Covid 19 worries !


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
One consequence of the lock down here in Spain is the large number of bored cyclists.

The WhatsApp groups are now generating 60 messages an hour... each! :eek::eek::eek:


Oct 1, 2018
Today after cutting the grass in the front garden and feeling no ill effects in this exertion, I ventured out for a cheeky 15 miles through the forest. I didn't stop for tea at the kiosk, nor did I stop to chat with the one mtber I saw out there.
I definitely felt better for the fresh air and I intend to do this trip again unless I feel the effects of the C19, or the government orders me not to.
I am really, really jealous. Wish I could get my grass cut ?


Mar 14, 2020
Epping Essex UK
After a lifetime of cutting grass in various locations, I can strongly recommend any lawnmower with a Honda engine.
It starts almost first time, every time, then you will have more time to ride.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
After a lifetime of cutting grass in various locations, I can strongly recommend any lawnmower with a Honda engine.
It starts almost first time, every time, then you will have more time to ride.

I recommend tiles. Much easier to hose off after cleaning the bike down, too. No need for noisy, smelly motor mowers to ruin people's Sundays with either. :p


Mar 14, 2020
Epping Essex UK
I work in the construction industry, and at the moment there is a real lack of clarity on what people should be doing - pretty much all the consultants such as Architechts, engineers etc are working remotely and video calling/confencing in - but we have multiple sites with 50 plus people on them, and this just seems like going against all common sense right now. Add in the getting hold of essential PPE like face masks, and essential site welfare items like cleaning products/loo roll is also pretty much impossible, and the sites IMO should not be running.

The contractors are shitting themselves about activating Force Majeure clauses in the contracts even though they should be, as they will go under if the work dries up - if you are not on site you are not getting paid, and most of these companies have multimillion pound credit liabilities with sub contractors, trade suppliers etc.

Further down the food train individual trades are still turning up even with symptoms as they just cant afford not to. There is simply no advice on what to do, exsasivated by the fact there isn't really a nationwide authority/body to issue universal advice within the industry which covers all sectors of it.

Its a total house of cards right now financially, with no clear way out or path forward.
No matter how bad things are, they can always be worse. Kirk Douglas.


E*POWAH Master
May 23, 2019
Alice Springs, Australia
The thing that makes this whole situation sad is how some people are acting. I called at a local Tesco's the other night in Sheffield to get some milk and they had called the police to deal with people arguing over food. Both of those involved had absolutely packed their trolleys with enough stuff to feed a normal person for a full month. Mean while older people won't get a look in.

The ultimate irony of the two involved here was both could have done with losing a good few stone!

You should see them here in Oz, every store has been stripped bare and there has been fights galore. Police are now patrolling to toilet paper isle. Mince meat is like gold at the moment and all stores now have 1-2 item buy limits and they also open from 7-8 in the morning for seniors and pensioners only so they have a chance to stock up.


Mar 14, 2020
Epping Essex UK
Here the army of 20,000 personal has been mobilized plus reservists have been put on stand by. London has shut 40 tube stations and is heading for a partial lockdown.


E*POWAH Master
Apr 29, 2018
Yeah and stocking mince meat is a bit stupid in the first place. Dried peas, beans, lentils... that's what's up. Stay edible for so much proteins. No refrigerator (electricity) needed.

Stocking cheap mince meat which came from animals that were fed too much antibiotics and that gives us... more antibiotics resistant bacteria in a few years.

Same problems for most animals products like milk & dairy tbh.. and they all spoil faster than most plant based milk & dairy.

I ate a crème brulée today, brownies yesterday, both delicious af and I don't have any animal products in my fridge.



Oct 1, 2019
Good for you but I got some nice mince in the freezer ! I don’t think the average joe is worried about what the beef is feed atm , that’s for another time but I do think this will shake up the way humans have been ( no offence ) raping the planet and the way media moguls have more control over us and the government ! Small government, low taxes and smaller nhs would be just what we need !


Dec 1, 2019
You have to respect the Chinese, they have managed to crash the entire world economy with nothing more a tickly cough and a small group of over anxious middle aged women.

Welcome to the age of social media warfare.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
You have to respect the Chinese, they have managed to crash the entire world economy with nothing more a tickly cough and a small group of over anxious middle aged women.

Welcome to the age of social media warfare.

Dude, I don't know where you're getting your information and viewpoints on all of this, but trust me, who ever it is , they're not your friends and they're not going to help you or anyone else get through this.

For starters, you might not have noticed, but China kinda depends on the rest of the world being healthy, physically and financially, so they can make all their crap and sell it to us !

We all have different view points in life, but for the sake of yourself, your family and any real friends who might have at least an ounce of intelligence, start taking this seriously for what it is and look after yourself.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I have been on so many different sites recently that although I only found this yesterday, already I can't remember where I got it from.

Be Advised.jpg


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
I have been on so many different sites recently
Apparently everyone else has been too - so much so that now the internet is breaking.

An interesting story from the Guardian’s Brussels correspondent, Jennifer Rankin. There have been widespread anecdotal reports of the internet struggling under the weight of people working from home, and now the EU has confirmed it.

The European Union’s industry chief has called on Netflix and other streaming services to take action to reduce congestion on the internet, amid surging demand as millions of people confined to their homes go online.

Thierry Breton, the European commissioner for industry, told Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings that he and other operators should take responsibility for preventing internet congestion by switching to standard definition rather than high definition.

In a statement Breton said:

Streaming platforms, telecom operators and users, we all have a joint responsibility to take steps to ensure the smooth functioning of the internet during the battle against the virus propagation.

The commission would also like internet users to reduce their data consumption, by using Wi-FI or choosing lower resolution for content.

The coronavirus has led to a spike in internet usage, as parents working at home make video conference calls, while children log on for online lessons or digital games.


🐸 Kermit Elite 🐸
Feb 6, 2019
Olching, Germany appointments are now by phone only.....etc. Several local supermarkets have placed quantity limits on specific goods to spoil the day of the selfish.
Doctor on phone: take the scalpel in the right hand and press gently..... make sure the needle and thread are handy..


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Apparently everyone else has been too - so much so that now the internet is breaking.
Fairly typical misunderstanding of technology by the EU together with most politicians. Current increased online use exposes the quality of the users Internet Services Provider first and foremost.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
Fairly typical misunderstanding of technology by the EU together with most politicians. Current increased online use exposes the quality of the users Internet Services Provider first and foremost.

Does it not expose the resource contention level of each person's internet connection? As such, throttling Netflix is probably an excellent way to go (as per the EU proposals). Was not that the whole drama on "Net Neutrality" in the USA?


Dec 1, 2019
Dude, I don't know where you're getting your information and viewpoints on all of this, but trust me, who ever it is , they're not your friends and they're not going to help you or anyone else get through this.

For starters, you might not have noticed, but China kinda depends on the rest of the world being healthy, physically and financially, so they can make all their crap and sell it to us !

We all have different view points in life, but for the sake of yourself, your family and any real friends who might have at least an ounce of intelligence, start taking this seriously for what it is and look after yourself.
You just stick to being driven by emotion and fear then and i'll stick to numbers as they dont lie.

The UK's economy is going to tank big time, and the regular people on the street are going to end up paying for it as usual, while everyone is hiding indoors and not working thousands of businesses are going to go under. more and more people are going to fall into serious debt and loose their homes because they are scared of what is essentially a minor illness,

600,000 people die a year related to passive smoking, 20% of them children - no one cares.
34,000 people die of flu - no one cares.
140,000 die from measles - no one cares
103/year die of chicken pox ffs - no one cares.
100,000 a year need hospitalising and a 1000 die (uk) just from falling down the stairs - no one cares.
the list could go on and on.

latest WHO death count i can find is less than 5000 world wide, almost all in people who were very old or very ill - entire western world goes into meltdown, and people start acting like its an extinction level event.
It's a totally irrational reaction.

And before all you snowflakes start all the "what if someone you know got it" shit, dont bother, thats the exact reasoning all the "karen's" of this world use to fuel their own hysteria and totally wasted on rational people.


Oct 1, 2019
Fairly typical misunderstanding of technology by the EU together with most politicians. Current increased online use exposes the quality of the users Internet Services Provider first and foremost.
might have limit xhamster to 6hrs a day ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
You just stick to being driven by emotion and fear then and i'll stick to numbers as they dont lie.

You say the numbers don't lie, but the numbers you quote aren't even correct. I agree, globaly, at present the numbers aren't that bad. Though,it's quite sad that we find 10000 extra dead people to be no big deal. The problem is that there aren't enough intensive care beds to cope with the number of people who are going to get ill if this is allowed to spread. So if you get ill enough to require hospitalisation - you die. Simple. At the moment, that's about 10% of the people who get it and are tested for it. 10000 dead, 85000 recovered.

Tomorrow Italy will overtake China in terms of number of dead.

So yes - take all your numbers of people who die from various things, then times that by at least three for all the additional people who will die. It starts to become unacceptable.

You're correct. It's going to be economic nightmare. Hopefully governments will step up and make sure everyone doesn't end up completely fecked forever. But I can't answer that for you. Either way, the economy is going to be fecked from all the people who will be sick and can't work, ignoring the people who are dead. Who cares about them anyway, they're dead.

The best case out of this is that in 3 months we all go, well, that wasn't such a big deal. If that's the case, brilliant, they got ahead of it and millions of people didn't die.

I'm not trying to "snowflake" you.. You're a grown up and capable of making your own conclusions and decisions, I only replied out of concern for you and your family's well being. Everything that's happening is to try and reduce the chance of a large number of people dying .. you obviously have a number in your head of that you think is acceptable once this thing spreads sufficiently. Personally, I'd like to stop any unnecessary deaths.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
almost all in people who were very old or very ill

Forgot to say, this is also bollox. Yes, if you're old or ill, you're more susceptible. Obviously that's ok if they die though, why bother trying to make ill people well again. And old people , pfff screw them, what have they ever done...

The problem is, in France for instance, 50% of the critically ill are aged between 30 and 40. But yes, who cares let them die too then they won't get old and become a problem.
Last edited:


E*POWAH Master
Feb 11, 2019
For those who quote numbers please provide links.

And for those that say ‘people die, deal with it’. This is an unprecedented event for our modern society. This is a lesson on how we pull together to protect those less fortunate than ourselves - either due to economic inequality or to protect those in vulnerable health situations (chronic, elderly or both).

@b45her you can frame this whatever way you like but all it reveals is your own personal qualities and the kind of world you want to live in. You can use derogatory terms all you like but all I ask is to look inside and think. We are all going to get a lot of time to do that. We might all be surprised by what we find to be important.


Dec 1, 2019
You say the numbers don't lie, but the numbers you quote aren't even correct. I agree, globaly, at present the numbers aren't that bad. Though,it's quite sad that we find 10000 extra dead people to be no big deal. The problem is that there aren't enough intensive care beds to cope with the number of people who are going to get ill if this is allowed to spread. So if you get ill enough to require hospitalisation - you die. Simple. At the moment, that's about 10% of the people who get it and are tested for it. 10000 dead, 85000 recovered.

Tomorrow Italy will overtake China in terms of number of dead.

So yes - take all your numbers of people who die from various things, then times that by at least three for all the additional people who will die. It starts to become unacceptable.

You're correct. It's going to be economic nightmare. Hopefully governments will step up and make sure everyone doesn't end up completely fecked forever. But I can't answer that for you. Either way, the economy is going to be fecked from all the people who will be sick and can't work, ignoring the people who are dead. Who cares about them anyway, they're dead.

The best case out of this is that in 3 months we all go, well, that wasn't such a big deal. If that's the case, brilliant, they got ahead of it and millions of people didn't die.

I'm not trying to "snowflake" you.. You're a grown up and capable of making your own conclusions and decisions, I only replied out of concern for you and your family's well being. Everything that's happening is to try and reduce the chance of a large number of people dying .. you obviously have a number in your head of that you think is acceptable once this thing spreads sufficiently. Personally, I'd like to stop any unnecessary deaths.

there you go again manipulating numbers, 10,000 of 85,000 seems rather scary 12ish% mortality rate, until you realise that is derived from just the very serious cases that went to hospital and got tested, the hundreds of thousands of people who have contracted it and simply recovered aren't ever mentioned in the scare mongering statistics. the virus isn't the problem the panic is.

again for perspective
in the last week of january
6030 people diagnosed with flu.
703 required intensive care treatment.
and this is with quite high levels if vaccinations.
UK flu levels according to PHE statistics: 2019 to 2020

and that was a decrease from previous weeks.
all other figures are from the world health organisation not the sun news paper or some other load of tripe.

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