At higher support/peak settings, I find the on'off power delivery unnatural. If I'm scaling a steep technical trail section that tops out and I stop peddling, the SL keeps delivering power for a second/split-second, occasionally sending me into a boulder or something. I realize the job of a Spesch engineer is tough.... cut power too quickly and riders will complain delivery is abrupt. Trail power off too slowly and the bike will feel unnatural like what I'm experiencing. I'm imagining there's a goldilocks middle where power trails off quickly but not abruptly... does anyone know how Specialized handles power on/off? can it be tuned by Spesch?
I don't feel this way in 'eco' or 'trail'... those are totally natural and a dream, so I've started walking back my turbo settings every ride or two (now at 70/100) to see if I can find a setup where this is minimized. Anybody else feel this way? or do I just not know how to ride?
I don't feel this way in 'eco' or 'trail'... those are totally natural and a dream, so I've started walking back my turbo settings every ride or two (now at 70/100) to see if I can find a setup where this is minimized. Anybody else feel this way? or do I just not know how to ride?