Winter blues

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
I have always suffered with winter blues. I need sun on my back. This effects my biking in the winter because I loose my mo Jo.
if I lived in a house I think it would be better, then I would come in from a ride out, put the bike in the garage and clean it the next day, my shitty cloths would be thrown in the floor and magically appear clean and folded a couple of days later.
As it is I look out the camper window and it’s all gloomy and drizzly and I have no intention of getting out there because I know when I get back I have to clean my bike off before putting it away, my dirty cloths have to put somewhere all wet and wait until we have a full load of washing because to just wash my bike cloths would cost the same as a full load. Don’t forget my last payday was the end of September and I don’t get payed again until end of March.
At the moment we’re in Cirencester so no real good places to ride out. Yes there is 417 bike
park down the road and yes it’s ok down there but I refuse to pay double the entry fee just because I ride a Ebike, it’s not that I would use the uplift.
So in the winter I get fatter and dream off them nice days when the sun comes out and next year I get back to my site in Scotland where I have my own bathroom and the wife has her own washing machine.
life in a tin can is great but it has its downsides.
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Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Similar weather here and I'm miles away. Keep going out to split wood but come back in each time it pee's down because that's just crap when combined with high winds.

Also in a house, though @The EMF's is probably more like a swimming pool or some indoor aquatic base with waterfalls, streams, fountains.

Actually the more I picture it, the more it develops. I'm now thinking tropical aquatic base, likely with indoor beaches, palm trees. Probably with several attractive and interesting lady's around who he's graciously let use his facilities during the bad weather.

Yup, he's not going anywhere soon !


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Winter blues eh? I'm wishing for rain here instead of this shit....




E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
I like the seasons, getting covered in shit & sliding around the trails has always been part of the attraction for me. Does up the washing bill though.


New Member
Aug 18, 2024
Somerset UK
I get the winter blues as well, but try to keep riding as long as it’s not pissing down. Mudhugger on the rear and full length front, apart from around the ankles clothes stay clean enough for a weeks riding. Don’t bother washing the bike just clean and lube the chain after each ride. I’m just laid up with the flu at the moment. Shortest day yesterday so brighter days are ahead.


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
I’m hoping to install the proximity sensors on my bike to open the garage door, turn up the heat, start the coffee machine and fluff my pillow. 🙄

Seriously though, seasonal riding can be hit-n-miss sometimes. If the tree tops are wiggling too much I try to ride somewhere else. I’m able to dry my gear in the small utility room where the heat from the hot water heater helps evaporate my wet fun. My bike suffers a drip-dry if it’s really cold, but I lube the chain.

Luckily there’s some options around here with the right apparel …but I just can’t do the-20c.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Well it's howling here and 🌧 🌦 raining managed a walk not long ago and got not too wet . Washed the bike in the morning and went round the block Michelle my neighbour still in jammies shook her head . The lad across road on ladder putting up decorations was dafter than me. No joy with levo thinking cables maybe need a blast with the compressor probably another 100 quid knowing my luck. If i hadn't wasted all my money on all them Whistler ski trips i could have built a decent heated workshop. Phone Berkshire cycles the morn . Soups made though and Sticky toffee pudding is in the oven.


Active member
Nov 29, 2023
Major issue in winter to me is just wind. Rain/Snow I can do, same as low temperature (above zero of course), but in the open the wind is just too dangerous for jumping there and there.

Just discover last week that on an ebike wind is twice as dangerous for me.

The only drawback is tons of mud everywhere on the ebike which they just don't like much.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Major issue in winter to me is just wind. Rain/Snow I can do, same as low temperature (above zero of course), but in the open the wind is just too dangerous for jumping there and there.

Just discover last week that on an ebike wind is twice as dangerous for me.

The only drawback is tons of mud everywhere on the ebike which they just don't like much.
Yes I came out from the shelter of buildings the other week nearly lost it with the side wind. Yes mud everywhere I took cover off motor today to check cables , filthy inside too wet to dry anything. Rant over


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
To all those that suffer the winter blues. Unless it is just "missing a bike ride" blues, then it's likely that you are suffering from "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or SAD as it is more commonly known. I am not winding you up, it's a real thing! For me the cure was to take vitamin D3 known as the sunshine vitamin. If you don't want to take a daily tablet then eat oily fish at least three times per week.

Vitamin D3 is made by your body from sunshine on the skin, which considering that our genetic heritage is from Africa, is probably why we cannot produce it naturally any other way, we have to eat it. As we migrated from Africa, our skins lightened so that we could absorb more sunlight. So, if you have dark skin and live roughly north or south of 45 degrees away from the equator, then pay special attention.

No sunlight and you don't like oily fish? (salmon, mackerel, tuna), then start taking a daily vitamin D3 tablet. It's also good for muscles and bones. A few visits to the tanning salon may be a good idea for a quicker fix.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin D3 is 1000 i.u. (25micrograms) which is five times the minimum requirement. The body excretes any surplus.

Warning! I am not medically qualified to give any advice on this matter, so do your own research!


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
To all those that suffer the winter blues. Unless it is just "missing a bike ride" blues, then it's likely that you are suffering from "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or SAD as it is more commonly known. I am not winding you up, it's a real thing! For me the cure was to take vitamin D3 known as the sunshine vitamin. If you don't want to take a daily tablet then eat oily fish at least three times per week.

Vitamin D3 is made by your body from sunshine on the skin, which considering that our genetic heritage is from Africa, is probably why we cannot produce it naturally any other way, we have to eat it. As we migrated from Africa, our skins lightened so that we could absorb more sunlight. So, if you have dark skin and live roughly north or south of 45 degrees away from the equator, then pay special attention.

No sunlight and you don't like oily fish? (salmon, mackerel, tuna), then start taking a daily vitamin D3 tablet. It's also good for muscles and bones. A few visits to the tanning salon may be a good idea for a quicker fix.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin D3 is 1000 i.u. (25micrograms) which is five times the minimum requirement. The body excretes any surplus.

Warning! I am not medically qualified to give any advice on this matter, so do your own research!
Well I had lack of calcium and doc said take vitamin D , in fact he said abody in Scotland should take it.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I have taken Vit d with K2 daily for daily dose now is 4000 iU.............1000 is far too low, especially in winter. I drop to 1000iU in the summer months. If you are Vit D deficient you need an even higher daily does for a number of weeks to build. ps Not my advice but someone who knows!!

Dealing with winter is easier if you are retired than working because alhough getting out on the bike is more limited at least you can pick the odd days when weather and conditions are best. Between times I do a complete overhaul for both my bikes.............suspension service ( TF Tuned), headset, freehub, tyres/sealant etc. I dont ride in the rain or in strong winds but dont mind temperatures down to 8/9 degrees C windchill. Im on the UK south coast so even this time of year those sort of days are not uncommon. At the moment I am only doing local rides straight from the house rather than any trips to the forest simply because the days are so short and the weather changeable throughout each day. I walk the dogs every day for an hour ( except ride days!!) come rain or shine and do 3 sessions a week on my home multigym to maintain fitness. The days will start lengthening now and January is usually high pressure so drier and less wind.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Fortunately, the darkest time is over and we are going towards the light. And after a few months, the sun won't set at all until autumn.
I joined a ship in Hammerfest crazy the light at midnight. Very cold if there was any wind needed to keep skin covered.


Aug 11, 2019
Hampshire UK
I hate winter, plus wet weather with a passion.
My season didn't start this year until june, but surprisingly is still ongoing due to the mild dry weather.
Its normally done by October.

The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Also in a house, though @The EMF's is probably more like a swimming pool or some indoor aquatic base with waterfalls, streams, fountains.

Actually the more I picture it, the more it develops. I'm now thinking tropical aquatic base, likely with indoor beaches, palm trees. Probably with several attractive and interesting lady's around who he's graciously let use his facilities during the bad weather.
Your powers of perception are almost as good as my mystics..
You got in one ..100% as you have described ( I've been there a few times now ) .
I forgot to pack my budgie smugglers & a towel on my first visit ..but now I'm never without ..


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Your powers of perception are almost as good as my mystics..
You got in one ..100% as you have described ( I've been there a few times now ) .
I forgot to pack my budgie smugglers & a towel on my first visit ..but now I'm never without ..
Winter blues in that case probably referred to the pendulum induced bruising of your knees following a weekend without your budgie smugglers ...


New Member
Apr 30, 2024
I like the seasons, getting covered in shit & sliding around the trails has always been part of the attraction for me. Does up the washing bill though.
Wind, rain and mud on the Pennines yesterday... no different to summer just a bit colder

But I get the sentiment of the thread.
It's just harder this time of year still hopefully having a little Dales trip Friday as it looks settled


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
So do I. Lots of people hate winter, the days are short, cold & wet but nevertheless, I'm a firm believer in the old adage - there's no such thing as the wrong weather, just the wrong clothes. This is a mountain bike forum, not a coffee & cake roadie sewing circle, we're supposed to be ploughing through the dirt, rain or shine. ☔


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2024
Auckland NZ
Thankfully, here in Auckland, our winters are often pretty wet, but not overly cold (we think it's cold, but 10deg C isn't exactly blizzards and frostbite).
Right now it's early summer, so we are having windy, changeable weather which gives us occasional rain and longer sunnier spells with average temps of around 25deg. Down in the southern Alps where my brother and his family live, it's significantly cooler in winter and significantly warmer and drier in summer - of course he has the spectacular Queenstown mountain biking on his doorstep, so he can throw his bike down the sides of mountains any time he likes, where I am stuck with forests, if I stay local - bike parks and Rotorua anre significant drives away, so you have to be prepared to travel to get big, varied terrain, if you're in most of Auckland (although Auckland's huge, so there are Aucklanders that live very close to some magnificent biking).

But the winter blues for me come when it's constantly raining, as I hate riding in mud and I don't enjoy getting wet - but there's not really the same level of "winter" as you Northern Hemisphere lot. Not for me, anyway.

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
To all those that suffer the winter blues. Unless it is just "missing a bike ride" blues, then it's likely that you are suffering from "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or SAD as it is more commonly known. I am not winding you up, it's a real thing! For me the cure was to take vitamin D3 known as the sunshine vitamin. If you don't want to take a daily tablet then eat oily fish at least three times per week.

Vitamin D3 is made by your body from sunshine on the skin, which considering that our genetic heritage is from Africa, is probably why we cannot produce it naturally any other way, we have to eat it. As we migrated from Africa, our skins lightened so that we could absorb more sunlight. So, if you have dark skin and live roughly north or south of 45 degrees away from the equator, then pay special attention.

No sunlight and you don't like oily fish? (salmon, mackerel, tuna), then start taking a daily vitamin D3 tablet. It's also good for muscles and bones. A few visits to the tanning salon may be a good idea for a quicker fix.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin D3 is 1000 i.u. (25micrograms) which is five times the minimum requirement. The body excretes any surplus.

Warning! I am not medically qualified to give any advice on this matter, so do your own research!
You got it Steve. That’s what I suffer with. The wife says I am a different person in the winter. When we used to winter in Spain and Portugal it was loads better. 8 months work here and then 4 months in the sun. 👍 This year has been worse because the summer in Scotland this year was a bad one. I have never been so pale. 😂 Hopefully next years summer can’t be any worse. 😂👍


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2019
So do I. Lots of people hate winter, the days are short, cold & wet but nevertheless, I'm a firm believer in the old adage - there's no such thing as the wrong weather, just the wrong clothes. This is a mountain bike forum, not a coffee & cake roadie sewing circle, we're supposed to be ploughing through the dirt, rain or shine. ☔
Aye, i was out yesterday for 70 mins on the bike, going downhill into the headwind i was almost stopped dead... but it's OK, it's all part of the fun.
Today we're out in Pontypool, then Dyfi later in week and Bringewood. It won't be summer of course, but we'll survive :)


🔱 Aquaman 🔱
Nov 4, 2020
South East Northumberland
Similar weather here and I'm miles away. Keep going out to split wood but come back in each time it pee's down because that's just crap when combined with high winds.

Also in a house, though @The EMF's is probably more like a swimming pool or some indoor aquatic base with waterfalls, streams, fountains.

Actually the more I picture it, the more it develops. I'm now thinking tropical aquatic base, likely with indoor beaches, palm trees. Probably with several attractive and interesting lady's around who he's graciously let use his facilities during the bad weather.

Yup, he's not going anywhere soon !

Not a house really but a big pet shop 😆


Aug 10, 2018
Helsinki, Finland
So do I. Lots of people hate winter, the days are short, cold & wet but nevertheless, I'm a firm believer in the old adage - there's no such thing as the wrong weather, just the wrong clothes. This is a mountain bike forum, not a coffee & cake roadie sewing circle, we're supposed to be ploughing through the dirt, rain or shine. ☔
I hate you, you're too positive ;)

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