The only mtb standards to use....


⚡ eGeezer ⚡
Oct 5, 2019
New Zealand
When I see the multiple changes to every part of the bikes I rode 30 years ago to my bikes today, the major change is marketing! If you change a component by size and call it a plus, or Pro or V2 then you can sell it as an upgrade! I am suprised the marketing guys have not tried to sell us rounder wheels!
As if sound engineering isn't hard enough, imagine what happens when corporate marketing types commandeer the production meeting!

Enjoy the humour in this video - if you can find it... but just a heads-up, this is so real-world that I've heard engineers feel sick to the stomach and get an anxiety attack when watching this. ??

Your rounder wheels laced with 7 perpendicular red lines is just around the corner! ?

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Active member
Feb 13, 2020
"they" diddn't just pick a random number to piss YOU off
"they" converted already existing sizes to metric
25.4mm = 1 inch
31.8mm = inch and a quarter*
* rounded to 0.1mm

now when you search for one and quarter inch bars do you write it as, 1 1/4" or 1.25" :sneaky:

Sorry to get you so hot and bothered after dealing with airline fittings, CNC bits and plumbing I knew it would be Imperial vs metric (always is). But why not 31.75mm bars I mean you'll have the callipers out anyway no? If they were going to round up 32mm and call it a day. At least we don't have to deal with the various thread standards UN/UNF, NPT/NPTF, BSPP, BSPT, metric parallel, and metric tapered right ??


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Sorry to get you so hot and bothered
Dude you're really not getting me hot. ...and I'm honestly not bothered

....and talking of which I really can't be bothered to explain the history behind all of the rest of your pointless little gripes about non whole numbers.
But good luck trying to stick your newly invented 32mm standard diameter seatposts into long established industry standard 31.6 internal diameter seat tubes or a 32mm carbon bar into a 31.8mm stem clamp ;)


Aug 29, 2019
As if sound engineering isn't hard enough, imagine what happens when corporate marketing types commandeer the production meeting!

Enjoy the humour in this video - if you can find it... but just a heads-up, this is so real-world that I've heard engineers feel sick to the stomach and get an anxiety attack when watching this. ??

Your rounder wheels laced with 7 perpendicular red lines is just around the corner! ?

???. That is what it is like having a meeting with marketing when you’re from Compliance.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
Feck Project Management, this is like having a meeting with Engineering when your a bike customer with only one spanner set. :p :ROFLMAO:

I'm being bitter and twisted 'cos I just went through that last week. Including it being explained to me that I was stupid because I couldn't see how to do a contradictory impossibility...


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I'm being bitter and twisted 'cos I just went through that last week. Including it being explained to me that I was stupid because I couldn't see how to do a contradictory impossibility...
I think many of us have been through it.. Most of us have had time to heal and forget... Though the video did bring back many of those horrible memories and then the memories of watching the very same people head out, drink coffee, congratulate each other of their magnificence before heading off to waste more time and money not creating something else impossible. It was like a parallel universe.

I do understand though. I jacked my whole life in when I hit that point in a conference call. So in a way, you're taking it all rather well ! :cool:


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I have a slightly opposite tale to tell. Many years ago, I had to select a dairy to produce a milk product that required a very specific temperature/time profile during sterilisation of the milk. It was quite a bit different to the standard UHT milk temp/time profile. The requirement was for a top secret new product that I was not allowed to reveal to the dairy. Anyway, I sorted that despite never having been in a dairy before. In the presentation to the marketing director. He listened and then asked me what he thought was his killer question. "Tell me Mr Sordy, how do you know the dairy can produce the required temperature/time UHT profile without asking them and breaching the confidentiality agreement that you signed?" I just said "I'm an engineer and I know stuff like that!" He just said OK and moved on. Maybe I should have just said "Oh , I'm an expert" :ROFLMAO:


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
I jacked my whole life in when I hit that point in a conference call. So in a way, you're taking it all rather well ! :cool:

? ? ?

I "retired" 4 years ago immediately after a conference call during which a VP of one of the major oil companies told me that I didn't know what I was talking about.

He caught me on a bad day. Okay, they were probably all bad days... I, unfortunately, proceeded to explain to him in very graphic detail just why he was a total fucking idiot. Unfortunately there were 20 or so other people on the call who were apprised of my opinion, along with the irrefutable proof. I decided that it was time to retire...

For some dumb reason, I took on a job this year to help out a mate. What was supposed to be 6 weeks work has turned into 6 months work attempting to control a bunch of complete clowns who seem to think that if you "believe" something hard enough, that makes it true.

Now I remember why I retired. ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I have a slightly opposite tale to tell. Many years ago, I had to select a dairy to produce a milk product that required a very specific temperature/time profile during sterilisation of the milk. It was quite a bit different to the standard UHT milk temp/time profile. The requirement was for a top secret new product that I was not allowed to reveal to the dairy. Anyway, I sorted that despite never having been in a dairy before. In the presentation to the marketing director. He listened and then asked me what he thought was his killer question. "Tell me Mr Sordy, how do you know the dairy can produce the required temperature/time UHT profile without asking them and breaching the confidentiality agreement that you signed?" I just said "I'm an engineer and I know stuff like that!" He just said OK and moved on. Maybe I should have just said "Oh , I'm an expert" :ROFLMAO:
I bet you've milked that story over the years. ...


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
It's weird, because I've always thought you'd have fitted straight in working at a circus ?

You are right, of course. I fitted right in.

I always used to think I'd be the bloke who sticks his head in the lion's mouth to great acclaim. Instead I discovered that I was the bloke on the broom sweeping the shit out of the lion cage while the other numpty got the applause ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I always used to think I'd be the bloke who sticks his head in the lion's mouth to great acclaim. Instead I discovered that I was the bloke on the broom sweeping the shit out of the lion cage while the other numpty got the applause ?
This is the problem with today's society, we're never grateful for what we have ! Take the bloke who had that job after you. Health and Safety got involved and decided that unless the broom handle had a diameter of at least 150mm, there was a risk it could snap whilst sweeping and become two very nasty lethal spikes. He had to do the job with his hands. ?:poop:?

Not to mention that he had to work following a time and motion study which meant the cage was cleaned in sections following the transparent perpendicular lines.


⚡ eGeezer ⚡
Oct 5, 2019
New Zealand
I'm being bitter and twisted 'cos I just went through that last week. Including it being explained to me that I was stupid because I couldn't see how to do a contradictory impossibility...
I think many of us have been through it.. Most of us have had time to heal and forget... Though the video did bring back many of those horrible memories and then the memories of watching the very same people head out, drink coffee, congratulate each other of their magnificence before heading off to waste more time and money not creating something else impossible. It was like a parallel universe.
I did pose a warning about the video. It was actually brought to our attention by a marketing guy who thought it was funny (not seeing where he stood in the drama. What drama?). The engineers in the room laughed nervously... some of them having flashbacks from previous jobs and were getting bouts of anxiety. One of whom shared with us an incident at his former place of work where possibly the most gifted engineer started putting the contents of his desk into a cardboard box while some fish-head was up front congratulating himself to the rest of the production team to supposedly raise their morale. Without a word, he walked out to the parking lot, put his things in his car and drove off. Now that's incredible self-restraint! Other 'meeting' stories just ended up in fisty-cuffs.

Sorry if the video opened up old wounds... ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
The engineers in the room laughed nervously... some of them having flashbacks from previous jobs and were getting bouts of anxiety. One of whom shared with us an incident at his former place of work where possibly the most gifted engineer started putting the contents of his desk into a cardboard box while some fish-head was up front congratulating himself to the rest of the production team to supposedly raise their morale. Without a word, he walked out to the parking lot, put his things in his car and drove off.
I remember contracting many many years ago for one mainstream IT outsourcing company. The main boss, who was new, had pulled his secretary up to say he had two computers and he didn't need two computers so could someone please come and take one of them away.

As a contractor I was considered "expendable" and everyone else was too scared to go and deal with the new big boss as it most likely meant being sacked if he wasn't happy.

It turned out he had a laptop with a docking station connected to an external monitor with keyboard and mouse .... so I just apologised and removed the docking station, monitor, keyboard and mouse .. He was happy to have made his first big decision and show how ridiculous his predecessor and everyone else was.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
My best computer story that comes close to that. One of our third party warehouses had a warehousing director with one of the new 32K ram desktops (you can tell how long ago it was then). My mate said "I see that you have the latest thing in computers then Archie!"
"Yes" he said, " It's even got Lotus 1, 2, AND 3!" :ROFLMAO:


Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
I'm being bitter and twisted 'cos I just went through that last week. Including it being explained to me that I was stupid because I couldn't see how to do a contradictory impossibility...
Had that happen a couple years ago. Said, well if I am that stupid you don't need me here and went home.
Long story, but the short was they fired our company due to my insolence and went somewhere else. New IT company charged them moonbeams to attempt an impossibility and within 3 years both companies were in deep shit. We got our old client back minus most of the management and 10 years on they are a leader in their field.

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