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  1. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    If France is closing restaurants this is serious.
  2. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    luckily you're got emtbforums to keep you occupied.
  3. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    So China turned their country upside down to contain a virus likely transferred from animal to human at a wild animal market. It's not the first time. wild animal market. repeated cross-species inspections going international. W. T. A. F.
  4. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    oh now I have to explain this to my 8 year old daughter who has a habit of looking over my shoulder! ;) could be a long day ...
  5. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    quite a sobering article Rob. my hunch is there are many more cases in the wild than officially counted. note to self: don't fall off bike, it will be a long and painful wait at A&E, they're busy.
  6. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    just awake, raining ...
  7. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    yup. it's also something of an assumption that individual hence herd immunity is possible with this virus.
  8. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    Seems most of us are going to get this. Just like most of us get colds every winter. I guess the aim is that the 'most' is taken from the least vulnerable of us as much as possible, and at as slow a rate as possible. I don't seen alternative until there's a vaccine or treatment. Herd immunity...
  9. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    (no offense!)
  10. miPbiP

    Rob Warner - EMBN video

    Rob's a bit noisy for my taste - his shouting all over the famous Danny Hart video distracts from the brilliant riding - but maybe that's just me. Kudos to him for his riding and career, just not for me. Oh and I don't mind riding uphill.
  11. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    Thank you bike brother @DrKrown. Be well.
  12. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    FWIW I'm asthmatic, this thing could seriously fuck me up. Efforts by non-vulnerable people to control it could make a difference.
  13. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    most of us are going to get this at some point I think. a significant number (20%) of people who contract it need hospitalisation due to breathing difficulties. that's a huge strain on medical services. (and some people die - not many as a %ge but that's no consolation if it's you or someone...
  14. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    Understood. It's not just the rich by any means. Everyone is linked. Very scary time for the many people living a pay packet away from not covering basic costs. Yeah school hols might make sense, I've also seen suggestion from a journo of Sunday coming and a statement this evening. (Take it as...
  15. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    I think they will but they're choosing the moment as non-compliant behaviour, as you describe, means they only get one shot. Timing matters.
  16. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    I don't know what's going to happen, decisions will be made late and when we have data.
  17. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    and if you have it unawares and pass it on, that's just tough **** yeah?
  18. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    Angela Merkel (let's assume she's no panic spreader and is well advised) is suggesting infection rate of 60-70% in Germany. My other half works in health care, I asked what vaccination rate is usually required for a transmittable disease to be rooted out of a population and she says about 70%...
  19. miPbiP

    Covid 19 worries !

    I think the UK govt has accepted there will be an epidemic and significant death toll, they're hoping to mange the peak so the process is longer rather than shorter with a higher peak - this reduces peak strain on health services by spreading it out. I expect to go into lockdown during the...
  20. miPbiP

    Levo SL 35lb Shimano & Enve Downcountry Build

    long rides, infrequent changes of mode, so you could bin the handlebar mode remote and use the TCU button for mode selection.