Well-known member
The worst thing Amflow could do is not to go an extra mile in warranty and support cases since it's a new brand on the market aiming high and all brands especially new will have some types of problems.I agree, it's not for those adverse to risk.
It was a total gamble here in the US, glad I got it this year. Especially because I couldn't try one before buying, and I got the Pro, so it was a big chunk of $$$. A good friend of mine who lives in Europe, got one in Germany, and told me about it, so I had some sense of what to expect. It exceeded my expectations however.
I thought about that ... , definitely gambling. However found this forum because I saw Amflow is supporting those in a thread here, and I am hopeful and somewhat confident that DJI will support me as much as they can based on what I've seen. I have a DJI drone, love it, and have never had any issues.
Best case - my wishful thinking: the quality is as exceptional as the design, and I won't need support or parts for a long time, ideally never until the battery cycles are near the end.
Bad case - is that I need a new motor, battery, or display in the next couple of years...that all seems easily replaceable on the bike,..., the down side, I agree, will be until they are in the US, or if never, if I need parts, I will have to ship from another country, and pay for + wait the time it takes, for that.
Absolute worst case: Its finally garbage quality and design, breaks all the time, and I give up on it - I just lost $12K. I accepted that risk when I bought it. In the US at the moment, and because its new / there hasn't been enough time for people to really put serious miles on them.
I have no idea what to expect or will happen long term, but the bike is so awesome, so far... it was worth every bit of wait, $, and gamble, for me for sure. Technically its a super smart design so that gives me some confidence.
But ......Riding it does feel like hitting the Jackpot at the Casino. It Rips.
Specialized has mainly kept their market positions due to very good warranty and support but the same can't be said about Canyon now handling battery issues.
At least for me warranty and support is key and bad news travels fast.