Internal Power Cable Failure, Levo 2019


Active member
Apr 30, 2019
As a (very close to popping the dosh down) prospective Levo owner this is yet another topic I'm catching up on filled to the brim with woeful build/manufacture/design/reliability issues that are inexcusable on bikes at this price point and making me seriously question the purchase???

I've had goodness knows - 50 (?) bikes in 40 + years of cycling (incl five Stumpys) and the only time one has *ever* let me down and left me stranded was the (strangely) Specialized first front suspension Stumpy with the leaky fork - cannot remember the name but circa '91 (the fork was based on the first Paul Turner - Rockshox IIRC).

How are you guys getting on six months or so down the line?

It's one thing the bike failing to start or throwing a fit on a Sunday ride in the woods but if you drive down to the Alps or like the guy I met last week fly over to the Rockies for a week then man, you're going to be pi$$ed when it indicates 'computer says no' at the first trail head.

Beginning to really think @Specialized Rider Care this tech is not ready yet?

Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
Funny you should mention this now, because after my power lead failed about 5 months ago I've had blissful untroubled biking and have covered about 1500 miles.
However today after riding for about 5 miles the motor started cutting in and out with the red and blue lights flashing, then nothing all dead.
I had to cycle 5 miles back with the motor off (surprisingly easy).
Anyway Berkshire Cycles dealt with it on the same day and I'm up and running again with my second power lead.
If it wasn't for the terrific boys and girls at Berkshire Cycles I would be well peed off.
I already had the new cable in, and in my opinion it still isn't fit for purpose.
It still has bare ends where water can get in and it doesn't seal well enough on the motor end.
It should resemble a spark plug lead, completely sealed along the whole length of the cable with an inner and outer seal on the motor end so that it's water tight.
Specialized rider care, don't know if you can raise this at one of your meetings?


Active member
Apr 30, 2019
Not owning one I’m not familiar with the lead/plug/junction but presuming it doesn’t need touching often can’t you protect it more like a marine fitting and smother it with Vaseline and then pop a long length of heat shrink over the whole junction?

Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
Not owning one I’m not familiar with the lead/plug/junction but presuming it doesn’t need touching often can’t you protect it more like a marine fitting and smother it with Vaseline and then pop a long length of heat shrink over the whole junction?
That's exactly what I was thinking of doing, but worried that if it goes again specialized can say you've tampered with it so it's not covered under warranty.


Active member
Apr 30, 2019
They'd never know - just cut off the heat shrink, wipe off the vaseline (that Specz Care themselves said on here to apply anyway! ;) ) and take it in.

Easy to repeat if you need to disconnect too for any reason.


Active member
Apr 30, 2019
There is some useful info half way down this page covering this sort of thing.

Water-proofing, and basic ebike trouble-shooting

You can get adhesive filled heat shrink but that is not what you want obviously! Neither do you want self amalgamating tape or liquid heat shrink as more permanent.

So disconnect the connector, choose the correct size heat shrink (it normally shrinks 50%) that will slide over the junction, smearing the section of wire/connector with vaseline and then shrinking it over the junction making a non-permanent version of the same thing. Excess vaseline will squeeze out but it will protect underneath. Come disconnection time, just slit the heat shrink with scissors carefully and tear apart - should all be lovely underneath.

You can just use vaseline alone but it will attract all the dirt and grot and not be as waterproof.

[EDIT] - I did find this video below, so maybe adhesive filled heat shrink is not so permanent after all.

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Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
There is some useful info half way down this page covering this sort of thing.

Water-proofing, and basic ebike trouble-shooting

You can get adhesive filled heat shrink but that is not what you want obviously! Neither do you want self amalgamating tape or liquid heat shrink as more permanent.

So disconnect the connector, choose the correct size heat shrink (it normally shrinks 50%) that will slide over the junction, smearing the section of wire/connector with vaseline and then shrinking it over the junction making a non-permanent version of the same thing. Excess vaseline will squeeze out but it will protect underneath. Come disconnection time, just slit the heat shrink with scissors carefully and tear apart - should all be lovely underneath.

You can just use vaseline alone but it will attract all the dirt and grot and not be as waterproof.

[EDIT] - I did find this video below, so maybe adhesive filled heat shrink is not so permanent after all.

Thats what Specialized should do straight from the factory

Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
Looks like Specialized have been listening, this is the new cable fitted to my bike and it is now completely sealed ?


E*POWAH Master
Oct 3, 2018
Looks like Specialized have been listening, this is the new cable fitted to my bike and it is now completely sealed ? View attachment 13764
I think this is the current design compare the design for example too an earlier post:
Internal Power Cable Failure, Levo 2019 - EMTB Forums

If yuo look closely to the picture of the link above you will see the connector is cracked. This is exactly the same issue which I had. I didn't have issues due to the crack but the cable was replaced as a precaution. Specialized is still searching for another (more reliable) redesign as I have understood.


Active member
Apr 30, 2019
The way those various spindly little wires are routed and unshrouded really is a shame. There are so many better connectors and ways of doing this that Specz R+D should have looked at. All the junctions should be double sealed at least but inline connectors would be so much easier to fully weather/grot proof too.


Active member
Dec 22, 2018
The way those various spindly little wires are routed and unshrouded really is a shame. There are so many better connectors and ways of doing this that Specz R+D should have looked at..
Guess it's a learning process for them as well... marrying electronics with technical stuff. I think you actually see the same in other converged manufacturing.... Tesla, for instance, is getting all electronics +/- right (power management, software, batteries, etc); but they struggle with mechanical issues that traditional car manufacturers have nailed for ages - water seals, trim alignment, for example. And the traditional manufacturers - they struggle with software, motors, etc...


Active member
Feb 13, 2019
Berg en Terblijt, The Netherlands
went to ride this afternoon and the bike wont switch on, removed all usual bits to inspect,a bit of a wiggle and push motor conection ,bingo bule lights ,but they went out and i am un able to get any life back inti the bike,phoned chris ,yep seems like you have a power lead failure,
bit shit realey,

I got the same today. Hopefully they can fix it soon!
Sep 1, 2018
In the last 3 weeks I’ve had 2 instances of the motor not found fault light indication, loss of assistance. Both time cycling power off/on has resolved this.
Anyone else had this or a resolution?
Getting fed up with this bike’s recurring faults given it’s not a year old yet.
New motor, 2x power cables and still issues.


Sep 3, 2018
Thun Switzerland
In the last 3 weeks I’ve had 2 instances of the motor not found fault light indication, loss of assistance. Both time cycling power off/on has resolved this.
Anyone else had this or a resolution?
Getting fed up with this bike’s recurring faults given it’s not a year old yet.
New motor, 2x power cables and still issues.
Yes, i make a tcu update.
Sep 1, 2018
Shop say , after motor cable change, it is time for tcu update with specialized studio.
Mine is booked in for a check, no data on app as when this happens the Bluetooth connection is lost.
I’ve contacted Specialized noting my thorough disappointment with this bike, no doubt the retailer will have to deal with this, my LBS Edinburgh Cycles have been great but let’s see if Specialized step up and take some responsibility.
@Specialized Rider Care
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Oct 8, 2018
The amount of money these bikes cost and there having issues, I am afraid I would be sending my bike back being it not fit for purpose ,think they need to sort themselves out do Specialised (n)

Sep 1, 2018
The amount of money these bikes cost and there having issues, I am afraid I would be sending my bike back being it not fit for purpose ,think they need to sort themselves out do Specialised (n)
Well Specialized actually called the shop and advised them to c/o the speed sensor and they also emailed me. I can now only wait and see if the issue is resolved and hope that nothing fails miles from home.
Not what I expected for £4000.00

All Mountain Coaching

Oct 3, 2018
The amount of money these bikes cost and there having issues, I am afraid I would be sending my bike back being it not fit for purpose ,think they need to sort themselves out do Specialised (n)
Well Specialized actually called the shop and advised them to c/o the speed sensor and they also emailed me. I can now only wait and see if the issue is resolved and hope that nothing fails miles from home.
Not what I expected for £4000.00
Mate, I'm having the same sort of issues and got it from the same place so it's good to know they've been ok. I need to inform them really as the lbs has been dealing with it.


Oct 4, 2018
I have been riding my 2019 Turbo Levo Sworks for about 3 months now, and truly happy with it!..incredible bike, but 2 days ago the motor started to like disengaged on a uphill...i loose the momentum pedaling and almost fell from the bike, started again all fine for a few more mts but then hat happened about 4 times....with the Levo still on (lights and all blue and ok on the top indicator) y opened the power switch where i connect the cable to charge the battery and put back on to see if it had any debris and after that it went off and never turn back on again...

I hooked the charger and the green leds are all on and charged, i used the battery on another Levo and it worked, and put another battery on mine and nothing..dead!.... there was a very small piece of metal rod in one of the little holes in the Rosenberg,i tooked it off , it was there because of the magnets i dont know where it came , but still nothing

What is going on!!?? @Specialized Rider Care help !

Specialized Rider Care

Official Specialized
Official Specialized
Jul 12, 2018
I have been riding my 2019 Turbo Levo Sworks for about 3 months now, and truly happy with it!..incredible bike, but 2 days ago the motor started to like disengaged on a uphill...i loose the momentum pedaling and almost fell from the bike, started again all fine for a few more mts but then hat happened about 4 times....with the Levo still on (lights and all blue and ok on the top indicator) y opened the power switch where i connect the cable to charge the battery and put back on to see if it had any debris and after that it went off and never turn back on again...

I hooked the charger and the green leds are all on and charged, i used the battery on another Levo and it worked, and put another battery on mine and nothing..dead!.... there was a very small piece of metal rod in one of the little holes in the Rosenberg,i tooked it off , it was there because of the magnets i dont know where it came , but still nothing

What is going on!!?? @Specialized Rider Care help !

Sorry to hear @Egregor - suggest you have a look at these two posts earlier in this thread: -
Internal Power Cable Failure, Levo 2019 - EMTB Forums
Internal Power Cable Failure, Levo 2019 - EMTB Forums

If those don't help you, can you help to answer the following?
- When you say "a very small piece of metal rod" has this now been removed and can you see/freely move the four small sprung data pins in the Rosenberger plug?
- Is the battery charge socket completely clear of debris/grit/metal?
- Can you confirm that the plastic guide fins on the battery are straight and allow the Rosenberger plug to connect fully? You should not need to apply pressure.
- Does the bike power up at all? If the answer is no, with the Rosenberger fully connected check underneath and look at the battery lights - are they flashing when you try to turn the bike on? If yes, please describe the LEDs that are lit.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I previously read the threads about the internal power cable and I have to say I was sceptical that the cable was causing any problems specifically because warranty returns could easily check the cable for continuity and for any high resistance disconnection in its length...…..and of course visually inspect for any cable damage causing a short circuit. I am bemused that those simple checks seem not to be carried out at a lbs rather than jumping to the conclusion the cable is faulty.
After years of dealing with circuitry/electronics faults by far the greatest percentage of causes were human intervention ( yep electronics left alone invariably work without problems until someone interferes with them!) ,damp/corrosion, and connectors....especially connectors that were subject to "human intervention". If I experience any motor cut out problems etc, the battery to motor connector would be my first port of call. I clean it before and after every charge and cover the battery side of the connector with paper towel when disconnected. many of you fit a protective cover over the plug end of the charger lead when not in use? If left exposed it is a fantastic way to introduce dust, grit etc into the motor connector! The charger lead should be of course be supplied with one. You can use the rubber end piece of a walking cane or the plastic top of a small butane gas bottle to do the job.


Active member
Dec 22, 2018
After years of dealing with circuitry/electronics faults by far the greatest percentage of causes were human intervention ( yep electronics left alone invariably work without problems until someone interferes with them!).....
I clean it before and after every charge and cover the battery side of the connector with paper towel when disconnected.

So..... you're trying to cause a fault then?


Oct 4, 2018
@Specialized Rider Care hi ! Thanks for youre response!

I took it to my usual bike store (not LBS) i bought in Miami and send it to Venezuela where i Live. There is no Specialized store here.

They took the power cable and put it in another sworks levo and worked. The bike turned on. So thats not it. They checked all the internal cables in the motor housing. All ok clean and perfect. Then they took the TCU out and put it on the other Levo and didnt turn on. Then they put the TCU of the other bike in mine and voila! The bike turned on, motor worked. Etc.

So its the TCU (we changed the battery also and nothing). Now the question is....why that happened on a new bike? Maybe programming the tcu via the usb on some Specialized software will fixed it? Or is dead and i need to buy (warranty) a new one?


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
So..... you're trying to cause a fault then?
Sorry fella....I do not understand your comment. The procedure I follow ensures the connector stays clean since it is the weakest link in the electrical circuit.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Sorry fella....I do not understand your comment. The procedure I follow ensures the connector stays clean since it is the weakest link in the electrical circuit.
……………...and clearly there is no way to avoid "human intervention" as far as the connector is concerned since it has to be removed for charging. A far better design would be for that connector to remain undisturbed until or unless the motor needed to be removed, and for there to be a completely separate USB type charging point ( IMHO).

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