What is so great with this bike is that it uses normal parts that are so cheap, that tinkering with it is fun. A friend rides a "real" eMTB and the smallest repair part is $$$. I just hope the motor/battery/frame holds up. Everything else is inexpensive. Even the battery is cheap. Most real eMTB batteries cost more than this bike. And the horror stories of $$$ motor failures with Shimano, Brose and even Yamaha. I just wish that Vinka sold there products through AE. It appears they are only an OEM provider in America. Let's just hope that Hyper stays in biz and can provide cheap replacement motors if needed. At least the WM added Allstate warranty is 4 years. If the 90/10 saying is true, I am in trouble. At least I'm having fun doing it.I'm fine with the current gears and chain. I'm not sure what I'll do if/when any of them fail but this isn't a bike I want to be dumping too much $ into. I'm still well under $2k (I paid $1298.00 to start) and I'm very happy with what I've got for that money. If I ever get to the point that I'm riding at every chance I get then I'd go ahead and spend $5k on a different bike and keep this one as a "buddy bike" for guests.
The old dirtbike saying still holds water..."It's 90% rider, 10% bike." ;-) This bike is doing everything I need it to so far.