New Member
Thanks again for your work with the adaptors!
I had to put my project on hold during the winter - but now the temperature is rising and I have found some time to work on the egg-cover. I have still some work to do on the structure, but I am quite pleased by the result. I choose to integrate with the the cx4 bottom cover to protect the cables and make the design easier for myself (I can not draw - I am using OpenSCad).
I am excited to see the others here have made a 3d-model of the cx4 motor and making a cover from scratch. Keep up the good work!
I had to put my project on hold during the winter - but now the temperature is rising and I have found some time to work on the egg-cover. I have still some work to do on the structure, but I am quite pleased by the result. I choose to integrate with the the cx4 bottom cover to protect the cables and make the design easier for myself (I can not draw - I am using OpenSCad).
I am excited to see the others here have made a 3d-model of the cx4 motor and making a cover from scratch. Keep up the good work!