Hi everyone. I used to contribute here actively a few years ago, but never got the money together to leap into eMTB, but continued to ride my traditional trail bikes. Unfortunately in February this year I fell on a trail at Rushmere country park after I took a wrong turning and went over a step down I did not have the skills for. I was wearing all the protective gear including a full face, and had no signs of head injury at the time, but it appears I may have sustained a carotid artery dissection which is an arterial tear where it bleeds into the wall of the arteryIn the crash ( though we will never know for certain as such injuries can happen spontaneously sometimesas well for instance during sneezing, or if you have a high BP!!!!) . A week later I got a bad headache and it turns out the resulting clot had moved to my brain. Luckily my wife came home at that point to find me on the floor of my home office having fallen, and called the ambulance. I’d ha a stroke and was taken under blue lights to Lister hospital inStevenage trwhere they gave me a clot busting drug, but unfortunately that did not work and I had as secondary bleed on the other side of my brain as a result, and I was taken to Addebnrookes in case I needed a decompressive craniotomy, which I did within 48 hrs. I came through that, but th spent ~4 months in hospitals and neurological rehab centres learning to walk again and working on getting more function back in my left arm. I am now back home, but remain significantly impaired ( especiallyy left arm, and will probably never ride again given my left sided weakness.
. But I continue to do lots of rehab and am improving ( more slowly now whilst trying to work part time). This has been a devastating experience for me and my family, so all I say is ride carefully and make sure you have life cover and critical injury cover that meets yours and your families needs. These things do happen to relatively young people s as well as older individuals so make sure you have the correct cover for you in place ours has been a life saver.

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