Talk me in to one...


Active member
Apr 17, 2020
Haha I sold a Triumph Scrambler to buy mine 250 miles done the last year I had it . 2200 miles on Ebike less than a year , your taking some convincing haha

I bought a BMW Scrambler two weeks before lockdown, done less than 100 miles on it, so it's going.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
The above posts have got me thinking.

Anyone want to buy a Porsche?
I have done 500+ miles on my Whyte E-150 in four weeks of lockdown, more than I put on the Stuttgart garage queen in total between MOT's last year (I did have a busy year).
And having miles more fun and getting fitter to boot.

Puts things in perspective. :unsure: mmm
Nothing worse your out on bike lovely lovely day pass the water flat as a pancake maybe I can squeeze in a paddle , get home camper van and motor bike smiling at you great forecast for Glencoe decisions we have to make.. Then her indoors looms in to sight and says I know what your thinking forget it. ????


New Member
Mar 28, 2020

Just had my first shot on an emtb, absolutely amazing. On road it's pretty average as you're quickly above the 15mph limit but off road is an absolute hoot.

Do I think it's too much bike for what I do ? Probably, do I care, nope.

It was a HT I was loaned so wasn't the full experience but it was enough to convince me that if you bought one, you'd be kidding yourself on that you'd go back and use your manual one.

Anyone want to buy a BMW Scrambler :geek:
Just like my story, I tried one and have not looked back, done 3000Km in 8 weeks, lost 15Kg. and always on the look out for harder climbs.

The best money I have ever spent!

Gareth Bowen

New Member
Oct 28, 2019
South Wales
You can't actually do a very BIG day out on an Emtb with just one 500wh battery.

I've no idea what the point in your question is at all nevermind having any interest in talking you into anything. whatever that might be.
Squeeze 6hrs on my levo mostly hard packed trails


New Member
Apr 15, 2020
West Sacramento, California
No way you can do both golf or MB.....takes two completely different types of men to do those :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:[/QUOT
On your normal bike:
Do you enjoy dull climbs?
do you enjoy long climbs?
Do you enjoy steep climbs?
Do you enjoy climbing when the terrain is hardgoing?
Do you enjoy dull sloggy repetitive (soft terrain/fields/long grass etc.)flatter parts of your rides ?or any other parts where you're probably knocking your pan in but still only going at 8-10mph tops?

if the answer to all of these qusetions is "no" then an Ebike has this handy FAST FORWARD feature for all of those situations.

Do you ever put off going riding on an otherwise good day for it because you're tired from riding the previous day(s)?
Do you ever ride with far fitter riders?

I think you can work out where I'm going with those two questions?

My next point is subjective, and will depend how you ride but for me Emtbs are fun to ride but not quite as fun as a normal bike so if you love your bikes handling, by all means buy an emtb to compliment it, but not to replace it. buying a superlight EMTB will bridge this gap but at the expense of Assistance level (torque/power).
I like that! “Fast Forward” for the boring parts of your ride.


Jun 7, 2019
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
I currently ride conventional and eMTB (Levo) for two different types of experience. Just sold eMTB to upgrade to new light eMTB (Levo SL) and thinking this may actually result in me no more using the conventional at all. Conventional is (has been) for days I want a workout on wheels but eMTB way more fun (for someone like me with a low boredom threshold - and I acknowledge you can still have a workout on eMTB). Advice to Cabby, buy one and if you don't take to it, then sell. No shortage of buyers for used eMTB. But I do think the new breed of light eMTB may be the sweet spot you are looking for (best of both worlds in one bike, motor can be off or on). So, decision made, now just do it!
Last edited:


Active member
Oct 22, 2019
Most people I know in this situation move onto Bike-Golf. You have your e-bike and a 7 iron. It's normally also played with a luminous ball and in the dark to make it more entertaining and fit around some Golf Clubs somewhat limiting regulations.

The idea is to never stop, you swing your 7 Iron whilst on the move in a style like a cross between jousting and polo. It removes the tedium of Golf, which is generally a nice walk spoilt with interruptions and at the same time hugely improves your balance and riding skills. There are no handicaps. The winner is the person whom is the fastest round all 18 holes. Each shot taken adds 1 minute to your overall time. You may only stop once for each hole, to remove your ball from the hole. The flag may be removed, but only in a ride by flag removing.

Only eco mode is allowed on the greens - we're not disrespectful animals.
Can I respectfully suggest you stay away from the Isle of Purbeck golf course (even though theirs a cracking technical singe track down the side of it that is a bridle path but unused by horses as its FUN and changes each time it rains), because when the golfers are out, they are known to take pot shots at the passing cyclists! I once collected nearly 20 balls shot at me while I safely stayed (cowered) behind a tree on the trail! Not sure @Zimmerframe what they would make of us on their courses given they don't like the disturbance of us cycling past? Must remember to stop whooping as I pass them about to hit a stroke!
Oh and how do I delete Golf as an activity from my Garmin Fenix? It's wasting valuable storage....


Active member
Oct 22, 2019
You are not wrong
Seriously, save your money. I used to do bigger days out pre ebike. You will suffer from battery anxiety so will dial back the power to help. It will require the same effort from you to go as far or as long as you do now. It will make you lazy, and when you get over the initial buzz, you’ll be yearning for more. Heavy, cumbersome, and just not as fun in some situations. You will also increas wear on all items by 25%. Most noteably, chains, cassettes, chainrings, tyres and brake pads. If I could go back, I would, but health problems and doctors orders dictate I ride a ebike.
This sounds like any mainstream journalist commenting about how Covid is being handled....


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Can I respectfully suggest you stay away from the Isle of Purbeck golf course (even though theirs a cracking technical singe track down the side of it that is a bridle path but unused by horses as its FUN and changes each time it rains), because when the golfers are out, they are known to take pot shots at the passing cyclists! I once collected nearly 20 balls shot at me while I safely stayed (cowered) behind a tree on the trail! Not sure @Zimmerframe what they would make of us on their courses given they don't like the disturbance of us cycling past? Must remember to stop whooping as I pass them about to hit a stroke!
Oh and how do I delete Golf as an activity from my Garmin Fenix? It's wasting valuable storage....
Sounds to me like they're egging you on to willing join then in a game of Bike-Fore ! If they're hitting at cyclists on the bridleway, that's suggesting that they'd rather do that than play "golf", certainly sounds like an invitation to ride around the course as fast and erratically as possible as they hit balls at you shouting "fore" ... If you wear something with lots of baggy pockets, you might even catch lots of balls you can sell back to the pro shop afterwards. Sounds like a win win all round.


Active member
Oct 22, 2019
Sounds to me like they're egging you on to willing join then in a game of Bike-Fore ! If they're hitting at cyclists on the bridleway, that's suggesting that they'd rather do that than play "golf", certainly sounds like an invitation to ride around the course as fast and erratically as possible as they hit balls at you shouting "fore" ... If you wear something with lots of baggy pockets, you might even catch lots of balls you can sell back to the pro shop afterwards. Sounds like a win win all round.
Good plan - not much point at the moment as they've all stopped playing...


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Good plan - not much point at the moment as they've all stopped playing...

They have ? Why ? It's golf ? It must be in the top 5 most social distancing sports on the planet ? 6 blokes in 10 hectares all walking in the same direction so they don't have to talk to anyone else who might be rif raf. They all wear gloves and have a bag of sticks to check that they're at least 1m apart from each other. They don't share sticks, balls, tee's - anything .. it's all mine mine mine mine. Golf, the sport to play if your friends don't wash their hands after a poo.

I might have to watch Caddyshack again .. my favourite golf documentary.

It sounds like @Cabby 's close to taking up Bike-Golf.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
C........., because when the golfers are out, they are known to take pot shots at the passing cyclists! I once collected nearly 20 balls shot at me while I safely stayed (cowered) behind a tree on the trail! ................
I hope that you made off with their golf balls! ££££ :)

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