For the angle you can ask Merida or check it in a similar bike (or mount again your old motor). STUnlocker Standard version (2€)shows the angle, but to change it in your new motor you may have to go to a store that uses the Shimano Professional eTube or use STUnlocker Premium (around 30€)...
You have to configure Wheel circunference and motor angle same as in the original motor.
Wheel circunference is preconfigured to 3000mm, so the bike reaches the 25km/h limit soon. And the wrong motor angle is set to 0 and has to be changed to the setting for your bike (In my case it is 24°)
It is not a political statement but a fact. And It is not only the low reliability of Shimano Steps Systems, but the way that Shimano handles the problems and their support to customers.
** Shimano motors are not repairable and Shimano does not provide spares nor instructions. Other brands had...
Error W013 is not overheating but Torque Sensor related, and probably it causes the battery to abruptly cut power to motor without a previous notification through the data interface and this causes the E010.
W013 –...
Ther battery wear/health calculation and storage is inside the battery, but as the battery firmware is not upgradable, Shimano could not change the calculation method, so it continues to be the same bad number as before. But looks like Shimano has found a creative way to change this bad number...
Shimano use to ship batteries with very low charge, you better open it and charge it at 70% to store it properly.
I thought that Shimano only does warranty replacements when the Battery HEalth drops below 80%, you are lucky.
Motors DU-E8000 and DU-E7000 can use both displays SC-E8000 and SC-E7000
But Motor DU-EP800 can use only SC-E7000 (With cable adapters) but not SC-E8000 (Also can use SC-EM800 without cable adapters)
I also had the E020 error, read here how I fixed it:
It has been troble free since then.
This one is official and carries the warranty, I do not know about the ebay ones:
I also like Shimano Steps:
Small display
Waterproof and compatibility of the cabling.
Integration of all the components.
But what I do not like in Shimano Steps is far more important:
Battery Degradation and bad design with no FW update possibility
Motor absolutely non...