• Warning!!

    Riding a tuned or deristricted EMTB is not a trivial offence and can have serious legal consequences. Also, many manufacturers can detect the use of a tuning device or deristricting method and may decline a repair under warranty if it was modified from the intended original specification. Deristricting EMTB's can also add increased loads for motors and batteries. Riding above the local law limit may reclassify the bike as a low-powered bike, requiring insurance, registration and a number plate.

    Be aware of your local country laws. Many laws prohibit use of modified EMTB's. It is your responsibility to check local laws. Ignoring it, has potential implications to trail access, and risk of prosecution in the event of an accident.

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STUnlocker (ex Shimano STEPS Unlocker) Android & Windows App for derestriction/market change and etc

May 2, 2019
The only thing I changed on my motor was from UK to USA setting. I think that is all it needs. I have found Boost has more than enough power to the point where if I try and climb a super steep climb I actually flip the bike over or loose traction before it runs out of power. Best to leave power settings at default, in my opinion.
Yes, maybe you´re right and it is not a good idea to increase the power. So take care when using such "unofficial" tools...
Hopefully Shimano will be nice and give me back my toy in working condition asap and also hopefully without me paying for it. The derestriction was free of charge (thanks again to Vadll) but the motor is around 1000€ if it is not on warranty, my dealer told me.
But for sure, if I have to pay, I will, it was on my own risk and I cannot blame Vadll for this now somewhat bad situation...
BTW.: Does anyone has any experience on how long it will take to get a new or repaired motor back from Shimano? My dealer told me it can be within 2 weeks to 2 months...


E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
My dealer told me that there indeed is a temperature sensor in the Shimano system and it normally is working fine, but due to increasing the power level, he thinks maybe it is working too late...
I don't think so, temperature sensors are fast enough to get actual data from them, and if e8000 have it or use it's data correctly - you wouldn't get such issues...

Is there any chance that the defective motor could be done by wrong programming the software of the motor with your unlocker tool?
My software does not change any motor logic and does not "programming" anything. It's change few calibrations using standard Shimano protocol, same as in Shimano's software for dealers/bike manufactures.

Could I have made any mistake in using your software or could there be any error in your program which could cause such a situation?
No. Moreover, I do not exclude the factory defect in your motor...

Anyway, I'll add a big warning message about power increase in next release


Active member
Apr 30, 2019
Could not agree more that all we EU guys want is the increase from 15 mph to 20 mph.

I want to leave everything else as is but that 5 mph makes all the difference.


Please can I contact you regarding getting the software please? :)


May 2, 2019
Huge thanks to vadll I now have an "unlocked" E8000 in my bike!

First I downgraded th FW according to the instructions in emax site.
Then downloaded vadll's StepsUnlocker, sent bike info to vadll and received my free license.
Now I was able to adjust everything as promised and decided to set following parameters:

Circumference to what it actually is.
Eco speed limit to 30 km/h
Trail limit to 60 km/h
Boost limit to 36 km/h

Did a short test run and everything works flawlessly.
My bike has a 378 Wh battery so those speed limits I would assume to be optimized for my typical rides so that I don't run out of juice before destination.

I didn't want to tamper with the motor power because running a permanent magnet motor with a higher power than it has been designed for will result in higher phase currents => more heat => faster aging and failure of components subjected to that excessive heat.


Nov 30, 2018
United Kingdom
The only thing I changed on my motor was from UK to USA setting.

After installing vadII's ShimanoSTEPS Unlocker that's all I have done. That simple adjustment completely transforms the bike imho :cool:

fuck yeah.jpg

I'll alter the wheel circumference to true next as according to GPS my assistance is topping out just shy of 30kph, then all values should read true after that.

My only glitch was initially connecting the Shimano SM-PCE02 link cable to my laptop as the driver wouldn't install automatically. Some googling eventually found the correct driver from Shimano. Plain sailing after that.

Cheers @vadII great program :cool:
May 2, 2019
So I´m still waiting for my broken motor to get fixed. It´s hard wait and not to know what´s going on. Hopefully Shimano will fix this issue fast.
Vadll: Do you intend also to develop a nice Bluetooth app like this one? This seems to be a really cool thing and you do not need the interface any more! A friend of mine has it and it works great.

May 2, 2019
I don´t understand - so after 1.6.2019 you want to make some money with your program which is absolutely fine, because you have invested probably a lot of time in it. And then you will compete with the other players in the STEPS8000 derestriction market, like EPlus and EMax. And then you are writing that you cannot make an IOS app because you do not have an IOS device? There are dozens of cheap iPhones to get on eBay...


Active member
Sep 16, 2018
Massa, Italy
Is exactly the same but reverse that is happening with eMax mobile app, delivered on iOS but only in the future with no certain timing for Android.
Any developer have a personal skill and equipment and switch to other platforms need money and time, even to study the language and needed tools.


New Member
Apr 8, 2019
Software works perfect for me. I would say it's easier to use than emax/freemax/minimax which is annoyingly split into 3 different programs you have to download.

All the parameters work and are easy to change. Did 28km of trails yesterday and tested the motor out with the 500w limit increased which provided a nice little boost in power. Battery range great, and with the bike in trail mode it's still very smooth and easy to control.

Dan - Did you need to purchase a PCE02 device or similar to work with this software ?, did one come with your bike ? I did not get one with my Merida 160 900e. Tks


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2019
Dan - Did you need to purchase a PCE02 device or similar to work with this software ?, did one come with your bike ? I did not get one with my Merida 160 900e. Tks
Hey mate,
I was able to get one on eBay for a reasonable cost. You're in Australia... Where?

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