• Warning!!

    Riding a tuned or deristricted EMTB is not a trivial offence and can have serious legal consequences. Also, many manufacturers can detect the use of a tuning device or deristricting method and may decline a repair under warranty if it was modified from the intended original specification. Deristricting EMTB's can also add increased loads for motors and batteries. Riding above the local law limit may reclassify the bike as a low-powered bike, requiring insurance, registration and a number plate.

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STUnlocker (ex Shimano STEPS Unlocker) Android & Windows App for derestriction/market change and etc

May 2, 2019
So, regarding to my broken motor due to the steps unlocker software, I have some bad news: I had been at my dealer this afternoon and he told me that Shimano has checked the motor and has detected that it was manipulated with "bad software". So they did send my motor back to my dealer in unrepaired condition and worst of all, they told my dealer that he cannot buy a new motor for my bike, because Shimano is not selling single unit motors in Germany. The only way to get a new motor from Shimano is in official warranty replacement cases and this seems to be none of them.
This is a real shitty situation and I do not know what to do now with my broken bike.
I´m heavily frustrated!
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E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
How did they checked your motor? And how did they determine that it was caused by a "bad software"? It looks like they are didn't check anything, just transferred all the responsibility to you. This is a typical situation in our world. But it's bad for you anyway.

I think that they were not able to read anything from your motor. Only one way - is to read historical data from your display and your switch. But it looks like they didn't do that.
May 2, 2019
Shimano only had my motor, not the display and anything else, because it was easier for my dealer to only ship the motor to his distributor (Shimano Germany).
And I do not think that Shimano has pretended to read the motor data, because I had two friends who already had gotten new STEPS8000 motors free of charge on warranty due to defective torque sonsors.
So, I think they definitely could read data from the motor and had seen that the max motor speed was adjusted and the power was increased.

A friend told me that it could be possible to maybe buy a new STEPS motor from the Netherland.
Enough for today, I´ll have a sleep first and think about.


E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
If they could read data - you could do that too (connect PCE interface directly to your motor and use the E-tube Project software)... Anyway, what was broken in your motor? Did they say about it?
May 2, 2019
Vadll, my dealer showed me a report from Shimano that my motor died due to excessive heating and a coil of the BLDC motor were burnt.
He also told me that for sure Shimano has some other tools than eTube to read and diagnosis motor memory and electronics and so they could see that the motor was manipulated, which I also believe.
Also my dealer told me that eTube has a lot of hidden features that an ordinary end user cannot use, because there is a higher level access via online login possible.
So, I think you are wrong when you think Shimano is only able to check a motor with their ordinary eTube software...
Anyhow, it does not make sense for me to write much more, I have to get a new motor asap, because I want to bike and I´m quite sure that I do not use any derestricion in the future.


E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
Vadll, my dealer showed me a report from Shimano that my motor died due to excessive heating and a coil of the BLDC motor were burnt.
Well, that's obvious. It's because Shimano motor doesn't have any heat protection. It's ridiculous.

He also told me that for sure Shimano has some other tools than eTube to read and diagnosis motor memory and electronics and so they could see that the motor was manipulated, which I also believe.
They should disassemble your motor and connect to motherboard directly to trying read anything. I don't believe that they are did that.

Also my dealer told me that eTube has a lot of hidden features that an ordinary end user cannot use, because there is a higher level access via online login possible.
You'll see all those "hidden features" in a new version of STEPS Unlocker :)

I´m quite sure that I do not use any derestricion in the future.
So, you think that US speed limit will "break" your motor? It's funny. Good luck, anyway
May 2, 2019
Vadll, I´m not very satisfied with your kind of communication.
You make jokes about my broken motor.
I think you are trying to put responsibility to others, like you wrote that Shimano does.
It is obvious that the usage of your software made my motor broken.
My bike worked perfectly before usage of your software.
It also seems that you assume things, but do not clearly know.
Why are you telling people that they could see everything by themselves with eTube if you already know that there are hidden features within eTube.
Then you write "You'll see all those "hidden features" in a new version of STEPS Unlocker".
So, you disagree to your own statements. And so for sure Shimano can read the data you have changed with your software.
Also I would prefer if you would show a proper imprint on your webpage, so that everybody could see who you are.
If you want to sell something, you should not be a "hidden guy" - this makes definitely no good impression.
Maybe you also should directly talk to Shimano.
Anyway, I do not want to spend any more time with this issue.

On all the other users of the software I would suggest to take care.

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E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
It is obvious that the usage of your software made my motor broken.
So if you use a hammer and break your hand while using it, you'll blame the hammer and its manufacturer? Nice!

Anyway, who told you to increase Power limits? Did you see a @Dan63 post who warned everyone about power limit?

Why are you telling people that they could see everything by themselves with eTube if you already know that there are hidden features within eTube.
I didn't say that. I said: if Shimano could read any data from your broken motor - you could do that also using E-Tube Project and even STEPS Unlocker. Moreover, you didn't ask anything from me when you broke your motor, or before you broke your motor. You left your bike in a shop with broken motor to send the motor to Shimano in the hope of changing it under warranty (this is called fraud, actually).

Added: I'm still sure that they have not read anything. Otherwise, the results of diagnostics should be provided in which all parameters that you have changed are shown.

Also I would prefer if you would show a proper imprint on your webpage, so that everybody could see who you are.
What will change for you if you recognize my real name or/and where I live? I didn't force you to modify your bike's settings! Moreover - you were warned about the Power increase and, finally, you are accepted License agreements.

Maybe you also should directly talk to Shimano.
About what? Should I ask for their permission? :))))

May 2, 2019
Vadll, I think you treat users of your software as idiots!
"Dan63" is not warning, but made a clear statement when he wrote:

"I am interested to try the power limit changes. After speaking with the creator of eMax he doesn't allow this in their app yet as they say it's detectable and voids warranty. Eplus flash unlocks the power limit to 550w. I am unsure if this is a "safe" limit they decided on? Though i would assume if Shimano have the option to turn it up to 600w the drive unit should be capable but they have probably limited it to 500w for longevity.
If the e8000 power can be lifted to 550 or 600w that's a cool 10 or 20% increase."

Do you think this is a warning not to use your 600W increase?
Definitely done now with that kind of communication, best luck with your not enough tested software and knowledge which you think is better than Shimano´s...


Apr 25, 2019
Hi "Superfastbiker",
I completely agree with you that Vadll just want to make fast money and do not care about the users of his software and the whole market.
For sure it is kind of nice that he is giving his software for free, but he just wants to get market access.
He removed my statements earlier and he seems to be the guy from russia who wants to be "undetected". This is not the way fair deals should me made.
All users of his software should be aware that using this software could be detected from Shimano and then any warranty is gone!
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E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
Do you think this is a warning not to use your 600W increase?
Yes, I think so.
Also, this message warn users about Power Limit usage:

Anyway, would be nice if Shimano modify temperature control of their motors.

Definitely done now with that kind of communication, best luck with your not enough tested software and knowledge which you think is better than Shimano´s...
It's well tested by 20+ emtbforum.com members, including you. Thank you!


E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
He removed my statements earlier

Your post was deleted by Admins, because you posted a screenshot of my Private Messages without any permissions from me. I hope that they are delete it again.

All users of his software should be aware that using this software could be detected from Shimano and then any warranty is gone!

All software works exactly the same (E-tube, STEPS Unlocker, emax and etc), but someone wants unreasonably big money for their software. Every settings can be detectable, not all of them affect on warranty. Just back all settings to stock before leave your bike to dealer.
May 2, 2019
Vadll, that is insane, on one hand you wrote "Shimano cannot detect anything" and then you wrote "Every settings can be detectable". This makes no sense to me...

Also the warning about the power increase was implemented in your software due to my motor problems - thanks a lot for that, but it was to late for my issue. But you should not parade others now with this statement. Had that message been in your software from the beginning I would probably never had changed the power settings. I thought this feature was tested thouroughly from you before, but obviously it was not!
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E*POWAH Master
Feb 19, 2019
Vadll, that is insane, on one hand you wrote "Shimano cannot detect anything"
Yes, no one can detect market change, assist settings, circumference, speed limit and etc if you back all your settings to stock before visiting a dealer.

In your case: you didn't back to stock all your settings because of the motor control unit failure.


May 15, 2019
@vadII is your android tool now in betatesting?
maybe you need some testers, because we dont have these interfaces to connect with the pc



Active member
Sep 26, 2018
Looks like I should visit forum more frequently, appeared to have missed a bit of a heated debate.I would presume 95% of emtb owners are adults if only based on cost alone.As such we are all aware of the legality of tuning our bikes and possible consequences of being caught and stress on our motor etc.
That said I have been toying for some time on the changing of the speed limit to American spec.I think it’s safe to say that way the motor whichever make is working completely within it’s designed parameters .Only legal issues remain.
I feel the pain for anyone who may have destroyed the motor,but saying that can’t understand why they would push it to the max.Fair play to Vadll for allowing the use of this software for free as tuning software is a bit of a dark art.

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