Wedding Crasher
Yes of course! I was only a few miles from home, it wasn't as though I was in the wilderness with roaming grizzly bears, and mountain lions, rattlesnakes and so forth.Will YOU ever be the same?
PS: The XT mech that I bent severely was actually an SLX mech. I consulted my spares list that some of you may remember I made a week ago or so. As luck would have it, I had a new SLX mech in its box in the garage. AND I had a new slickwire inner gear cable. I spent what later seemed far too long cleaning, stripping down and straightening the bent mech. It was good to have a new one to compare it with because the new cage is subtly not straight. I very briefly pondered on refitting the straightened mech, but decided to put it on my list of used spares. It should work; apart from some scratches, it looks exactly the same as the new one.
I'm not doing too well for 12s mechs on this bike I am averaging one mech every 1024 miles. That is the original XT mech and two new SLX mechs. The one I just fitted is the fourth.
What is it about 12-speed? I never broke or bent any other mech, from 6-speed upwards to 11-speed! My previous emtb was 11-speed and all ever had to do was a mech hanger alignment and to renew the jockey wheels in almost 3100 miles.