In fairness the blue Kenevo’s are beasts!Apologies Mr Dundee. Presumably you represent part of the "Giant" deniers group and get upset if anyone dares say that the Giant isn't unbreakable. Very happy you haven't had any problems with yours, about 90-95% of all owners of any brand have no problems. Maybe read the Giant threads once in a while to understand that they're not immune to issues.
And yes, I did ride it 200 meters at at least 60cm's under water. The river had broken it's banks over the muddy track which runs down the side and with only a vertical rock face there was no other way than turning back. I thought from memory I'd be at mainly about 30cm's. Stupidly, I'd not taken into account the tractor ruts which I dropped straight into and was then tram lined the rest of the way. Decided not to stop as it was well below freezing and was already getting cold from being wet and figured I wouldn't get going again as it was hard enough just to keep moving, or I'd have to pick the bike up to carry it - slip in a rut, fall over and completely submerge the bike which would be worse.
Rode the rest of the ride in Turbo as hard as possible to keep the motor/battery as warm as possible and try to dry anything out which was wet, then rinsed the bike off and it spent the next 24 hours in front of the wood burner.
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The end of the same bit of track a couple of months later when it was just wet and not "flooded" :
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It always get ridden wet or dry and despite being a Brose, amazingly - still works.
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