A month ago, I have updated my 200mm disk brakes as the SLX weren't properly working. I am missing the SRAM modulation.
So, I have found several videos explaining how to install a mix between Shimano levers and Magura Callipers. However, the videos are based on having the full Magura set and replacing the lever. My question is if I bought the Magura Callipers only, can just replace them instead of the Shimanos, and use the current system (levers, hoses, disks)? TIA.
So, I have found several videos explaining how to install a mix between Shimano levers and Magura Callipers. However, the videos are based on having the full Magura set and replacing the lever. My question is if I bought the Magura Callipers only, can just replace them instead of the Shimanos, and use the current system (levers, hoses, disks)? TIA.
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