Thanks very much for that. If I’m honest I’m an iPhone guy through and through so will always have that with me and just need a cheaper phone purely for the bike that has long battery life and a clear screen for Blevo, nothing else. Cheaper than £150 would be preferred! ;)
In recent discussion on the subject of running a 27.5 rear wheel in a 2019 Levo (and with huge thanks to @Maastricht for taking lots of time to explain) with regards to getting MC to read correctly then it comes down to the dealer inputting the actual circumference of the wheel.
Factory set...
I think the 2019 is a big change and therfore this is the price of progress and relatively early adoption - twas ever thus.
The word is the 2020 Levos will be much the same as '19 but 700wh batteries will be std lower down the range...but £+
Not sure where to post this as there is not a 'wanted' section in the buying/selling forum that I can see.
But if anyone has upgraded their 2019 Comp from brand new and has a pair of the standard OEM Revs for sale please let me know.
Also interested in the 150mm 34.9 OEM dropper too.
Hi Rawry - all I will say is you really need to try on lots to see what fits and is comfortable but it depends a lot on what/where you are riding and how extreme etc - I ordered about 6 different types/sizes from CRC and most were far too heavy duty and inflexible for regular trail/XC riding -...
Sorry - one more follow up Q! :)
Do Shimano current calipers (Zee, Saint, SLC, XT) mount straight onto the same factory Levo mounts too? Presuming the same SRAM 200mm rotors kept?
And if you fit 203 (Shimano) rotors?
Thanks Masstricht - you are a star. Do you measure circumference best from calculating it from the diameter or physically putting a piece of tape on the tyre and matching this on the floor then rolling forward one revolution and measuring?
Thanks so much for that. Really appreciated. New bike so presume it will be latest firmware.
And if I finally understand then I can change Blevo circumference myself to make Blevo speed and data perfect but MC will remain incorrect and speed cutoff slightly lower unless dealer changes it?
Yes, I did read that last night but maybe I'm dumb ;) but it's still not clear to me. That is an old post and seems to be concerned with older pre '2019 Levos for the purpose of fooling the speed limit which is irrelevant to those with the newer Levos as we cannot do this.
If you could just...
Thanks Paolo. Sorry for asking but not familiar enough with Blevo yet but if I set it to match my *actual* circumference in Blevo will Blevo remember this every time I turn it on and off? And Blevo will give the correct speed/range/readouts etc? I just need to forget using MC if I want...
Nice info - kind of confirms most of the rumours (or ‘asked for features’). Guessing though that with Bosch behind this and their commitment there could be lots more to come?
Hi Paolo. @PaoloBLEvo Referring to my post above and your PM - speed can be changed in blevo but this will not affect MC so MC will read wrong and speed limit will be lower than 25kph and nothing can be done about all this? Is that it in a nutshell?