Other X-Fusion Manic Dropper Seatpost failure


Active member
May 30, 2022
Intermittently seatpost won't stay down after dropping it.

Looking at YouTube videos it doesn't look like I can fix it myself for free. Correct?

Still under warranty so back to Specialized and let them handle it?


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Aug 29, 2019
Maybe post cable has too much tension, try to loose some on post lever...


Active member
May 30, 2022
Maybe post cable has too much tension, try to loose some on post lever...
Put some PTFE / Teflon lubricant down the cable at the lever for starters. Cable "seems" to be buttery smooth.

Played with the barrel screw. Started by turned in all the way into the lever, only 1/2 turn required, and then backed out the barrel testing every 1/2 turn. No help

Off to the LBS


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2019
Kent, UK
the seat collar needs to be the exact torque, more or less and you get problems. 6.2Nm IIRC

You also need to make sure the cable connector on the bottom of the post isn't getting caught on all the cables down there. Seat post needs lifting slightly from the bottom position to give it clearance.


Jun 3, 2023
I've bent two Manic dropper shafts just doing XC riding. Not covered under warranty with my new Levo. I ended up replacing it with OneUp v2 post.


Active member
May 30, 2022
I've bent two Manic dropper shafts just doing XC riding. Not covered under warranty with my new Levo. I ended up replacing it with OneUp v2 post.
I have an appointment next week, I'll report in.

I think X Fusion has a two year warranty on their own but I'll get the story from the LBS which is a Specialized store


Jun 3, 2023
Hopefully you have more luck than me. My (Australia)Specialised is only 6 months old and the store owner was quite disappointed that the bent dropper wasn't covered under their warranty.


Oct 31, 2022
Orange, Australia
I have Merida e140 with standard Merida seatpost dropper. When I first bought the bike I experimented with seat height.

If I lowered the seat tube too much, the dropper would not work consistently. So I pulled the cable through the frame away from the post.

I think the stiffness of the cable and/or excess of cable near the dropper actuator lever was inhibiting its movement.

So set your seat height and then pull the slack through.


Active member
Apr 27, 2020
It’s the cartridge (most probably)
mine wouldn’t stay down or up for that matter and had to sit on it for 10 secs to stay down or not touch it for 10 secs to stay up
bought a new cartridge (giant) brand and was perfect again


Active member
May 30, 2022

Took my bike to the specialized store and tthey said the seat post is only warranted for one year by them which I'm past.

There's a two-year manufacturer warranty so I need to contact them directly.

It's probably a cartridge issue. The bike mechanic tried to remove the stem collar but was unable to do so... That's a problem.

Interestingly, or maybe more depressing, is the specialized store said that they're not capable of working on this seatpost. They don't have the replacement parts or expertise. But they had no problem selling it to me.

More to come...


Active member
May 30, 2022
Contacted the company that does the warranty work for X Fusion, Mad Suspension in Reno. Looks like I'm purchasing a OneUp V2.

Nice guy, here is what he says.

Sorry to hear that your post is malfunctioning. Unfortunately, the shop was mistaken about the two-year warranty. The X-Fusion warranty is tiered, the cartridge is covered for the first year from purchase and the chassis is covered for two-years. The symptoms you described are cartridge related. We can either repair your post for you by performing a rebuild which includes new seals, bushings, proper lubrication of sliding surfaces and cartridge. The cost is $90 plus shipping. An alternative is for you to replace the cartridge. I have attached instructions on the cartridge replacement process; the cost for eh cartridge is $50 plus shipping. Please contact us with your questions about the choices you have. Thanks,
Last edited:


Active member
May 30, 2022
Here are the instructions he sent and I know of a couple of YouTube videos


MAD Racing (X-Fusion USA Service Center) 775-391-0783
Manic Dropper Post Cartridge Replacement Instructions
The Manic Seat post is comprised of four (4) major components:
A. Seat Mast (l-piece head) - That portion of the post that holds the saddle and slides up
and down within the mounting post.
B. Mounting Post - That portion of the Manic that holds the Seat Mast, Cartridge, and
Hanger and is clamped into the seat tube of the frame.
C. Hanger (Actuator) This part is located on the bottom of the Mounting post where the
actuating cable is attached. This part is either metal or a combination of plastic and
D. Cartridge - A sealed, gas-charged hydraulic piston with various amounts of travel
(100mm, 125mm, 150mm, and 170mm).
1. Remove the saddle clamp assembly if attached to the Seat Mast. You will see a 10mm
nut located in the well at the top of the seat mast. Place the Hanger in a soft-jawed vice
with enough tension to keep the Hanger from spinning when you loosen the nut. DO
NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE VICE, as this can damage the Hanger and its ability to
activate the cartridge.
2. Remove the 10mm locknut and set aside as you will need this to re-assemble the post.
3. Take the post out the vice and reverse its position in the vice. Clamp the seat mast into
the vice with enough tension to hold the post steady. Using a pin wrench, remove the
hanger from the bottom of the post. The cartridge will slide out with the hanger as a unit.
a. Caution. Never use a plier or wrench to remove the Hanger as you may
damage the Hanger.
b. Caution. If the Hanger does not break free easily with a quick "snap" of the
pin wrench: apply a little heat at the side of the Mounting Post where the
Hanger attaches. Do not use heat on any exposed portion of the Hanger, you
may damage the hanger or its actuator.
4. Unscrew the Hanger from the Cartridge. You may need to hold the shaft of the Cartridge
in the vice, again with enough tension, to facilitate removal of the Hanger from the
5. Screw the replacement Cartridge to the Hanger. Remember to place the rubber bumper on
the Cartridge shaft first. Cycle the cartridge multiple times using the Hanger to insure
proper operation before reassembly. Check that the Seat Mast slides freely in the
Mounting Post. If there is binding or excess stiction, this is indicative of an issue beyond
cartridge replacement. Please call us at the number listed above for guidance on th
6. Reassemble post.

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