Active member
I think recording the CANBUS traffic and looking at who sends what just prior to shutdown is key to this. I hope to get my workshop and instrumentation setup to do this and figure out how many opcodes are used during communication and if the payload data is readable. But, I must say, as a new Trance owner I am pretty alarmed at all of this. I stayed away from the Special other brand due to do motor belt failures, but from all I've heard those were dealt with quickly. Lingering issues are disheartening. I bought my bike to go on long loops that would require someone driving four hours round trip to come get me, after a long walk out. Maybe, since mine is a '21, some of these issues have been resolved. by firmware updates. As a systems, software/hardware guy, there is nothing that I hate more than insufficient logging of issues during shutdowns. Usually the controllers are still active after they shutdown current to the motor and error codes can be written to memory.
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