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  1. ichauchtt

    YT Decoy 2021rumors...

    I totally do not understand what YT is waiting for. Lots of brands have announced their 2021 models and when you order now, you might get it in summer. People will simply run out of time and lose patience to wait for the new models. They will turn away from YT to make sure they get something...
  2. ichauchtt

    W011 Error

    I've heard the magnet trick as well, but it did not work out for me, at least not consistently. It slightly improved the situation but not for long. I think, the sensor cable problem has to do with the connection to the motor which might develop some corrosion overtime. Then, there is no...
  3. ichauchtt

    How's your Decoy doing in the cold? (below 0 C)

    Terve, living in Switzerland, I also ride in cold conditions and had never any problems with it. Sounds more like something happened when you dropped the bike. Maybe just wait and see when it has warmed up. Nothing else rubbing against something - wheels, brakes etc. are ok? Regarding keeping...
  4. ichauchtt

    Shimano range extenders

    In the end, you either like a system or you don't and then you make a decision for yourself what to buy. I am definitely not a fanboy - I could not care less, but for me, the Shimano system I have works fine and fulfills my requirements. I don't care when my motor cuts out as long as it does not...
  5. ichauchtt

    Shimano range extenders

    Yeah, this is just general bashing - SW runs perfectly for me, never had issues, what is not working for you? My battery works like on the 1st day (ok, got a YT Decoy), drive system and speed cut-out happens at (or maybe slightly below) 25 km/h (so never at 90%) for me and can be adapted by 3rd...
  6. ichauchtt

    Shimano range extenders

    I really wonder why you say so, what is then the buggy crap they deliver? @db3266 - How should such a range extender work? You can only extend range by reducing power usage or increasing capacity, so in the worst case, you need to carry a 2nd battery. Or what did you think of?
  7. ichauchtt

    Yt decoy 29 - 3 days old and broke

    A friend of mine had the same issue, it was moisture in the connections after washing the bike. If removing the battery and blow drying everything does not help, you need to drop the motor and check the connections there. He had to do that eventually and everything is fine again.
  8. ichauchtt

    ST Unlocker Make Boost Like Trail Mode

    Yeah, no motor is no fun... But you're right, sometimes I wish Shimano had 4th level like Bosch.
  9. ichauchtt

    How does your decoy hold up with crashes?

    Lots of strikes, never had any issues, I never actually even thought about it...
  10. ichauchtt

    ST Unlocker Make Boost Like Trail Mode

    To my understanding, the Trail mode is dynamic, the more pressure on the pedal, the more support. Boost is flat, always full power on (or whatever you defined). So, if you move the Trail setting to Boost, you have more flat power than in real Trail mode, I assume that is the reason why you were...
  11. ichauchtt

    Buy a 540w battery for spare battery or wait for 700w out?!

    And when you have 700Wh, you will use them and wish you had more than 700 for the peace of mind... ;)
  12. ichauchtt

    How to drop motor of YT Decoy?

    Weird... If you removed the correct screws, it must come off. Did you remove the front chainring or how did you get to the screw under that one, because usually it is in the way?
  13. ichauchtt

    How to drop motor of YT Decoy?

    There are 3 bolts on each side. Was the motor moving or not at all? Could it have been stuck on the main power connector at the front?
  14. ichauchtt

    Now what do I do with the box?

    I threw it away. Considering the likelihood of having to send the bike back, I decided to take the risk and get it out of the way.
  15. ichauchtt

    walk mode - does it work at all?

    I agree, but they had to solve it one way or the other. And you do not want fast spinning pedals either, right? Just shift, press the walk button and lift up the rear wheel until it changed gears to where you need them.
  16. ichauchtt

    Decoy 29er Owners, sizing concerns

    Call them and explain your issue, maybe they find an easy and straight forward solution for you :)
  17. ichauchtt

    Decoy 29er Owners, sizing concerns

    I got the XL mullet and am 6'1", it feels good. When I was comparing bikes, YT turned out to often be 1 size bigger than the competitors. A friend of mine is your size and has an L, he could have gone for an XL as well, both fit, but L is probably more agile.
  18. ichauchtt

    How wide are your bars?

    Check this link, it gives a good indication what professionals think of handlebar width... Scroll to the bottom
  19. ichauchtt

    How wide are your bars?

    Shortened mine to 770mm, I am 185cm, but it feels so much better to sit on the bike like a human then like an ape:cool:;) I realised that I always held the bar slightly inward anyway and in narrow passages, it was just too wide, now it's perfect.