God I love this bike.
I say that pretty much every time I ride my kenevo.
God I love this bike.
I say that pretty much every time I ride my kenevo.
I continued on & within a few seconds was proven totally wrong by a guy with huge muscles, shirtless in overalls riding an old rusty push bike. I was in Deliverance territory.
Fox 40'sJust a little tlc after a recent few upgrades!!
motor out, get rid of the built up mud do to recent morzine trip bloody thunderstorms! also it developed a terrible creak hopefully resolved now grrr
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Can you even remember what it looks like?I say that pretty much every time I ride my kenevo.
Did you miss the post where he said he'd bought two new sheep "Levo" & "Kenevo" ...Can you even remember what it looks like?
Can you even remember what it looks like?![]()
You’ve just gotten used to it. Mine took me 3 to 4 rides and then it was on!Did you miss the post where he said he'd bought two new sheep "Levo" & "Kenevo" ...
I think I can now answer with certainty, it's either loosened up (my Kenevo, not Dax's), has automatically ramped up it's power over the first 100km's (if it has a running in mode?), or , I've just got used to it ...
The Keveno, with the suspension Open (I'm too lazy too lock it), climbs faster than the E8000 hardtail - on ANY terrain.
Tiny little toy Kenevo :
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Then people are going to tell you your crazy and you need to stop. So your remove them from your life and go find more like minded people. Like on a forum
Where there are like minded / like crazy?! people ..
Be careful, you sound close to starting the cult of the Kenevo ! .. The first rule of Kenevo club is we don't talk about Kenevo club ..
Shoulders starting to become a bit more mobile, so hope to go for a bit of a short play/work break this afternoon.
It is taking me longer than I expected to get used to it. (don't have years of experience to fall back on). Just feels so different. I find my body/subconcious and concious mind both need to align on what's going on. On the capability scale the E8000 hardtail was a "bungalow", the Kenevo's more "Empire state building".
At the same time I can now see why I was falling off the hardtail so much, when you're not a good rider and you're trying to take the KOM's off decent riders on FS bikes you're riding well beyond your own limits (10% skill 90% determination) and probably pushing the bike well beyond it's limit with a bad rider on board.
Now I just feel a mix of safe and awe. I have time to look and think even though I'm going 30% faster. At no point have I ever felt "overbiked", which was an initial worry and I think its fair to say that everyone was right about the Kenevo - that you can just buy it, ride it .. it works ..
Need to sort out some mud guards... higher speeds = considerably more crap in your face. Should try the cube race on the front first I guess and then it's looking like a modified mudhugger front on the rear to give some linkage and so on protection.
Wow you obviously tolerate plaster way more than me, heal way faster, have much better protective gear or maybe you’re actually a stuntman refining your moves ?
Very interesting detail and yes I’ve never ridden anything quite like it with it’s ability to roll over more or less anything.
when you're not a good rider and you're trying to take the KOM's off decent riders on FS bikes you're riding well beyond your own limits (10% skill 90% determination) and probably pushing the bike well beyond it's limit with a bad rider on board.
Wise words ! And true. I think for me they were a guide at the start of how fast someone could go on a section - being new and not having a clue how fast an MTB goes. So it acted as a guide to know how fast you should?! could, be going ...Forget KOMs, concentrate on having fun. One of the things good riders learn is that there is always someone faster.
Forget KOMs, concentrate on having fun.
Have you been on a diplomacy course this week ???Oh wow, that’s different.
Hahaha ok then, destroy that rear guard with fire.
Thanks. That's the way I have it now. I have a buddy with an Enduro with the same link and his 2.5mm is on the inside, so it threw me off. I have the 2.5mm on the outside, the thick spacer on the inside facing outward and the thin spacer inside facing the tire.2.5 on the outside and the smaller washers on the inside. Might be a little tight to get it in, problem is not enough fingers.
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