what is it about the EP8 that you don't like? i have no comparisons other than what i read about eebs, and by almost all accounts, it's a fantastic motor with a couple of minor issues. kinda like the other motors. unless everyone has been duped.
It's pretty much what Zimmerframe said. It's not a bad motor by any stretch of the imagination, but i've spent a lot of time and done a lot of km's on Bosch motors and they are absolute powerhouses! So i'm used to that. They also kill the Shimano for range/battery life.
I did a 63 km ride last week on my Rail 9, There was 900 meters of climbing and i was in Tour 50% of the time and Emtb the rest. I ran out of battery within sight of the car, I am not able to do the same ride in Eco on the EP8, i've tried it and ended up riding a long way unassisted.
Nobody has been duped, except for me!
This is just my opinion for what it's worth, which is not much! just like every other opinion on the internet.
Happy riding.