :
View attachment 17960
You’ve just gotten used to it. Mine took me 3 to 4 rides and then it was on!
Watch your riding style change now that your used to it.
Your gonna get hungry for more and more and then your gonna start looking to modify it so it can take you to newer places that it couldn’t before (read make it prettier cause it can already go anywhere it wants)
Then people are going to tell you your crazy and you need to stop. So your remove them from your life and go find more like minded people. Like on a forum
Then your crazy is justified and you live happily ever, just you, the forrest and your Xwinged baby!


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Then people are going to tell you your crazy and you need to stop. So your remove them from your life and go find more like minded people. Like on a forum

Where there are like minded / like crazy?! people ..

Be careful, you sound close to starting the cult of the Kenevo ! .. The first rule of Kenevo club is we don't talk about Kenevo club ..

Shoulders starting to become a bit more mobile, so hope to go for a bit of a short play/work break this afternoon.

It is taking me longer than I expected to get used to it. (don't have years of experience to fall back on). Just feels so different. I find my body/subconcious and concious mind both need to align on what's going on. On the capability scale the E8000 hardtail was a "bungalow", the Kenevo's more "Empire state building".

At the same time I can now see why I was falling off the hardtail so much, when you're not a good rider and you're trying to take the KOM's off decent riders on FS bikes you're riding well beyond your own limits (10% skill 90% determination) and probably pushing the bike well beyond it's limit with a bad rider on board.

Now I just feel a mix of safe and awe. I have time to look and think even though I'm going 30% faster. At no point have I ever felt "overbiked", which was an initial worry and I think its fair to say that everyone was right about the Kenevo - that you can just buy it, ride it .. it works ..

Need to sort out some mud guards... higher speeds = considerably more crap in your face. Should try the cube race on the front first I guess and then it's looking like a modified mudhugger front on the rear to give some linkage and so on protection.


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
Where there are like minded / like crazy?! people ..

Be careful, you sound close to starting the cult of the Kenevo ! .. The first rule of Kenevo club is we don't talk about Kenevo club ..

Shoulders starting to become a bit more mobile, so hope to go for a bit of a short play/work break this afternoon.

It is taking me longer than I expected to get used to it. (don't have years of experience to fall back on). Just feels so different. I find my body/subconcious and concious mind both need to align on what's going on. On the capability scale the E8000 hardtail was a "bungalow", the Kenevo's more "Empire state building".

At the same time I can now see why I was falling off the hardtail so much, when you're not a good rider and you're trying to take the KOM's off decent riders on FS bikes you're riding well beyond your own limits (10% skill 90% determination) and probably pushing the bike well beyond it's limit with a bad rider on board.

Now I just feel a mix of safe and awe. I have time to look and think even though I'm going 30% faster. At no point have I ever felt "overbiked", which was an initial worry and I think its fair to say that everyone was right about the Kenevo - that you can just buy it, ride it .. it works ..

Need to sort out some mud guards... higher speeds = considerably more crap in your face. Should try the cube race on the front first I guess and then it's looking like a modified mudhugger front on the rear to give some linkage and so on protection.

Wow you obviously tolerate plaster way more than me, heal way faster, have much better protective gear or maybe you’re actually a stuntman refining your moves ?
Very interesting detail and yes I’ve never ridden anything quite like it with it’s ability to roll over more or less anything.

Re mudguards check out the Rockguardz ones, short, medium, long, at least 10 different types.



Jan 1, 2019
I’m seriously shocked Kenevo’s haven’t outsold every other bike including the Levo. Here I am thinking it hasn’t got enough travel!

As for the mud guards, I’ve got a mucky nuts front guard and on the rear I have all my suspension and entire body as a rear guard. Works well and keeps the mud out of my eyes lol.
I need to work something out as the rear is tricky on the Kenevo. I have ideas but they all involve drilling holes.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Wow you obviously tolerate plaster way more than me, heal way faster, have much better protective gear or maybe you’re actually a stuntman refining your moves ?
Very interesting detail and yes I’ve never ridden anything quite like it with it’s ability to roll over more or less anything.

Thanks for the link ..

Probably more stunted-man than stunt man - especially between the ears ! I do now wear more protective gear than the average rider, but in fairness that's mainly a proportional response to ground time/injuries received. You are right in that I probably heal way faster, I do have some weird abnormally high healing abilities, doctors normally say "OMG, that can't be right, I wish we'd taken pictures".. Though sadly my superheal seems to be slowing down with age... just as I seem to be needing it the most ! :)


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 25, 2018
when you're not a good rider and you're trying to take the KOM's off decent riders on FS bikes you're riding well beyond your own limits (10% skill 90% determination) and probably pushing the bike well beyond it's limit with a bad rider on board.

Forget KOMs, concentrate on having fun. One of the things good riders learn is that there is always someone faster.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Forget KOMs, concentrate on having fun. One of the things good riders learn is that there is always someone faster.
Wise words ! And true. I think for me they were a guide at the start of how fast someone could go on a section - being new and not having a clue how fast an MTB goes. So it acted as a guide to know how fast you should?! could, be going ... :)

I've think it's then become competitive in my head, which is just dumb, because I'm riding to enjoy myself. Anyway, it's a Kenevo, it's just not fair on anyone else now anyway ;-)
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 25, 2018
I use strava to track how far and how often I have ridden - "wow I only did 16 miles in August"

Everything else I see as negative, turning dickheads who can barely ride into racers against other dickheads who can barely ride, just for imaginary internet points; providing a vast resource on where trails are and how fast people ride them, to the land owners that don't want trails on their land.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Forget KOMs, concentrate on having fun.

OK, so tried this yesterday. Actually makes for a much better, more relaxed and fun ride. So thanks for putting me back on track.. God knows how I'd got lost in some Mental bizarre Strava KOM needing focus whilst riding. The interesting thing is that it also proves the theory that when you're relaxed, you ride faster .. so ironically I got 3/4 KOM's .. just can't win.

Mudguards : Just tried the two I had lying around from the hardtail. Cube race front and rear. The fronts been chopped down slightly as it was slapping against the frame on the HT.

Front fits fine, rear looks like something from a 1970's childrens chopper bike ! Probably end up snapping it off with your arse too ..



Jan 1, 2019
Yes I’ve done that a couple times. Thought I’d lost them both times. Luckily I just gave them a good massage and no damage.


Apr 23, 2019
San Diego
Does anyone have a diagram of the rear shock link and how the washers are arranged. When I took the Ohlins coil in for warranty service (oil leak) I put on a spare Fox shock. When I removed the yoke to replace it, all the washers fell out and I'm stumped as to where they go. There are 2 thin and 2 thick spacers, 2 sealed ones that have 2.5mm written on them and a silver washer on the end of the bolt. Thanks! Glad to have the coil back but the old Fox Float Air kept me going for 3 weeks and seemed to handle the abuse pretty well.


Jan 1, 2019
2.5 on the outside and the smaller washers on the inside. Might be a little tight to get it in, problem is not enough fingers.


Apr 23, 2019
San Diego
2.5 on the outside and the smaller washers on the inside. Might be a little tight to get it in, problem is not enough fingers.
Thanks. That's the way I have it now. I have a buddy with an Enduro with the same link and his 2.5mm is on the inside, so it threw me off. I have the 2.5mm on the outside, the thick spacer on the inside facing outward and the thin spacer inside facing the tire.

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