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  1. Blakey

    The muds arrived.

    Sliding all over the place yesterday on the muddy trails of Sussex.
  2. Blakey

    Soft Hydraulic Brakes

    So a while back my rear brake started to stop working properly. I figured it was worn brake pads, so I started a thread about it, and bought some new pads and fitted them. Now, that has improved the response a tiny bit but the rear brake is still virtually doing nothing. My brake set up is...
  3. Blakey

    UK Battery Rental

    Definitely not trying to derail your post but I am very interested in battery rental (I have a Power Tube 500) as I want to be able to do the SDW next year and I know I'll need (at least!) 2 x 500 Wh batteries for that. So if anyone does find somewhere that hires eBike batteries, please shout!
  4. Blakey

    Going Tubeless

    Sooooo. I did it. Was easier than expected (I hope that means I did it right!) Some interesting things along the way: I found my track pump does not screw onto the Presta valve with the core removed. So I had to inflate with the core in. No compressor and cores in meant pumping like mad...
  5. Blakey

    Going Tubeless

    I just went and tried again and I found that if I push the tube deep into the valve and then screw it does eventually take. So it looks like it was just me not being resilient enough with it. So no excuses now, I'm going to try and do the job this lunchtime...
  6. Blakey

    Going Tubeless

    So all my bits have arrived. I have a question/quandry before I start: The Stans Syringe does not appear to fit on the Muc Off valve. It easily goes over the top. But it doesn't appear to be able to screw on. Both the inside of the syringe and the outside of the valve have screw threads but...
  7. Blakey

    Brake Pads

    I'm 76kg currently. 220ml rotors.
  8. Blakey

    Going Tubeless

    Thanks. Does that mean that the fit (where it pops audibly) will be lost too? And I'd have to redo that part?
  9. Blakey

    Going Tubeless

    Here's a dumb question: can you fit your tyres (using soapy water, removeable valve cores and a track pump - and get lucky), but not put any sealant in? At least for a few days? Reason for asking: my new valves arrive today but the sealant doesn't come till Monday or Tuesday. So can I get...
  10. Blakey

    Brake Pads

    Thanks #Lazy - that's enough info for me. 6 months for £5 is a bargain!
  11. Blakey

    Going from ebike to a normal bike

    My 5 year old son regularly rode 18km during lock down - on quiet tarmac roads (no cars) with a bit of off road thrown in. Mind you he did learn to ride when he was 3 years old. (gets off proud-daddy soap box).
  12. Blakey

    Brake Pads

    How are these SOMMET pads? 4 pairs for £20?
  13. Blakey

    Brake Pads

    Yes, just did. Reading now... :)
  14. Blakey

    Brake Pads

    Is there a good/simple article to read to get up to speed on brake pads? Discussing things like "sintered" and "organic" etc? I probably will just buy one of the sets of pads you guys are recommending as I need pads fast but I might as well learn as I go. :) Thanks Blakey
  15. Blakey

    Brake Pads

    What do I need to put into a search engine to find brake pads that will fit/work?
  16. Blakey

    Brake Pads

    Hey all, I have a new Moterra (see sig for exact model). I'm only 1 month into ownership but have already worn out the rear brake pad and I suspect the front is close to end of life. The reason is because last weekend I helped support a guy in the local village who basically ran up and down...
  17. Blakey

    Pic of the Day

    Yup, SDW is a lovely track. I've ridden the whole thing once - hard work on an analogue bike! This picture was today, top of Ditchling Beacon which will be familiar to anyone who's done the world famous London to Brighton ride. I rode up it pretty chilled out today and came 6th on the...
  18. Blakey

    Cannondale Moterra 3 2020

    Anyone else have one of these? Cheers Blakey
  19. Blakey

    Going Tubeless

    I've ordered the sealant, valves and a syringe today. Going to try with soapy water and a track pump and see if I can get away with it. The tyres and rims are both pretty new and when I came to try and take the tyre off the first time after my puncture this week it was hard work getting it...
  20. Blakey

    Pic of the Day

    Not quite as spectacular a some of the incredible pictures posted here, but hey, this is the best you get around where I live. South Downs Way this week on my new (1 month old today! Happy Birthday Moterra!) eMTB.