Focus Jam2 LTD Charging problem


Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
Has any one had a changing problem?
I had it happen 3 times:
On all 3 rides it was wet and muddy or a snow ride and the battery was used down below 25% .
What happens is you plug the charger in and you hear the relay in the charger click, and then you hear it click again and it stopped charging.

So I thought it was related to moisture, but now I’m not so sure, last night I tried charging and it wouldn’t charge and then I plugged the charger into the wall socket and left it for 45 minutes to let it warm up then I plugged it into the bike and it started charging perfectly ?

I have made sure the charging port is dry and not wet I also have the little magnetic cover on it when I’m riding .

Has anybody had any issues charging similar to this ?

Thanks and look forward to your replies


Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
Here’s my charger below
Have you ever done a really wet ride, has that affected your bike in anyway ?




Feb 5, 2019
Welwyn garden city
No problems with mine. Have you tried turning it off at the mains whilst plugged in to the bike ? Leave it a few mins then turn it on again ?


Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
No problems with mine. Have you tried turning it off at the mains whilst plugged in to the bike ? Leave it a few mins then turn it on again ?
What seems to work is if I plug the charger in the wall socket for a half hour and then plug it into the bike it seems to charge but I have to try that again to see if it works consistently


May 12, 2018
Saint Mary Bourne
Same charger as mine which is silent. Both rides this weekend have been in snow so both wet and cold but charging afterwards was instant. Are you able to borrow another charger to confirm if its the charger or bike?


Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
That’s a good idea

I’m here in Bethesda Maryland USA but don’t know anybody locally maybe I can call around to some bike shops

I bought the bike in Los Angeles California which is 3000 miles?


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I had a similar problem. The charger worked fine except when the frame battery was drained to the point where it switched the motor off.

It was weird it wouldn't charge the frame battery but it would charge the TEC pack. Then I read the manual and it said that it would not charge at full rate when the battery was at 23V or lower. In which case it would only trickle charge. Like yours it started off flashing (as normal) and then switched itself off. After initially suspecting the battery, once I read that, my suspicion switched to the charger. I suspected that the trickle charging functuion was inactive, but not the 23V trigger! I borrowed another charger and it worked fine. So I now have a warranty claim being pursued for me by the retailer.

I later drained the TEC pack down to one bar in the red (ie not so that the motor switched off) and the charger wouldn't charge that either.

PS: My charger is exactly the same as yours, serial number ending in 4500, with a 4.5A max charging current. The charger I borrowed ended in 4000 and had a max charging current of 4.0A. I told the retailer that I had no idea whether the max charging current was an important difference or not, I'd let Focus sort that out.
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Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
I had a similar problem. The charger worked fine except when the frame battery was drained to the point where it switched the motor off.

It was weird it wouldn't charge the frame battery but it would charge the TEC pack. Then I read the manual and it said that it would not charge at full rate when the battery was at 23V or lower. In which case it would only trickle charge. Like yours it started off flashing (as normal) and then switched itself off. After initially suspecting the battery, once I read that, my suspicion switched to the charger. I suspected that the trickle charging functuion was inactive, but not the 23V trigger! I borrowed another charger and it worked fine. So I now have a warranty claim being pursued for me by the retailer.

I later drained the TEC pack down to one bar in the red (ie not so that the motor switched off) and the charger wouldn't charge that either.

PS: My charger is exactly the same as yours, serial number ending in 4500, with a 4.5A max charging current. The charger I borrowed ended in 4000 and had a max charging current of 4.0A. I told the retailer that I had no idea whether the max charging current was an important difference or not, I'd let Focus sort that out.

I think you hit the nail on the head.

That’s must be happening with mine.

Have you left your original charger hooked up when it appears nothing is happening, and after a 1/2 hour unplug everything and try to to charge the battery to see if green light stays on?



Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
@BigFoot : No errors shown. I left the charger on for a couple of hours and then switched it off and checked the state of the battery, just in case it had been trickle charging without any lights showing. It hadn't. I also tried repeatedly switching it on, waiting for the flashing green light (indicating charging) to stop after the usual 15-20 seconds, then switching off and then on again. I was hoping that the battery would get some charge and if I did this often enough, the fault would clear. I ran out of patience before I could detect any change at all.

The retailer (JE James in the UK) accepted there was a fault with the charger and agreed to pursue a warranty claim. After I found the same fault on a low charged TEC pack, I'll be ringing them tomorrow to report that and to enquire as to progress with the warranty claim.

jonnie brads

Jan 29, 2019
? I have just baught a used jam2 and have not plugged it in yet I'm hoping I haven't been had ? I doubt chargers a cheap. I am on the other hand worried to ride it in pouring rain (electrical minded me) thinks the air vents cool the battery so can water get in? Am i worried over nothing? P.s je James cycles is a good local I'm not a million miles from there hope you get it sorted . ?


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
? I have just baught a used jam2 and have not plugged it in yet I'm hoping I haven't been had ? I doubt chargers a cheap. I am on the other hand worried to ride it in pouring rain (electrical minded me) thinks the air vents cool the battery so can water get in? Am i worried over nothing? P.s je James cycles is a good local I'm not a million miles from there hope you get it sorted . ?

@jonnie brads : Chargers are about £100 maybe a bit more, just Google one. All emtbs electrics are certified to a known standard of waterproofing. I can't remember the classification, but it is basically being hosed down with a high volume of low pressure water for several minutes (three I think). If you see a vid of the test it looks impressive. Don't worry about the air vents, rain will be fine, but don't hose out any muck you see in there! Why tempt fate? There are some air vents cum drain holes in the motor guard. On my bike they point backwards, so unless you have a reverse gear you should be fine. The tech guy at JE James said whatever you do, don't be tempted to mask over the vent holes. They have had a few bikes in with a variety of electric problems, all had been taped over. When the tape was removed, "several pints of muddy water spilled out!" I have been through some unpleasant mud (see pic), followed by deep puddles and after normal washing I can't see anything untoward up the vent holes.
In summary, don't jet wash your bike, use a bucket and brush and you'll be fine! :)
Viking Way.jpg
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Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
@BigFoot : Briefly I had a Focus Jam2 2018 and I thought that the magnetic cover was very weak. The retailer's sales guy warned me not to lose the cover because they were very expensive (I now know that you can get them for about £10 maybe less). My first ride out had a rubber band around the cover. Anyway that bike was returned and I got a 2019 bike. I don't know whether it is my memory failing me or what, but this one seems to have a stronger magnet. I found that my fingers have to be just the right amount of damp to be able to grip the cover hard enough to pull it out. I have since learned there is a trick to it, don't try to pull it clean out at right angles to the top tube, instead tilt it downwards. In summary I haven't bothered with any form of tie, whether zip tie or rubber band. I haven't lost the cover yet, although I have only done just over 100 miles. I rode over a rock garden today as fast as I was capable of and the bike and I got a bloody good shaking. I could hear cables rattling inside the frame, but I didn't lose the cover! :)


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
You guys got a magnetic cover? I didn’t ☹️
It's not a cover as such, it's more of a plug shaped exactly like the charger connection, except instead of a cable it has a small handle. Mine is not "walk up and remove easily" tight. It is "fiddle about with it and manipulate it for a while, lose your grip and try again" tight.

Go back to the shop and insist they get you one, it is part of the bike and it will reduce electrical problems that they may have to fix.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I finally got a response from JE James in Sheffield. They have got hold of a new replacement charger and will be posting it to me this coming Monday. :)


Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
You guys got a magnetic cover? I didn’t ☹️
Yes my 2018 had a cover mixed in with the reflector bag I didn’t know what it was at first I sprayed water in the charging port and my lights started pulsing on and off at the switch I read The Magnetic cover thread and figured out what it was . install the cover I thought it was too loose so I put a little gasket of tape around it and it only fell out once when I put my fingers on it lifting it up into the bike rack

I just finished 31 miles and 2100 feet of climbing with a 376 W battery internal . I got my battery to 1%. I’m heading home now to see if my charger will bring it back?

Peaky Rider

E*POWAH Master
Feb 9, 2019
Derbyshire Dales
I had the same problem as the OP when charging and I put it down to the weather which was really cold at the time.. The spare battery, which had been brought into the warm, would charge ok but the bike battery which had been left in a cold garage would not . The charger would 'click off' after nine green led flashes. Bring the bike into the warm and after an hour it would charge as normal.

After today's ride in in a temperature of 10 degrees centigrade, the main battery was empty after 18 miles (I am addressing this in another post) yet charged normally.

I also find that when connecting the reserve battery during a ride it can take several attempts to get it to engage.

These issues do not fill me with confidence and are leading me to question the reputation of German engineering.

Bigfoot, would love to know how you get 31 miles and 2000 ft of climbing from the main battery. Can only assume you weigh about six stone and are as fit as Nino.


E*POWAH Master
Aug 10, 2018
Peak District
If your in the Peaks like me you might only get 18 miles if you do lots of climbing and use trail mode a lot, that’s all I got from my TEC pack today if you look and my last post.


Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
I am 57 year old 195lbs , 6' 1". The hills on this ride were rolling No big climbs, I stripped 7.5 lbs off the bike, and put nextie rims that have T700 and T1000 carbon fiber (Wheel set weight 1300Grams)
see picture of my friends wheel set I built, my set has heavier hubs and more spokes, they both have 280gram rims, and I am running 2.25 racing Ralph Rays, tire alone are 2lbs lighter than stock tires.
I was pretty free with the (trail mode) up to mile 12 or 13 and I was at 49% battery and realized I was not going to make the loop, so I started only using eco and turning the bike off if it was fast and flat. I also set FreeMax for Eco to 30NM and 45% assistance , Trail to 55NM and 60% assistance , crank length changed to 175mm XT.
see pictures
Oh I was clipped in with eggBeater,
All these things helped and I also pedaled .




Jan 9, 2019
Bethesda, Maryland USA
I had the same problem as the OP when charging and I put it down to the weather which was really cold at the time.. The spare battery, which had been brought into the warm, would charge ok but the bike battery which had been left in a cold garage would not . The charger would 'click off' after nine green led flashes. Bring the bike into the warm and after an hour it would charge as normal.

After today's ride in in a temperature of 10 degrees centigrade, the main battery was empty after 18 miles (I am addressing this in another post) yet charged normally.

I also find that when connecting the reserve battery during a ride it can take several attempts to get it to engage.

These issues do not fill me with confidence and are leading me to question the reputation of German engineering.

Bigfoot, would love to know how you get 31 miles and 2000 ft of climbing from the main battery. Can only assume you weigh about six stone and are as fit as Nino.

My friend was riding a Haibike 9.0 xduro (very heavy with magic Mary 1000gram tires) 500watts Yamaha PW-X motor and he had 4% at mile 20 and decided to stay at the coffee shop where we ate lunch, I had to go pick him up in the Car :)

The trail was mostly frozen so allowed for some fast rolling.

It has been in garage for 4.5 hours

Peaky Rider

E*POWAH Master
Feb 9, 2019
Derbyshire Dales
I am 57 year old 195lbs , 6' 1". The hills on this ride were rolling No big climbs, I stripped 7.5 lbs off the bike, and put nextie rims that have T700 and T1000 carbon fiber (Wheel set weight 1300Grams)
see picture of my friends wheel set I built, my set has heavier hubs and more spokes, they both have 280gram rims, and I am running 2.25 racing Ralph Rays, tire alone are 2lbs lighter than stock tires.
I was pretty free with the (trail mode) up to mile 12 or 13 and I was at 49% battery and realized I was not going to make the loop, so I started only using eco and turning the bike off if it was fast and flat. I also set FreeMax for Eco to 30NM and 45% assistance , Trail to 55NM and 60% assistance , crank length changed to 175mm XT.
see pictures
Oh I was clipped in with eggBeater,
All these things helped and I also pedaled .

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View attachment 10691
Wow Bigfoot, you've certainly put some effort and expense into slimming your bike down. You're a bit of a weight weeny which is quite a mission with an e-bike.
I have replaced the standard rear 2.8 on my Jam with a 2.6 Nobby Nick and also run another rear wheel with a 2.25 Nobby Nick. I use Racing Ralphs on my normal bikes in the summer but they would be useless on my bike this time of year.

I am also old school and ride with SPD pedals and am not a 'lazy' e-bike rider.

All that said, I still cannot understand why my mate is getting what equates to twice the battery range on his Giant. I'm lucky to get 20 miles per battery and he is easily getting 50.

Peaky Rider

E*POWAH Master
Feb 9, 2019
Derbyshire Dales
My friend was riding a Haibike 9.0 xduro (very heavy with magic Mary 1000gram tires) 500watts Yamaha PW-X motor and he had 4% at mile 20 and decided to stay at the coffee shop where we ate lunch, I had to go pick him up in the Car :)

The trail was mostly frozen so allowed for some fast rolling.

It has been in garage for 4.5 hours

So Bigfoot, you are also concluding that low temperatures are the reason for the battery refusing to charge. I am yet to find any mention of this in the manuals.

Andy A

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2019
North Yorkshire
Crikey I have just got the Jam2 and it lives in my garage but I need to run down the battery when new as it says to do that in the manual is that the right thing to do?

I hope it will charge up ok when I have run it down and charge it for the first time!
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May 12, 2018
Saint Mary Bourne
The Lithium chemistry used in our batteries does not like cold temperatures or in fact extremes of hot in terms of giving up its energy or receiving. As a rule of thumb you should charge when at say room temperature in an ideal world.

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