Mission Control iOS App 1.2.0 featuring Infinite Tune - Now Available


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 16, 2018
Tough one here... changing the wheel size on mission app, will de-restrict the motor... at least will cut power at 30km/h instead of 25km/h
it's a very grey zone here... my only worry with Blevo, is the constant sending of instructions to the motor (all specs changing every few seconds), not sure that it's prepared for it!
Seems that the way that is designed, is more to occasional shifts in 3 modes (Eco, Trial, Turbo)
well according to a report above it sounds like now mission control is doing exactly that


New Member
May 21, 2018
United Kingdom
I spent some time with a tech at my Specialized store and asked him a few things. Honestly though, he did not seem as "informed" as I would have hoped (bearing in mind, most employees at stores are not lucky enough to own an ebike hence their knowledge is from whatever corporate training they are given).
He stated Spec can see everything. When pushed he said, everything that you can (indicating parameters of app, settings, temps, work output etc.) and did say it could be ascertained if the "limit" (restriction) had been breached. I then asked him about Blevo and he had not heard of it. When I showed him the app he was impressed and said he did not think using the app as a more "user friendly/deeper controlling" way of tuning would cause any issues and he was impressed enough to say he was going to get the app to look at himself.
I also mentioned that as said app (and other similar software) could be easily linked to the bike it made anything legal a moot point as proof the owner had changed something other than any individual in the vicinity of the bike, would be near impossible as the system is open. He thought for a second and concluded I had a very good point.
I would imagine, working in the industry I do and with constant political law changes due to "mis-use" of equipment by end users, I personally think Spec may be more concerned with exceeding the limit set down by laws of individual countries rather than strain on the equipment itself. You can only operate and allow for laws that are in place (rather than speculation) and thus any flaunting of that law could be seen as a serious curtailment of development and fun.
What I mean is, if the UK has a 15mph limit for ebikes and Spec allow that to be flaunted then they are breaking a national law and in convention, allowing a bunch of fines and hassles. They cannot feasibly control the end users actions so saying (only available on private land) is a non starter.
So, perhaps (as many things) the limit is imposed purely for legal reasons. I was also told of a Spec employee who owned a Levo, had de-restricted it himself.
So, where would Spec really stand?
The law (if we are talking about warranty and legalities then it has to come down to the law) says you have to be "proven" guilty, not assumed nor implied. Therefore Spec would have to prove you had used a third party app to de-restric the bike and that emphatically caused component failure. If that was not enough in itself, as the system is open to simple "pairing" and tuning by third party apps I would argue that anyone could have tampered with my settings (however improbable) as it would be up to Spec to emphatically prove otherwise.
BUT we are not crossing new ground here, car manufacturers have faced same situation for years with modifications and chipping. Some set strict rules, some guidelines etc. Truth is, especially in the US (I lived there for 12 years and modified many of my vehicles) "modding" is a huge industry. The ebike industry is still in it's infancy so who knows what will happen. Also I am not truly surprised the gen software (Mission Control) is not the be all and end all for everyone as it's still very new.
I still think Spec is trying it's best, providing updates derived from testing that they feel best suits the masses (can't please everyone) and that also (Importantly) complies with the law of the country of sale.

Take Drones as an example. They began very costly professional ownership/use only. Then their price began to drop, as did their size, ease of use and cost of ownership in general.
Now, the untrained (to use a drone in any professional capacity necessitates a long, costly, not simple course to be licensed) and maybe those that should know better, have used drones in such a way to garner adverse attention and new laws for ALL are being introduced. And this is all within the parameters of the actual manufacture of the drone itself (i.e. 100% user issue).
Compare this with an ebike which has been limited in speed by the manufacturer to within specs of the laws in the country it has been sold. Then end users tamper with the product and some incidents come to light, this could illicit new laws imposed by the govt. requiring goodness knows what for us riders.
I'm certainly not saying you shouldn't do this or that, just I can see the position any company like Specialised is in.
I think the whole thing will evolve, especially the app and tuning parameters, but abiding by local laws will always be a sticking point.

Have fun, be safe and go ride :)


New Member
May 26, 2018
I think what Specialized is doing is very likely the best decision for the company, their image and their demographic.

Riders currently have a "marmite" relationship with ebikes in general and I think one of the biggest issues with them is that fat, lazy riders can literally zoom up and blast passes even the fittest riders on the steepest climbs.

I think Expert / Comp / Pro and Prosumer riders who love the burn, keeping no fit, working out etc... Serious riders, don't want the bike to take away all the work for them, and as they are Specializeds targeted demographic, that's who Specialized listen to.

Having a 60yo woman be able to climb faster than a 17yo for young hardcore mountain biker up a 10% 400m gradient is not something the serious mountain bike community appreciate, so the bike is evolving to suit the market for which it was intended.

For those like me, I'm older, injured, wanted to recapture my youth this is an unwelcome set of changes. I bought the bike to exactly the things it allows me todo, that they are now removing from it.

The new mission control does indeed emulate the Zeus bug, but if you enjoy the Blevo Zues settings etc the this new 23FW update IS FOR YOU!

The Zeus bug essentially delivers power more efficiently, smoother and more controlled but it's based on X Out = X Out.

The entire point of the Blevo settings (there is a PDF available online) was to remove the feeling of being on an ebike and they categorically state that they themselves despise the instant power that is delivered by the bike as soon as you touch the pedals.

They say that this feeling, when you just touch the pedals get get 540w of power pushing you is unnatural. Therefore they smooth it out and now you get back why you put it.

So if you enjoy the blevo Zeus settings, then you will absolutely love the new FW update. As the Zeus settings are based on the X In = X Out Methodology.

I prefer the currently X In = 540w Out methodology and here is why.

At the end of a climb when you are absolutely dying (if you are 54yo, perhaps a little over weight and had a previous operation on your back like me) and you can see the top, but you have NO MORE ENERGY to give. With the current X In = 540w (Race) Out you can literally just rest your feet on the pedals and bike actually "climbs" entirely by its self as it gives these butts of max power with race mode pushin it up the hill. It's like (sorry for this) fucking magic! :)

But the Zeus and 23FW REMOVE that capability as the less you put in (near the top) the less it gives. There for acting like a real bike. You wouldn't get up here on a non e bike and without good strong legs, you won't get up here on an ebike.

That puts the bike firmly in the category of acceptance and now, a 60yo woman with a hip replacement won't best a 17yo hardcore rider as she can't put the manual effort in required to get the engine to push her up the hill.

So what Specialized is doing is honerable. It's making the ebike a more bike / trail friendly beast and taming it to reward different fitness levels instead of just giving everyone full power and essentially gifting them a pass to climb whatever they wanted, effortlessly.

So in short here is what the facts tell us:

FW23 is aimed at:
Strong riders who enjoy a workout. Competition Riders, Pro Riders, Prosumer Riders, Expert Riders and those who love the burn and love to work out.

Those who felt ebikes were too easy.
Those who feel reward for climbing is earned.
Those who like X in = X Out
Those who don't want to be gifted a win.
Those who take riding seriously.

FW22 is aimed at:
Those who want the all of the above BUT have the ability to override it all by using 100/100/RACE and be gifted a win, gifted a climb, gifted an easy ride and essentially rescued when you can't make it up a climb.

For me I fall in to the latter. I'm firmly of the style that I need the assistance. Without it the bike isn't as useful to me.

So I think where Specialized is going with this is to make the bike more acceptable to both ebike riders and non ebike riders and garner acceptance in the professional and prosumer market.

Old Holligans like me, who really don't do this for the exercise (I do it for the fun/exploration/rush) and don't really enjoy the "get out what you put in put in" mentality (as it puts me back at a disadvantage) should probably have never bought a Specialized in the first place :) I'm not their target demographic but because this bike opened a door that allowed me to get back into doing something I previously slowed down on doing, and allowed me to keep up with the front runners and even beat them! I become a byproduct / side effect sale.

I don't think I was the intended market. But because of this incredible machine i was able to do things my body just wouldn't normally allow.

Now it seems they are rectifying that and making the bike calmer, more focused and refined and targeting the correct demographic.

I think ebikes will be more accepted when you see a rider have to get off an EBIKE and push because he can't put in anything more and the bike doesn't bail him out, where as fit manual or ebike riders will ride right passed him. They will feel vindicated that there additional fitness is now recognised again.

This is exactly what they are doing, trying to achieve and in all fairness to the business model is the right thing to do.

However the folk like me who were a side effect of a software choice, we get culled. Which is a shame as I think that could be a large market.

In my opinion (which could be wrong) I think you will sell more Ebikes to people like me (old riders, injured riders, previous riders, part time riders, occasional riders) than you will to professional riders who want to keep fit? If they want to keep fit they will likely keep riding a manual or "some" will buy a second ebike (but not all) and while they may be more accommodating and accepting of ebikes moving forward, will they actually buy them? I don't see why (as many of them) would?

Having a software "OPTION" is by far the best method! As this allows you to target both demographics and you can allow the user to decide what THEY want to do with their tool. Have 2 configurations in MC that allow the user to choose between "Professional" mode (where the bike is running with the 23FW settings and a "Fun/Solo/Exploration" mode where the rider can run in ASBO mode.

In my opinion FW22.3 will become a saught after firmware!
I think it may become like a collectors item due to what it allows non professional riders to do!

In conclusion I can see, understand and appreciate why Specialized are doing what they are doing, but I don't agree with it.

I say give the user control of the bike and give them ASBO mode if they want it. It opens up new markets and allows riders like me to explore and get to areas that were previously unobtainable.

Yesterday's ride in the trails with The guys from the club was amazing. I was able to climb everything they climbed (on my bike) I felt part of the group, and equal (even though I wasn't) I felt powerful (even though I wasn't) I felt fun, elated and happy.

When I got on Ian's bike I struggled to put enough power in, to get any power out and I couldn't get to the top of the hill I previously just got to? Why?

After that I felt disappointed, sad, and I wound have held the group up etc and been embarrassed etc as everyone would have to wait for me again as I'm too weak to get up the hills. Why do that?

Back on my bike and it threw me up the hill like I was being pushed from behind, just resting my feet on the pedals (as my thighs BURNED in pain) and my bike, my beautiful bike rescued me and said "don't worry you fat, lazy (out of shape) piece of shit, I've got this one" ;)


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 16, 2018
sory mate I dont agree with your assumption of what blevo can do yes it can exploit the zues bug but its can also give the same spesh settings you have now and more, you can tune the motor to give what you want in each mode and simple put the more MC you apply the more you get the bike to work like you want, the less MC you apply the more its works like ver 23 but in ver 23 the lowest MC you can set is 20% In Blevo you can set 0% and this is where you get the beautiful fluid motion.
Personally I use blevo 100 which gives 10% motor power and up to 100% depending on how hard you push example I put 45w in and in turbo the motor give 340w I put 200w in and the motor gives 550w, those figures might not be precisly accurate but you get the idea
I run the blevo app my wife runs ver 22 with mission control, shes 20 years younger than me (im 68) and an enduro racer and I can leave her in the dust on some climbs
I do agree though that spesh are looking to the future and trying to ensure ebikes stay firmly in the bike world


New Member
May 26, 2018
sory mate I dont agree with your assumption of what blevo can do yes it can exploit the zues bug but its can also give the same spesh settings you have now and more, you can tune the motor to give what you want in each mode and simple put the more MC you apply the more you get the bike to work like you want, the less MC you apply the more its works like ver 23 but in ver 23 the lowest MC you can set is 20% In Blevo you can set 0% and this is where you get the beautiful fluid motion.
Personally I use blevo 100 which gives 10% motor power and up to 100% depending on how hard you push example I put 45w in and in turbo the motor give 340w I put 200w in and the motor gives 550w, those figures might not be precisly accurate but you get the idea
I run the blevo app my wife runs ver 22 with mission control, shes 20 years younger than me (im 68) and an enduro racer and I can leave her in the dust on some climbs
I do agree though that spesh are looking to the future and trying to ensure ebikes stay firmly in the bike world

Of course, it's not an1 size fits all approach. That's kinda exactly the point of the post, it's not a 1 size fits all and Option should be there's for the users.

I agree that your settings won't achieve the results I experience, as we use different settings, different styles, have different levels of manual input etc.

Im just going from my experience with the app, and a direct comparison between the 23/22 FW and settings, and a discussion I had with the blevo developer on Facebook, and based on the official posts on what the Zeus settings actually do, why they were created, and what they were trying to achieve.

But of course everyone's experience will differ based on how you set it up, as I say, it's not a 1 size fits all approach.

If you click the link below and read this post, you will see that's I only repeat EXATLY what the developer wrote, which Sloan happens to be my direct experience, and the reality of what I experienced based on his settings (which is good) as it's working exactly as he intended (based on his defaults etc)

If you disagree that's absolute perfectly fine, but it's Likely due to how each user interpretes and configured the application, as my description was not written made up by me, I just re wrote (paraphrased) what the developer wrote here for the 1 situation I mentioned above.

Of course I'm not able to test every scenario for every person / weight / style / setting etc I can only give the results of the tests performed.

Here is the link I was pointed to / provided which contains the official explanation of the settings, from the developers, during a conversation I wasn't having with him on Facebook.
Cataldo Zeus Leo
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 16, 2018
yes I agree I have had a lot of conversation with the blevo guy hes very helpful, I guess my point was blevo allows everyone to set the bike how THEY want it spesh mission control does not (yet)
as a matter of interest what were the settings of your mates bike that you rode with ver 23


Active member
Apr 1, 2018
Some great posts here. For those who don't like the x23 firmware update - the BLEvo application now fully supports x23, and I imagine you'll be able to run 'acceleration' modes to your preference, even if they are removed from Mission Control in its updated form.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 16, 2018
Some great posts here. For those who don't like the x23 firmware update - the BLEvo application now fully supports x23, and I imagine you'll be able to run 'acceleration' modes to your preference, even if they are removed from Mission Control in its updated form.
except you cannot set motor current lower than 20% and I think there are only three presets for ver 23
I asked the blevo developer and thats what he said


New Member
May 26, 2018
Some great posts here. For those who don't like the x23 firmware update - the BLEvo application now fully supports x23, and I imagine you'll be able to run 'acceleration' modes to your preference, even if they are removed from Mission Control in its updated form.

Android only for now, but iOS is incoming :)
The issues still sits with the battery's new power delivery curve on FW23 and how it delivers power.

Thas a fundamental change that even blevo can't over come.

The batterys delivery of the power to the motor has changed at lowest level, the hardware level.

It won't discharge the battery with an influx of power like it used to in FW 22.3 (with or without blevo)

You can change setting but the FW has altered the curve of the power delivery and it cant be put back by the app, as the this is a hardware level change.

yes I agree I have had a lot of conversation with the blevo guy hes very helpful, I guess my point was blevo allows everyone to set the bike how THEY want it spesh mission control does not (yet)
as a matter of interest what were the settings of your mates bike that you rode with ver 23

Correct! But ONLY within the confines of what the FW revision will allow.

FW22 and Blevo = Advanced and incredible user configuration
FW23 and Blevo = Advanced configuration (incredible was removed as the Firmware stops the battery being able to discharge and deliver 540w of raw power instantly and irresponsibly consistently with little to input from the user) :)

So while Blevo + 22 can ACT like Blevo + 23 ... Blevo + 23 can NEVER achieve what Blevo + 22 could offer.

Because of a fundenntal change (at the hardware level) of how the battery physically and electronically interacts with the motor, blevo hasn't been neutered when used in conjunction with FW23 as FW23 STOPS the battery delivering power irresponsibly. IT now delivers power ina. More controlled, resourceful, less wasteful and mature manner.

IN blevo + 22 we can tone it down, but in blevo + 23 we can't unlock that firmware change to get the unaltered raw power modes back.

That's why I think blevo + 22 will become a saight after product as it's actually quite special!
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 16, 2018
I will have a ver 23 battery at the weekend so I will report what excatly can and cant be done with both blevo and mission control
@MartynG can you explain about the hardware bit please I wasnt aware they changed any hardware with this update I thought it was just firmware


Active member
Founding Member
Jan 23, 2018
@MartynG thanks for the detailed feedback.

I really hope that Spec give us more options here, instead of a one size fits all, as its clear that doesn’t work well for everyone.

I’m really tempted by BLEvo, like @Tori (and others) are using. This seems that it gives the most customisation options. Maybe Specialized should hire the developer ?

On IOS (IPhone) the Blevo does not have all the settings like the Anroid app. Missing setting for Power for each mode. You do have the motor current slider (overall), acceleration slider, ECO, Trail and Turbo slider. But no more.


New Member
May 26, 2018
I will have a ver 23 battery at the weekend so I will report what excatly can and cant be done with both blevo and mission control
@MartynG can you explain about the hardware bit please I wasnt aware they changed any hardware with this update I thought it was just firmware

When you change the FW of any device you are changing how the hardware interacts with itself and other hardware/components etc. This can be as drastic as physically replacing items as they are / can physically disable / remove / alter / restrict parts from functioning a certain way, reducing power output via FW is not different from turning the volume Down physically, which is a change in how the hardware initially functioned.

As they have released a FW update that physically changes how certain parts of the battery's electronics function and communicate with the motor, that's no different from a repair man coming in and making the change manually like in the "old days" it's just done remotely now. They have reduced how the battery delivers lower. They have changed the battery functionality to no longer allow the hardware (the battery) to deliver the power required to drive the motor at 540w as soon as the pedal is touched. It is now restricted to a slower gradual release. That hardware is now behaving differently and has physically changed how it functions and delivers power (how it works has changed)

Any change to FW is essentially changing the parameters of how the hardware actually functions, it can also change how the OS interacts with the Hardware and can completely change a devices primary function entirely.

Firmware changes affect the hardware (at the lowest possible level) and / or how parameters in which the hardware is designed / allowed to function in.

For example I could create a device that is compatible with Xbox and then push out a FW update exploits a feature that now allows my device to communicate with a PS4.

I could then be legally told to remove this compatibility as my hardware is not officially licensed to run on PS4.

Therefore by pushing out a new FW update and removing the PS4 compatibility the entire hardware/product both the product and it's users become redundant.

In the case I mention An product was created for PS4 users, but now after a FW update the item is no longer a PS4 compatible device (as the hardware used to communicate with the PS4 was "disabled") whether this is done manually or remotely makes no difference.

It's a "physical" "hardware" change to how the device initially functioned.

As the hardware is no longer able to communicate with the PS4 as the API that being was used to do so was closed, and the hardware used to emulate an alternate device was disabled, that FW change becomes a hardware change, because the hardware is no longer PS4 compatible. The mother board no longer routes instructions via the parts required, power draw has changed, noise has changed, heat has changed, comparability has changed, functionality has changed, the parameters of how each electronic item contained within the unit has changed. These are changes to how the physical, tangeable hardware items function in the real world.

FW is are no different from when a workman used to come to house and make changes manually. It's just now more efficient and done remotely.
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Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
when you just touch the pedals get get 540w
This is confusing me a bit. I thought that eBikes only multiplied the power exerted by the rider. Is this not the case on the Spesh?


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 16, 2018
ok thanks understood but you can reverse the firmware update and get back the stopped functions right?

when I had ver 21 and upgraded to ver 22 I hated it, just took my battery back to my spesh dealer and they put back ver 21 job done!


New Member
May 26, 2018
ok thanks understood but you can reverse the firmware update and get back the stopped functions right?

when I had ver 21 and upgraded to ver 22 I hated it, just took my battery back to my spesh dealer and they put back ver 21 job done!

If you get someone to reverse the FW update then you will "unlock" or "reactivate" or reverse the previous disabled or changed functions.

That's akin to asking the workman to come back round and put the hardware back to how it was.

So as long as they will do it, yes.
But they might not as it is noted in the firmware release notes (as cyclone said) that they did this for safety reasons due to unexpected and irregular power delivery when in that mode (I.e it was fuckin mental) and just rocketed you up anything :)

Even blevo didn't like this mode, but me...!

I love it :) it's the reason I bought the dam thing.

This is confusing me a bit. I thought that eBikes only multiplied the power exerted by the rider. Is this not the case on the Spesh?

Not in FW 22 ;) that's the bonus!

It's programmed to delivery power at max output irrespective of user input when at 100/100 Race CM 100 and it's hilariously incredible! It's jarring, like sitting on a rocket but it's AMAZING! It just blasts you up any hill, with little to no effort and a HUGE burst of power initially, it's spectacular! Just rest your foot on the pedals and it's like Vandam is pushing you from behind!

You feel like superman ?
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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2018
County Durham
Mines in as we speak ?so I will find out in due course it’s all about battery life for me so am happy with power on the low side that bit of assistance is great but totally get those who bought the bike for what it was


New Member
May 26, 2018
Mines in as we speak ?so I will find out in due course it’s all about battery life for me so am happy with power on the low side that bit of assistance is great but totally get those who bought the bike for what it was

Absolutely Shane if you are a serious rider, enjoy a little help (but have Manuel power to deliver) and you like a long battery etc then this update is absolutey for you.

I don't even think it was ever intended to appeal to riders like me, I think riders like me were a by product and or a hangover from a different initial design choice.

I don't care about battery longevity, I care about getting to the top of a hill and blasting down it. I'd rather have a battery that last 3hrs and delivers all the power I need to get me up the hill, than a 5hr battery that makes me push it up the hill, I'll take the former.

But as you say, you are a strong rider, you use a little assist, you like to use it when you need it.

I use 100/100/Race /CM100 almost exclusively as it's so much fun and for me it's about fun, not about fitness or working hard or sweating, I want to feel like a kid, like superman, and just ride at any insane looking hill that a normal person would run away from. This thing climbs like an absolute BEAST in 100/100/Race /100CM it's almost unbelievable how EASY it is to get up the most shockingly disgustingly vertical dirt/mud / rock gradients in that's mode! It feels like voodoo / magic!

I want a free ride to the top, and fun when going down hill :)

So for you I think you will be super happy with the update as you have the fitness to work with the bike as intended.

I'm essentially a lazy git and want the bike to do ALL the heavy lifting while I only do the fun down hill parts :)
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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2018
County Durham
Absolutely Shane if you are a serious rider, enjoy a little help (but have Manuel power to deliver) and you like a long battery etc then this update is absolutey for you.

I don't even think it was ever intended to appeal to riders like me, I think riders like me were a by product and or a hangover from a different initial design choice.

I don't care about battery longevity, I care about getting to the top of a hill and blasting down it. I'd rather have a battery that last 3hrs and delivers all the power I need to get me up the hill, than a 5hr battery that makes me push it up the hill, I'll take the former.

But as you say, you are a strong rider, you use a little assist, you like to use it when you need it.

I use 100/100/Race /CM100 almost exclusively as it's so much fun and for me it's about fun, not about fitness or working hard or sweating, I want to feel like a kid, like superman, and just ride at any insane looking hill that a normal person would run away from. This thing climbs like an absolute BEAST in 100/100/Race /100CM it's almost unbelievable how EASY it is to get up the most shockingly disgustingly vertical dirt/mud / rock gradients in that's mode! It feels like voodoo / magic!

I want a free ride to the top, and fun when going down hill :)

So for you I think you will be super happy with the update as you have the fitness to work with the bike as intended.

I'm essentially a lazy git and want the bike to do ALL the heavy lifting while I only do the fun down hill parts :)
Totally get that mate I was set in 10eco 16 Trail 50 turbo tbh I can get round a trail in mainly eco and use trail if I am struggling but I do a fair bit on my Giant Trance and I do a lot of fitness training so I totally get anyone who wants full assist and the price of these everything should be available lol I do like the top mode when I am on my way home shattered must admit I love a big day out so as I said I need a balance of battery life and help ran my battery dead last week at Dalby ?


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
How do you get 3 hours running at max like that?

I flatten my battery in 2 hours in Sport mode. I reckon I could do the battery in under an hour in Boost!


New Member
May 26, 2018
Totally get that mate I was set in 10eco 16 Trail 50 turbo tbh I can get round a trail in mainly eco and use trail if I am struggling but I do a fair bit on my Giant Trance and I do a lot of fitness training so I totally get anyone who wants full assist and the price of these everything should be available lol I do like the top mode when I am on my way home shattered must admit I love a big day out so as I said I need a balance of battery life and help ran my battery dead last week at Dalby ?

Yea you are exactly who this update is aimed at as you will now have increased batter (due to less irresponsible and more controlled power deliver) and you can taylor what you put in vs what you get out.

Running at 10% eco unthinkable for me, I actually run the following settings:

ECO 50/60
Trail 75/80
Turbo 100/100
Motor current 100
Race mode

I MAY use ECO or trail on occasion, but 98% of the time I'm full assist mainly beucase I am older, weaker, have a back injury and after a lot of sadness, I just want to enjoy myself and don't want to work out. I'll take 2hrs fun and a dead battery over a longer day but I had to avoide certain hills or didn't have the manual power to get me up them.

I suspect you will get a noticeable bump in battery and you have so much scope to adjust your settings up from 10% so you will be absolutelet fine with the changes in delivery as you most likely,probably won't even notice it, as it's mainly the top end they changed.

You'll love it,
But let us know when you get it back :)


New Member
May 26, 2018
How do you get 3 hours running at max like that?

I flatten my battery in 2 hours in Sport mode. I reckon I could do the battery in under an hour in Boost!

Because I'm lazy :)
I run 100/100Race / CM 100 and I mainly do the same local trail.

The trail is pretty simple and has a about 1000feet off road incline and a 100m flat road incline.

The downhill we do in segments and usually do around 4 or 5 times and I weigh around 75kg fully kitted.

It takes me around 20 minutes to climb as I just let the bike do all the work :) and the decent is about another 10 minutes as we wait at the bottom for everyone. So let's say 30 minutes per run.

So after 5 or 6 runs I'm at around 3hrs and my battery is usually aroun 10% left.

So this works out pretty perfect for me overall and is very close to exact spec.
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New Member
May 26, 2018
1000ft long or up?

Do you Strava at all?

Long :)
I'm not off on the moon ;)

It's a windy zig zaggy trail that winds up hill (and down hill) from left to right / up and down and is probably around 250/300m in actual height above sea level :) but it's around 1000ft of actual road/trail :)

I'm off road, not off planet ;)

Na I don't do strave or any of that as I'm not really into it.

I might sign up one day, but for me I just grab the bike (when ever I feel like it) turn it on Turbo, jump on it and go on the local trails with the local bike groups or by myself with an audio book or podcast.

I'm not a hardcore or serious rider, I do it for fun, I do a lot of other hobbies that I am really into too, so the biking is just 3hrs of arcade action, stress relief and then home. It not my lifestyle, it's just a fun way to release for me.

I do a lot of online League Gaming, and RC Racing, and Netflix Binge watching too so my time is short. I don't have time to log it, I just want to live it.

I don't update my trails, log my miles or calories or elevation or compete against others, I don't search for tracks or trails, or plan my routes out etc.

I literally just jump on the bike, ride wherever I happen to ride (usually local trails) come home and shower. That's it. Sometimes I take ten bike out and just roam around the canal and park with my daughter on her "penny board" its very early planned, its more of a spur of the moment "shall we order pizza" moment for me.

No social / logging or competing apps etc no logging of trails, my times or distance traveled etc.

No videos either, pictures yea sure, but i don't bother with uploading to YouTube etc (don't have YouTube channel) as all that just sucks the fun out of it (for me) as I'm already too busy with work, family and all my other hobbies (they take up a lot of my time) but for those who do this as a lifestyle of course they will love to log, do videos etc and I really do respect and appreciate that. I love watching all the videos posted here that are great. I'd do some too if I had the tone to edit and upload etc but I just don't.

I just want the fun part of riding with minimal effort no admin, no loggin, no planning, just jump on and go have fun like I used to :)

Classic Arcade Mode all the way for me :)
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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2018
County Durham
Yea you are exactly who this update is aimed at as you will now have increased batter (due to less irresponsible and more controlled power deliver) and you can taylor what you put in vs what you get out.

Running at 10% eco unthinkable for me, I actually run the following settings:

ECO 50/60
Trail 75/80
Turbo 100/100
Motor current 100
Race mode

I MAY use ECO or trail on occasion, but 98% of the time I'm full assist mainly beucase I am older, weaker, have a back injury and after a lot of sadness, I just want to enjoy myself and don't want to work out. I'll take 2hrs fun and a dead battery over a longer day but I had to avoide certain hills or didn't have the manual power to get me up them.

I suspect you will get a noticeable bump in battery and you have so much scope to adjust your settings up from 10% so you will be absolutelet fine with the changes in delivery as you most likely,probably won't even notice it, as it's mainly the top end they changed.

You'll love it,
But let us know when you get it back :)
Will do bud


New Member
May 26, 2018
How do you get 3 hours running at max like that?

I flatten my battery in 2 hours in Sport mode. I reckon I could do the battery in under an hour in Boost!


As per my last post re: this question, I went back to check the specs of the battery so that I can list you exactly what I should be getting, vs what I actually get in a real world scenario.

But while searching I found this video, which is actually not a million miles away from my exact situation.

Specialized battery and weight etc.

He is riding the Kenevo,
On a 1000ft trail,
4/5/6 times (Trail/Turbo)
Weighs 95kg
PLUS he does it with a bag of added weights ar 110kg

Making him 35kg heavier than me.

So that's almost exactly why I get around 5/6 runs at 1000ft at 75kg in Turbo (riding slower).

It's pretty much spot on as to what I get as a lighter rider (and a slower rider) and exactly what's expected from the 504wh battery.

Perhaps the Levo batteries are more efficient than your manufactures, due to the clutch, belt, cut off and torque focus of lower delivery etc?


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
RC racing? What class, I used to race 1/10th electric off road. Had a shop selling them for a while too.


Active member
Apr 1, 2018
good plan
which blevo setting is your favourite?mine is the blevo 100
I was using Eco, Improved and Blevo 100 and messing around exploring with the app - but I only used it for a handful of rides as I was late to the party and had been using Mission Control for too long. Anyway, once I got the HR monitor I was like . . . this is how I will ride the bike just about all the time - apart from time tooling around doing wheelies in the back paddock or trying to improve my technique.

I can't recall my optimum HR settings, but I'll mess with it more on my next ride this weekend and get back to this thread with my thoughts.

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