Update the EP 801 RS with the “classic” SHIMANO EP 801 (RISE 2025) ?


Nov 6, 2023
Ok. Thanks.

Once ive made the changes using the eMax app, will the new values be reflected on the e-tube app as well?

Di you have any idea how the battery will be impacted by the changes
Sure the new values like e.g. max. torque range of up to 85Nm will be reflected in the E-Tube-Project software also, because you then can increase the individual torque values up to this limit.

If you will increase max. torque range and individual torque values and/or max. peak power, this for sure can drain your battery faster.
So I suggest to use the increased values e.g. only in Boost mode on one profile, so you can still save battery energy in Eco and Trail, but you can get full power and torque if you need it (e. g. on stiff hill climbs).
Some owners of Orbea Rise and Urrun bikes use the range extender for longer trips.
However, take care: There are some early production range extenders which are not capable to deliver the max. current which is necessary for max. peak power and max. torque, especially if their level is already low.
So in this case the range extender may power off the bike.
This is no problem at all and will not harm your bike or battery and you instantly can power on the bike again, but for sure may be annoying.
To prevent such a situation with such an early production range extender, either try to get a new range extender or just don´t use max. levels (like Boost mode) when using the range extender and the level of the range extender is quite low. Just use a lower setting for motor assistance in this case.
Maybe also this post can be interesting for you.
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New Member
Oct 30, 2024
Alameda, Ca USA
Me again.

Any chance you have hands on experience with de restricting a ep6 rs? I know now what i need to do it but i cant find any reviews or discussion about results or...what to expect.



Nov 6, 2023
Me again.

Any chance you have hands on experience with de restricting a ep6 rs? I know now what i need to do it but i cant find any reviews or discussion about results or...what to expect.

So why don´t you just contact the guys from EMAX?
They will send you all information you need and most probably also some references of users who had used their software already and are very happy with it.
Also you can check my other posts in this forum and you will find lots of information about derestricting DU-EP600 (EP6) or DU-EP801 based bikes (and for sure also their reduced "RS" variants which are used by Orbea) in there.
Just use the "search" - functionality in this forum or click on my profile and check my other posts.
Also please alway specify in detail what you want to achieve by "de restricting a ep6 rs"...
Do you want to increase max. peak power and/or max. torque range or do you want to increase max. motor support speed. Or both?
Do you want to use solely Bluetooth or do you have access to an interface from Shimano (see e.g. here)?
Sorry, but I am a bit tired of writing the same things over and over again. ;)
Just found some interesting posts, see e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Hope that´s enough information.
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New Member
Oct 30, 2024
Alameda, Ca USA

talked to eMax over the last couple of days. I was able change the motors max power/torque ranges and it really made a noticeable difference. Im just waiting for a E600 display so i can fine tune the settings using the display.



Active member
Feb 18, 2024
Palm Desert, California
On an EP6-RS, you can change max. peak power (up to max. 500W on a DU-EP600) and max. torque range (up to max. 85Nm) as long as you currently have installed a motor firmware equal or less than 4.3.0 via the eMax - software tools (Bluetooth based eMaxMobileApp for iOS and Android or Windows based miniMax - program) already in the licence key free mode, see in chapter 12 of this document.
If you are already above this motor firmware and have installed motor firmware 4.4.1, then these settings can only be changed via cable bound SM-PCE1 or SM-PCE02 interface and the Windows based miniMax - program, but no more via Bluetooth. Maybe this forum post may be interesting too.
Why did they do that? So I have to plug my bike into a computer now!? Shimano is making a lot of fans.


Nov 6, 2023

Why did they do that? So I have to plug my bike into a computer now!? Shimano is making a lot of fans.
The reason for this is very easy and clear: Orbea didn´t like that everybody knows that Orbea is cheating their customers publicly and their reduced "RS" (Riders Synergy "BS") drive units are not "specially developed by Orbea" (like Orbea claims), but are just "ordinary" standard drive units with ordinary original plain motor firmware from Shimano with reduced settings for max. peak power and max. torque range, see e.g. here.
There is, there was and there never will be any "very special developed - RS -" motor firmware from Orbea - Orbea uses the ordinary original motor firmware from Shimano since the beginning of their "RS" drive units.
So Orbea for sure did not like it at all that everybody could easily increase these values on their "RS" drive units with the tools from eMax-Tuning already in the licence key free version and get the full potential of these motors.
So Orbea insisted that Shimano will create a new motor firmware on which this hidden functionality (which is available since many years already in the Shimano STePS system, long before the "RS" drive unit was "invented" already) will be deleted via Bluetooth in one of their next versions (which now happened).
However, because also in the future it is very important that Shimano (and Orbea) can use these functions for changing max. peak power and max. torque range after production (e.g. if Shimano uses a hub gear which is not able to withstand high torques) you most probably will still be able to use this hidden functionality also in the future via a cable bound PCE - interface and the Windows based miniMax - program from eMax-Tuning. :)
So, yes, you need to get access to such an interface (e.g. this SM-PCE02 one) and then also to a Windows computer - otherwise there is no way anymore to change these values if you are already on the latest motor firmware 4.1.x on a DU-EP801 or DU-EP600 drive unit.
And again: Never update accidentaly a Shimano STePS drive based bike to a new firmware if you don´t exactly know what you are doing and have a look to the compatibiltiy of eMax-Tuning first (see e.g. in chapter 12 of this document), if you are using these tools, otherwise this easily can ruin your day and create a lot of frustration.
The latest version 4.4.1 does not give any single advantage (but only disadvantages) compared to the previous version 4.3.0. Sounds strange, but is fact.
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