Highest Mileage Steps E8000 Motor


New Member
Jul 24, 2021
Hi, let me summarize what I believe you did and please, correct me if I am wrong. We know very little about the errors in these motors and these repairs help to improve the understanding.

  1. You had a E8000-1 where bearings exploded and damaged the gears, but electronics were fine
  2. You bought a second motor E8000-2 and after 300Km you had errors E010 and W013.
  3. Then you moved all the bearings and gears from E8000-2 to E8000-1 and now you ave a refurbished motor E8000-3 with new gears and bearings and old electronics.
As you did not invoque Shimano warranty for the second motor, I assume you bought it from 4mybike.de store or ebay, or another similar store. Can you please confirm where you bought it and if it had warranty.

So according this, the conclusion is that errors E010 and W013 in motor E8000-2 were caused by faulty electronics.

Can you please confirm which motor components you kept in E8000-3 (See image below):
  • From old E8000-1:
    • Motor housing
    • Electric Motor
    • Axle Electronics
    • Main Board Electronics
    • Torque Electronics
  • From new E8000-2:
    • Gear 1
    • Gear 2
    • Axle and Gears, which I believe includes the torque sensor that is glued to the axle
I am sorry for the many questions, but as Shimano does not provide any help, then we have to understand by ourselves how to fix the motor in case of failure.
View attachment 69909
Axle Electronic the key thing may be that this part is faulty, note that in this photo there are two different components that you have? with two processors or one



Active member
Feb 27, 2019
My motor is working fine so I have not opened it and I do not know which axle electronics I have.

Which one is the good one?


Sep 12, 2020
My first motor had a noticeable wobble in left pedal - started at around 2k km. At a 4.5 it was still fine, but I decided to replace bearings in it, and in the meanwhile installed a new e8000 bought from ebay. The new one has no wobble after 700 km so far.

In the meanwhile, installed new bearings to the old motor and keeping it as a spare.

Btw, I also have almost regular motor errors even on the new one - but only when using a DIY tec pack. Not really annoying, as just re-plugging power cable solves these, and these errors only happen once per 30 km, if any.

Would be nice to know if anybody actually used ep8 conversion kit on jams, which iniatally came with e8000.


New Member
Jul 9, 2021
ll components were moved from the new engine, only the electronics was left over from the old one I made 19k km

So yes, the first motor damaged the bearing and the motor housing, everything else was good except for one thin washer that broke.
I put on a second engine that I bought a year earlier without a guarantee, but it had a mileage of 0km and was new.
Practically from the first kilometers, something was wrong with the engine because it happened that he started accelerating himself without a strong touch on the pedals and immediately showed the error e010, then everything was ok for a while, but after a week again, after driving 20km, the error e010 suddenly appeared at a standstill and nothing no battery reset helped, so in one of the videos on yt where the e8000 system was changed to ep8, the boys said that the shimano service claims that the e010 is a pressure sensor error, so I opened a new motor and replaced all electronic components from the old motor
after 21,000km my E8000 started making a spurious noise. Looking around on this forum I found a thread about servicing Shimano E8000 motors. Very helpful. I decided to attempt a repair of the motor. When I had it apart I found one of the thin washers had broken and caused the adjacent bearing to fail. I assume this was the same as yours. The bearing on the crank shaft was not in good condition so I replaced this as well plus three other small bearings, $4.00 each. Bearings replaced, new washer fitted, motor reassembled and back in the bike. All good, no spurious noise, just like original. Very happy.

A mate has an E8000, 10,000KM, that developed the E010 error, Torque sensor failure. No bearing noise but motor is not repairable.


Feb 11, 2019
I am currently suffering intermittent E010 errors which i fear will prove terminal. Motor works perfectly for 12 to 15 miles then throws error.
Surely the torque sensor is just another part which you should be able to repair or replace?
Shimano need to up their game. Big opportunity for someone to offer repair service.


Active member
Jan 22, 2021
Sedona, Arizona
I am currently suffering intermittent E010 errors which i fear will prove terminal. Motor works perfectly for 12 to 15 miles then throws error.
Surely the torque sensor is just another part which you should be able to repair or replace?
Shimano need to up their game. Big opportunity for someone to offer repair service.


Have you tried doing a “hard boot” on your eBike? I have been doing this when I first start out on a ride due to having a E010 code. I hold down the battery button and the battery goes through the whole start sequence then shuts down. I wait about five seconds then press the battery start button again. This keeps the E-8000 motor running nicely.


Feb 11, 2019

Have you tried doing a “hard boot” on your eBike? I have been doing this when I first start out on a ride due to having a E010 code. I hold down the battery button and the battery goes through the whole start sequence then shuts down. I wait about five seconds then press the battery start button again. This keeps the E-8000 motor running nicely.
Thanks for that. Do you mean hold down the main on switch, how long for?


Jun 9, 2020
Adelaide Australia
My first E8000 motor did 21,308km my second motor has done 14,450km and is very noisy in Boost mode when on a climb. It has started turning off completely without showing an error code. The bike is a Merida eOne Twenty500. I've had two new motors on order since early September. ETA was November but now it looks more likely to be December. Probably won't see them till the new year. I've also got a Reid Urban+ with 9500km on it. The E6000 motor still running sweet and the E6010 battery still holds nearly a full charge. My Wilier AdvEnture has the E8000 motor, this bike has also done over 9000km.


Nov 14, 2020
My wife bike has an E8000 motor and has just failed at 6201 miles after 17 months of off-road riding around Yorkshire and the lakes district it failed after descending a rocky descent in lakes and came up with E010, CRC told me to clean all connectors which I’ve done but still not worked so think warranty on motor maybe the only option. I had same bike and that failed after 2599 miles battery was at 70% and motor had e010 CRC gave me a full refund due to no parts.


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
After my two collapsed E7000 with 1400 km or 2500 km due to error W013 + E010,
my third Drive Unit under warranty, the E8000, made 17423 km from December 22, 2019, till November 15, 2021.

After my servicing my E8000 made from November 15, 2021, till today 1711 km more.

My E8000 made a total of 19134 km since December 22, 2019.
But now it is a new-old engine, even though I am 100% satisfied with my servicing !

My 4th engine is already in my workshop... awaiting a total collapse from this 3rd engine (?)

Since the purchase of my Husqvarna GT2 on May 31, 2019
I have done 23034 km, and only with Eco High, only trekking, untuned of course.

(My next pedelec in two years should be one with Bosch, because there is a company velolab.de that professionally repairs it)

Marlenheim 20211228_131327.jpg

Mileage report at December 31, 2021 ➳

Kilométrage Husqvarna au 1 janvier 2022.jpg
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Active member
Jul 22, 2018
San Diego, CA
After my two collapsed E7000 with 1400 km or 2500 km due to error W013 + E010,
my third Drive Unit under warranty, the E8000, made 17423 km from December 22, 2019, till November 15, 2021.

After my servicing my E8000 made from November 15, 2021, till today 1711 km more.

My E8000 made a total of 19134 km since December 22, 2019.
But now it is a new-old engine, even though I am 100% satisfied with my servicing !

My 4th engine is already in my workshop... awaiting a total collapse from this 3rd engine (?)

Since the purchase of my Husqvarna GT2 on May 31, 2019
I have done 23034 km, and only with Eco High, only trekking, untuned of course.

(My next pedelec in two years should be one with Bosch, because there is a company velolab.de that professionally repairs it)

View attachment 79064
I wonder how much of this early death is water and mud? It's very dry here in SoCal usually, I never wash or hose my bike and when there is water out there I really make a big effort to avoid it. It's a pain but maybe that's what it takes to make the e8000 last. I wonder if the ep8 is better? I know for me I could never tolerate that rattle but some won't mind. I just hate random metallic rattle on the trail, lol.


Active member
Jan 22, 2021
Sedona, Arizona
I wonder how much of this early death is water and mud? It's very dry here in SoCal usually, I never wash or hose my bike and when there is water out there I really make a big effort to avoid it. It's a pain but maybe that's what it takes to make the e8000 last. I wonder if the ep8 is better? I know for me I could never tolerate that rattle but some won't mind. I just hate random metallic rattle on the trail, lol.
I have an EP8 motor that has 1,258 miles on it and have never heard a rattle on it. It is much quieter than my E8000 motor.


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France

I think I have now a real opinion since my complete and successful servicing of my e8000 DU,
and I would specify that I noticed this effect since the purchase on May 30, 2019
of my Husqvarna and before the first 17,423 kilometers of this third engine, the E8000.

When I opened the half dead engine on November 15, 2021,
I saw that there are two clutches and I attribute this effect that you show us with your video to the smallest of them:
it has a system as for winding a mechanical watch, when you turn the winder back and forth. I think this is "normal".

In the shifter of the derailleur you have a similar system with pawl and spring.

And I was very astonished that I didn't find any signs of wear or weakness
for all those little mechanical parts of this so small second clutch !!! :whistle:
So small and so reliable and efficient!

But I think we should continue this conversation in the dedicated thread >>> STEPS E8000 Motor Service.

Tomorrow I have done my 2000 kilometers since servicing on November 15, 2021 without any troubles.
... and 19,371 km with my new-old E8000 or 23,271 km with this Husqvarna ( with his 3rd engine... )
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New Member
Dec 29, 2021
Weird. What happens when you do the following?

I just tried this on a carbon Rise. First thing I noticed is that the noise is absolutely resonating through the frame. In fact is was arguable louder with my ear near the top of the battery.
I did see a vid .... here it is ... in which he mentions dampening the rattle using foam. If the rattle is originating in the motor when the is disengages, which I think is a 'known', seems very likely that padding with some heat resistant foam (if its near the motor), like motorbike sump foam ought to help decrease the amount of frame resonance. In the comments when asked how he did it - 'Just stuff it a bit w foam. Easy easy '
Has anyone tried this?

Tbh I can still hear some rattle in the vid, but it's not huge considering how and where he is riding


Active member
Apr 18, 2020
I dunno, I can hear rattling on most bumps in the vid. The sad part is that it gor worse with the EP8 compared with the e8000, where the rattling only occurs on really rough parts of the trail. And I can only speak for e8000 where it seems it isn't really a frame resonance issue but as heard in the vid coming mainly from metallic parts in the motor itself. If you don't know what it is it simply sounds like oldschool chainslap. I've also ridden a bosch gen4 aluminium bike and there the rattling sounds more like a knocking soung like the headset is really loose or something. And it also occurs on the tiniest bumps like even when you just coast down a slightly blown out fireroad.


Nov 16, 2021
West Yorkshire
I’ve done 5300 miles on my 2018 Focus Bold2 hardtail and it’s never missed a beat. It’s had a hard life & it’s still very smooth with no play in the cranks. I weigh 90kg and ride fairy hard. Two mates I ride with are on there second E8000 motors where their original ones failed at around 800 miles, but they did get new ones under warranty. So its a bit of a lottery to be fair. Another point to mention is that I haven’t noticed any loss of range with my original Derby Cycle battery, so I can’t complain, especially after hearing about all the horror stories with Shimano batteries.


Active member
Hi, I greet you together!
A helpful thread, thank you.
As you know from the description, I drive a Merida eONE Sixty 900-E size XL, I bought it 2.3.2019 and on 31.1.2022 I drove according to Shimano 22 601 km / 14 038 miles and according to Garmin climbed 292 949 altitude meters / 961 119 feet , for a driving time of 1137 hours (which is probably very similar to some of you). I ran the vast majority in ECO mode, and I never had an error code. I weigh about 101 kg, I ride all year round, I have never been to a bike park, I use Merida as an aid in my changed health, I have never washed it with a stream of water.
But now I hear noise and grinding from the engine when pedaling - apparently some bearings are just about to die, and it is a pity that I do not have anyone anywhere in Europe who would be willing to replace my bearings.
1. Honestly: it's not a lot of km / miles for the market price of an engine, is it?
2. I don't know yet what my bike dealer and Shimano will tell me, but I'll probably have to buy a new engine, tell me, should I choose E8000 or EP8?
Thanks for the comments and suggestions.
I wish you good luck!
Translated by googletranslator, thanks.
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Oct 15, 2018
I put 7,064 miles on the 1st e8000 motor in my 2019 YT Decoy, before replacing it with a unit supplied by YT/Shimano due to a knocking noise my motor began making on long climbs. I ended up selling the bike shortly after replacing the motor.




Jun 6, 2019
Mine has now 8.500km+ and the motor has died, well its not dead but making noises and then losing some power.
Probably normal for 5.5 years in all weather (rain, snow or shine) and salty conditions. No offload use though

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