What tyres? The Ultimate Tyre Thread


Active member
Apr 12, 2021
I have the same question; I have the new Pivot Shuttle S.L. and want a recommendation on tires;
I would like
No insert needed
Fast rolling
Good grip
Light weight
I ride dry conditions mainly rock gardens so decent sidewall protection is a plus .

Any help would be appreciated
Hellkat pro 2.4 ATC front Nevegal 2 pro 2.4 EMC (thicker casing for e-bikes) back
I think around 900-950g each


Nov 4, 2022
Portland, OR
I have the same question; I have the new Pivot Shuttle S.L. and want a recommendation on tires;
I would like
No insert needed
Fast rolling
Good grip
Light weight
I ride dry conditions mainly rock gardens so decent sidewall protection is a plus .

Any help would be appreciated


Active member
Jul 12, 2022
I was thinking the Magic Mary 29 x 2.6 (actual 2.5) Super Trail Soft up front combined with the Big Betty 27.5 x 2.6 (actual tbd) Super Gravity Soft in the rear on a new Relay I have coming.

I was looking for distinctly more traction than Minions and am willing to have some weight & rolling resistance penalty. That said, this is a mid-power bike that doesn't have unlimited power and battery juice available.

First e-bike. Terrain is steep and rough, dry and rocky.

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Nov 12, 2021
Northern Ireland
What's the reviews like for the new continental tyres?

Was thinking
xynotal DH on the rear and Kryptotal F enduro on the front

Or would Kryptotal F and R be better?

Both 29.x.24


Active member
Jul 12, 2022
Is there such a thing?

With a DRH Maxxgrip on the back, it almost feels like cheating. That tyre just grips and grips. Up or down.

Where do you find you're having traction problems? What pressures are you running?
Minions are a great compromise between pretty high traction and decent rolling resistance. There are grippier tires however. The Mazza & the Magic Mary are 2 obvious examples.


Active member
Aug 2, 2022
Minions are a great compromise between pretty high traction and decent rolling resistance. There are grippier tires however. The Mazza & the Magic Mary are 2 obvious examples.
The only issue I've had with minions is that I rarely manage to get enough lean to properly engage the side lugs (on the back, Dhf up front always seems to work).

Swapped to a Dissector and problem solved. Still has almost all the climbing grip and brakes really well.

I found the rolling resistance to be terrible though. So much drag that it was killing me on anything even remotely firm.

Never got on with MM to be honest. Wouldn't say it was better than a Dhr personally.


Active member
Jul 12, 2022
Tires are a highly personal thing dependent on many factors, not the least of which is conditions you ride but of course also the width of your rims, inserts or not, lean style, etc.

In my case I highly value lean angle and side traction from the front tire. For pedal bikes, low Rolling resistance in the rear combined with just average traction works very well for me. Tires do not last me particularly long, about 200-300 miles on a pedal bike.

However, now I'm shopping for tires for my first e-bike and my requirements are different and include increased traction front and rear, a bit thicker casing to cope with hopefully higher speeds, while RR has dropped down on the order of importance.

I really don't want to have to go through 50+ tires and read a thousand reviews to find the tires I really like on my e-bike.


Nov 4, 2022
Portland, OR
Tires are a highly personal thing dependent on many factors, not the least of which is conditions you ride but of course also the width of your rims, inserts or not, lean style, etc.

In my case I highly value lean angle and side traction from the front tire. For pedal bikes, low Rolling resistance in the rear combined with just average traction works very well for me. Tires do not last me particularly long, about 200-300 miles on a pedal bike.

However, now I'm shopping for tires for my first e-bike and my requirements are different and include increased traction front and rear, a bit thicker casing to cope with hopefully higher speeds, while RR has dropped down on the order of importance.

I really don't want to have to go through 50+ tires and read a thousand reviews to find the tires I really like on my e-bike.
I was thinking the Magic Mary 29 x 2.6 (actual 2.5) Super Trail Soft up front combined with the Big Betty 27.5 x 2.6 (actual tbd) Super Gravity Soft in the rear on a new Relay I have coming.

I was looking for distinctly more traction than Minions and am willing to have some weight & rolling resistance penalty. That said, this is a mid-power bike that doesn't have unlimited power and battery juice available.

First e-bike. Terrain is steep and rough, dry and rocky.

Send me and email. I've got a lightly used set of Magic Mary/Big Betty that I'll make you a deal on. [email protected]


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2023
I really like to try new tires, as they say - don't try, don't draw conclusions. After quite capable maxxis, which were thrown to the sides since new and the sidewalls were tearing after a while, I switched to eddy current. for me, the best tires I've had. since it was extremely dry and dusty in Slovakia last summer, aggressive coats were unnecessary and I tried vittoria mazza/martello. unfortunately it was a big disappointment for me. The tires did not cope with roots, wet stones or mud, they even cleaned themselves very poorly from mud. their capabilities have improved a bit as the temperature increases, but in spring and fall these tires are unrideable for me. since I also ride tanuss armor inserts, I don't need to constantly switch tires between them, so I go back to the proven Schwalbe eddy current.



Mar 27, 2023
So I’ve used only Specialized plus sized tyres, 3.0 Pergatory and 2.8 Butcher. Butchers seem quite a bit stiffer, less corner roll. Am a fan of Schwalbe tyres and will be interesting to see what we can get in the 2.8 sizes in the future. With EMTB’s gaining popularity I’m sure we will see an ever growing selection of plus-sized rubber :LOL:
Like a few here Im a big fan of the magic mary in the front and I also rate the big betty for the rear. I've been running these in these in the Surrey Hills for months, a week in Morzine and also 5 days in Malaga. Still have life in them.. (both Super Gravity TLE)
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E*POWAH Master
Mar 9, 2020
have now driven assegai maxxterra exo with cushcore pro inserts both front and rear for about six months now, and I have come to the conclusion that I do not like the feeling of having inserts in the front tire. think that the bike understeers and that it is too heavy.

will probably replace the front tire with an assegai maxxgrip dd and just run tubeless without insert.


Dec 12, 2022
New Zealand
I’ve been a Maxxis DHF fanboi for years on MTBs, but wanted something with more volume (to protect the rim) and bigger lugs (traction is more of an issue on steeps) for the ebike.
Been running a MM 2.6 SG Soft up front and BB 2.4 DH Ultrasoft rear for a month. Spent a week in Rotorua and South Island recently riding with 12 mates. The tyre combination is brilliant and I’m constantly getting better grip in super steep damp/loose conditions than my Assegai/DHR clad mates. I just wish they made the 29 BB in 2.6 - already wrecked my second rim ( no insert).
Thinking I will try an Eddy Current 2.6 in Super Trail on the rear, so I can run an insert (can’t get an insert in the BB DH casing without levers, and nicking the tape in the process).


Active member
Jul 12, 2022
I’ve been a Maxxis DHF fanboi for years on MTBs, but wanted something with more volume (to protect the rim) and bigger lugs (traction is more of an issue on steeps) for the ebike.
Been running a MM 2.6 SG Soft up front and BB 2.4 DH Ultrasoft rear for a month. Spent a week in Rotorua and South Island recently riding with 12 mates. The tyre combination is brilliant and I’m constantly getting better grip in super steep damp/loose conditions than my Assegai/DHR clad mates. I just wish they made the 29 BB in 2.6 - already wrecked my second rim ( no insert).
Thinking I will try an Eddy Current 2.6 in Super Trail on the rear, so I can run an insert (can’t get an insert in the BB DH casing without levers, and nicking the tape in the process).
How does that MM 2.6 work on dry rocky loose terrain? Does it float, bounce or do anything else annoying?


I'm currently running schwalbe's eddy current 29x2.6 SuperGravity on rear and SuperTrail in front.

For my modest riding, they give me excellent grip all year round on dry or wet trails, with acceptable rolling resistance and they don't wear out too fast. I preferred them to the maxxis minion dhr 2 which came fitted on my new bike. I'll most likely stay with eddy currrents for now.

Curious though about another emtb specific tyre, the new Pirelli Scorpion eMTB S (Soft terrain). Anybody has any feedback on the pirelli's, how the scorpions emtb S compare to the Schwalbe eddy current?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2023
I'm currently running schwalbe's eddy current 29x2.6 SuperGravity on rear and SuperTrail in front.

For my modest riding, they give me excellent grip all year round on dry or wet trails, with acceptable rolling resistance and they don't wear out too fast. I preferred them to the maxxis minion dhr 2 which came fitted on my new bike. I'll most likely stay with eddy currrents for now.

Curious though about another emtb specific tyre, the new Pirelli Scorpion eMTB S (Soft terrain). Anybody has any feedback on the pirelli's, how the scorpions emtb S compare to the Schwalbe eddy current?
II try a pirelli scorpion in another ebike ( friend )
he ride long travel ,more like xc roads. pirellis are maybe better a rolling resistance, same like vittoria mazza/martello.

I have the same changes, and I go back to schwalbe eddy current and never change back.Best tyres I ever had. - trails, bikeparks, communing, good wearing and maximum grip in all weater .

- I use tannus armour, maybe I dont need it, but 0 punctures on rocky trails and bikeparks + I am soo heavy. 110 kg


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2023
ja give a chance to vittoria, I give a chance to maxxis minon, and I came back to schwalbe eddy current.
I cant a time to a swiped or trying another companys ( never change a winnig setings )
Basically, I can't imagine how much better other tires would have to be to convince me to experiment again for mixed conditions. I don't think I've come across a disadvantage of schwalbe yet, except for throwing with inserts. (I still have a second set of wheels, purely for trips and trips with children, wolfpack trail 29x2.4)


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 14, 2019
I know there is no such thing as a good tyre for wet roots / rocks, but is there anything that's recommended?

Back in July, I broke 2 ribs by falling off a banana boat in Barbados (my brother in-law landed on me elbow first!). After a couple of weeks, I felt fine and was back golfing and cycling.
In October I went on an easy bike ride round some local paths and trails, and my front wheel slipped on a wooden path - causing me to come off and break 2 more ribs! Same side, but higher up. I was due to go on holiday 4 days later, and it meant I couldn't chuck the kids about in the pool, carry the cases and put a bit of a spoiler on the whole thing. It also hurt for a lot more than a few weeks!!

Since then, I've been mainly on roads, cycle paths and forest roads etc and taking it easy. The weather hasn't been great, and I haven't had as much time as I'd like - so some rides straight from the house and not getting filthy have actually been fine.

I went to Tarland Trails on Thursday, which was all nice smooth hardpacked tracks - on a lovely sunny dry day. Yesterday, I went into some local woods and was riding the damp trails as the rain fell on me.

Something I noticed quickly was how much my front tyre was slipping on roots / rocks, and how apprehensive I was about it. I ended up riding really slowly, and was continually getting ready to put my foot down whenever the front went. I've had Michelin Wild (not e-Wild) on my bike for about 3 years now, and have always found them great.
Now, I have the fear... I'm wondering if there is something better for wet that I can build up my confidence again with?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2023
Viem, že neexistuje nič také ako dobrá pneumatika na mokré korene/kamene, ale odporúča sa niečo?

V júli som si zlomil 2 rebrá pri páde z banánovej lode na Barbadose (môj švagor pristál na lakti ako prvý!). Po niekoľkých týždňoch som sa cítil dobre a bol som späť v golfe a bicyklovaní.
V októbri som išiel na ľahkú jazdu na bicykli po niektorých miestnych cestičkách a chodníkoch a predné koleso sa mi pošmyklo na drevenej cestičke, čo spôsobilo, že som vypadol a zlomil som si ďalšie 2 rebrá! Na tej istej strane, ale vyššie. O 4 dni som mal ísť na dovolenku a to znamenalo, že som nemohol hádzať deti do bazéna, nosiť puzdrá a celú vec trochu pokaziť. Tiež to bolelo oveľa viac ako pár týždňov!!

Odvtedy som hlavne na cestách, cyklotrasách a lesných cestách atď. a bral som to v pohode. Počasie nebolo skvelé a nemal som toľko času, koľko by som chcel – takže nejaké jazdy priamo z domu a nezašpiniť sa boli vlastne fajn.

Vo štvrtok som išiel na Tarland Trails, čo boli pekné hladké, tvrdé trate - za krásneho slnečného suchého dňa. Včera som išiel do niektorých miestnych lesov a jazdil som po vlhkých chodníkoch, keď na mňa padal dážď.

Niečo, čo som si rýchlo všimol, bolo, ako veľmi sa mi predná pneumatika šmýkala na koreňoch/kamene a veľmi som sa toho obával. Nakoniec som jazdil naozaj pomaly a neustále som sa chystal dať nohu dole vždy, keď išiel predok. Michelin Wild (nie e-Wild) mám na bicykli už asi 3 roky a vždy som ich považoval za skvelé.
Teraz mám strach... Zaujímalo by ma, či existuje niečo lepšie na mokro, s čím si môžem opäť postaviť sebavedomie?
3 roky sú príliš veľa, pneumatika je tvrdá.- toto je typický michelin (na autách je to isté) najazdené km na dlhé vzdialenosti, ale boby sú ako nové. stačí si kúpiť novú pneumatiku, ak sa vám páči michelin, kúpte si michelin znova
If you need something more.grippy,try magic marry

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