New Member
Hey AMFLOW riders…..
Ya all that have one, know how Dreamy this bike is, sooo freaking EPIC, insane - they should have called this bike “DreAMflow,”, ….don’t know about you, but I’ve been having some SWEET dreams riding this "Dream Machine." but anyway…
Being the first year out, curious about how robust and reliable this bike will be for people, once the serious miles in various conditions, start to rise on them. Hopefully it will take a long time and this thread will go on a while, but maybe not – Let’s find out.
Let’s please have some Rules, and some Fun…Requesting in replies:
Happy trails, DreAmFLOW riders. Lets see, who has, and finally is going to ride the most miles on these machines, …before we break them!
I’ve got a case of Beer, for the Winner with the most miles by the end of 2025, broken or not.

Ya all that have one, know how Dreamy this bike is, sooo freaking EPIC, insane - they should have called this bike “DreAMflow,”, ….don’t know about you, but I’ve been having some SWEET dreams riding this "Dream Machine." but anyway…
Being the first year out, curious about how robust and reliable this bike will be for people, once the serious miles in various conditions, start to rise on them. Hopefully it will take a long time and this thread will go on a while, but maybe not – Let’s find out.
- How many miles / km do you have so far? Who’s got the most at the moment?
- On what mode(s) do you ride primarily?
- I have about 140 miles (225 km) on my Amflow, so far.
- I’ve been riding on turbo, about 85% of the time, and Trail 10%, and Auto about 5% of the time. Using Boost rarely.
Let’s please have some Rules, and some Fun…Requesting in replies:
- Only post a reply, if you have MORE miles / km, than that last person, who posted. The goal is to see, how many miles the last man or woman posting, has been able to get, without issue as time goes on and the miles pile on. Mine is pretty new, I don’t have many miles yet, so I may never catch up / reply, to those that have more, and this post ( …but I’ll be riding in the meantime, to try to catch up and beat the last person who has
IF you are always the last to reply, always with the most miles…MAN or LADY, you ride a lot!….please keep us posted (pun intended).
- The exception to the rule above….regardless of how many miles you have, IF you have any issues, please report what happened, and the milage, (but then post about that also in the amflow support thread, start a thread for the issue ).
- Do I need to say this? Probably….Please don’t reply, unless you actually own and ride an amflow. show proof of the miles…with a picture of how many miles/km, on the app display.
- Don’t reply if you work for, or market amflow. (Of course, we know you have some bikes with most miles, but lets keep it to real riders in real World conditions, since they got to market).
Happy trails, DreAmFLOW riders. Lets see, who has, and finally is going to ride the most miles on these machines, …before we break them!
I’ve got a case of Beer, for the Winner with the most miles by the end of 2025, broken or not.