Same. I've wondered if this is part of what makes us less miffed as customers. I did my research and knew the risks. I had other bikes to keep me riding while motor replacement was underway. We just bought my wife a sale Relay as well. Considered the new Fluid VLT but honestly, I know what I'm getting with both Transition and Fazua and I don't have the same level of first-hand trust that I can easily sort things out with Bosch.I’m not sure where the Stockholm syndrome analogy comes into play? I’m not being held captive. I can buy any bike I want.
No denying there have been teething pains and I think Pivot (+Transition?) took the early brunt. I don't think there's any consensus that they're trash though. I put 10 hours on my HSL this weekend, the bike is glorious.I think the general consensus is they are getting better but they were trash to begin with. I still wouldn't bother with a ride 60 system for perhaps another generation yet.
I know two pivot dealers in NZ that have had over 50% return rate on shuttle SL's