I was at glentress 2 days ago and they have turbo levo comp in xl for £4999. The shop is called tiso
It's showing in stock at the Perth store now, just checked. Let us know how you get on?
I have a cover from a company called Fahrer for the Yamaha, but cannot seem to find any for the Shimano E8000.
Does anyone know if there is one due out?
They said that the English and Scottish prices are quite often different. In this day and age of easy communication online, you would think they would synchronise their prices nationally.
Well, guess what? 2 of us went into Aldi and filled a basket with muc off stuff and they refused to sell it at the discounted price! So rob, you owe us about 30 quid... we are in the Glasgow area and they said the discount does not apply here.
That's my point, I can now run any pressure I want with the air liners. I was on 2.8 magic Mary's, but since swapping over to 2.6 magic mary dh I was still clipping the rims but with no damage, I have now put air liners into them too.
To think I lived in the Caribbean in my younger days, although having said that, I didn't get into cardio exercise until later in life, so that may explain how I survived. Don't think I could do it now. Good thing about e bikes is that the average uphill speed, therefore airflow is much higher...
You sound like me, I hate the heat and give me cold and dry anyday. I have always had a problem with sweat on mountain bikes especially. Not so bad on the road bike, due to the higher speed that creates a draught.
Sorry to tell you this, but I have trashed a rim with huck Norris in too. Just out of interest, I saw an I interview with an ews rider, saying that he ran 2 huck norrises in the rear of his bike.
A few of us here use the dianese trail skin 2 s. They are very airy and comfy.
only had a few light spills on them though.
Dainese Trail Skins 2 Knee Guards - 2017 | Merlin Cycles
Sorry about the delay. I think I posted a review elsewhere. Anyway, ratbites are not for e bikes, I trashed one in about 10 miles and dented the rim too. Now running vittoria air liners and all has been good since. I know some people on here don't like the price, but as far as I'm concerned it's...